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Bruce Croft's Homepage. Social computation and creativity » Blog Archive » Comparison of. Knowledge market is a distributed social mechanism that helps people to identify and satisfy their demand for knowledge. It can facilitate locating existing knowledge resources similarly to what search engines do (the name social search refers to this). It can also stimulate creation of new knowledge resources to satisfy the demand (something that search engines can’t do). The goal of this post is to compare several free knowledge markets created by 3form, Naver, Yahoo,, and Google to identify their common elements and differences. All these sites organize collaborative problem solving activity of a large number of participants providing means and incentives to contribute participants’ intelligent abilities to the distributed problem solving process.

Background Free Knowledge Exchange project was launched in summer 1998 in Russia and its international version became available at in February 1999. Incentive systems The quality evaluation rewards are summarized below: AsiaMedia :: KOREA: Naver's knowledge search database tops. Knowledge search service allows people to ask and answer questions online Korea TimesThursday, March 8, 2007 By Kim Tae-gyu When NHN started the so-called knowledge search service in late 2002 via its portal site Naver, nobody thought the unprecedented offering would be successful. However, the knowledge-brokering application, similar to "Yahoo!

Answers" of the United States, proved to be a big hit and catapulted Naver into the country's top portal site. Five years after its premiere, the database of the community-driven services is still expanding at a rapid pace as the size just topped 60 million. "As of the end of last month, the amount of data surpassed the 60 million milestone just three months after it reached the 50 million mark last October," NHN spokesman Lee Kyung-ryul said.

"We believe the database will continue to explode as roughly 4.5 million people use the knowledge search every day," Lee said. "Naver should not dwell on its past laurel. Knowledge iN. Knowledge Search has four sub-categories: Knowledge Q&A allows for general questions about anythingLocal Q&A allows people to ask for local information such as good restaurants, cheap stores, and real estate.Agony Q&A is for people seeking advice on relationships, love, career, and sex (with anonymous posting enabled.) While Knowledge Q&A and Local Q&A provide factual answers, Agony Q&A usually returns more opinionated responses.Open Dictionary is a database of informative articles generated by users. Users can create an article alone, or enable other users to collaborate to create a thread of articles on the same subject.

In addition, the user may add his or her own answers from Knowledge Q&A to Open Dictionary. See also[edit] References[edit] Naver KnowledgeIN. Sunday May 1, 2005 11:48 Posted by Channy Yun Naver is the largest korean portal site in Korea based on search engine, one of NHN Corp. (KOSDAQ 035420) It started from venture incubation in Samsung SDS in 1999. It was one of search engines in Korea and offered search services to portal and internet company. In 2000, Naver merged Hangame, Oneq and search solutions. After merging, the Hangame returned a good profit by charging service fee for simple online game such as poker.

In 2002, they tried to make a good database with encyclopedia and user-generatied Q&A informations. When various users answer a question they are awarded a certain amount of points, the person who asked the question can then select the best answer and will be awarded points. For example, if you have an question about “why shows black screen in avi capture?” Naver is great because you get all sorts of detailed information in very specific questions and answers .