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John Holland, Emergence. The Bactra Review: Occasional and eclectic book reviews by Cosma Shalizi 46 From Chaos to Order by John Holland Addison-Wesley, 1997 Game Rules, or, Emergence according to Holland, or, Confessions of a Creative Reductionist John Holland was one of the world's first Ph.D.s in computer science, and even before that one of the first workers in machine learning. One of the things Holland has been thinking about for a long time is the puzzle of building blocks, of re-usable categorical parts. The problem of emergence is, roughly speaking --- and half the trouble with it is that everything we say about it is only rough --- the flip side of the problem of building blocks.

Like almost all working scientists, Holland assumes that a valid explanation of (any one of) these puzzles is a reductionist one, one that explains the behavior or properties of the larger entity from those of its components and their interactions. Emergence is not so broad or ambitious as its title and publicity may suggest. John Holland, Emergence. The Bactra Review: Occasional and eclectic book reviews by Cosma Shalizi 46 From Chaos to Order by John Holland Addison-Wesley, 1997 Game Rules, or, Emergence according to Holland, or, Confessions of a Creative Reductionist John Holland was one of the world's first Ph.D.s in computer science, and even before that one of the first workers in machine learning. One of the things Holland has been thinking about for a long time is the puzzle of building blocks, of re-usable categorical parts.

The problem of emergence is, roughly speaking --- and half the trouble with it is that everything we say about it is only rough --- the flip side of the problem of building blocks. Like almost all working scientists, Holland assumes that a valid explanation of (any one of) these puzzles is a reductionist one, one that explains the behavior or properties of the larger entity from those of its components and their interactions. Emergence is not so broad or ambitious as its title and publicity may suggest.

Almost Perfect by W. E. Peterson The Rise and Fall of WordPerfec. History of Social Network Sites. Yasns - Please help me document the history o... Cultivating Society's Civic Intelligence. In a recent issue of Wired Magazine, consummate computing pioneer Bill Joy (2000) unveiled a trio of apocalyptic scenarios that he believes could be unleashed in the not-too-distant future. These unpleasantries, resulting from unrestrained, unprincipled and unregulated genetic engineering, nano-technology and robotics (GNR), can be added to the list of big nightmares of the 20th Century (such as environmental disasters, nuclear, and bacteriological warfare) which may yet plague us.

Each of these technologies, according to Joy, could abruptly unleash problems on so vast and unprecedented a scale that any of humankind's responses would be completely overwhelmed. That such a notable "priest" had so seriously challenged the central teachings of the technological (and economic) church was not missed by the US media where the story was featured on the front page of the New York Times and other prominent newspapers. Joy, of course, is not alone in his warnings. The original proposal of the WWW, HTMLized. A hand conversion to HTML of the original MacWord (or Word for Mac?)

Document written in March 1989 and later redistributed unchanged apart from the date added in May 1990. Provided for historical interest only. The diagrams are a bit dotty, but available in versioins linked below. The text has not been changed, even to correct errors such as misnumbered figures or unfinished references. This document was an attempt to persuade CERN management that a global hypertext system was in CERN's interests. Note that the only name I had for it at this time was "Mesh" -- I decided on "World Wide Web" when writing the code in 1990. Other versions which are available are: ©Tim Berners-Lee 1989, 1990, 1996, 1998. This proposal concerns the management of general information about accelerators and experiments at CERN.

Overview Many of the discussions of the future at CERN and the LHC era end with the question - ªYes, but how will we ever keep track of such a large project? Losing Information at CERN. Ward Cunningham, Wiki Creator, Eclipse Dir. of Committer Communi. Though the term is relatively new to many mainstream IT users, wiki has been around for nearly 12 years. Ward Cunningham is credited with inventing the first wiki, called WikiWikiWeb, which he installed on his own Web site in 1995. Today, wiki usage and adoption within the enterprise are accelerating at a rapid clip.

Cunningham himself is still active within the wiki community, though his day job is at the Eclipse Foundation, which he joined in October 2005 after a brief stint working for Microsoft. recently caught up with Cunningham to talk about his role at Eclipse and about wiki past present and future. Q: What are you doing at Eclipse? My title is Director of Committer Community Development, committers being the people that have decision rights of what goes into the Eclipse code base.

They are a diverse group and my job is to help them work together as a cohesive team. I have to admit Wikipedia is pretty awesome. Q: What about a specific Wiki project at Eclipse? Coincidences that made Google successful. If you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all. – Futurama If I hadn’t gotten in the car accident that year, I wouldn’t have quit school and I might never have started Apple. It’s weird how things happen. – Steve Wozniak- I, Woz Over 25 years ago, IBM’s *accidental* visit to Microsoft ultimately ended up making Bill Gates the richest person in the world [1].

Was luck the only reason attributed to his success? No way. Had few of the following events not occurred, Google would probably not have existed today. I thought Sergey was pretty obnoxious. . - It was out of a chance meeting that Sergey Brin met Larry Page at Stanford University in the summer of 1995. . - Interestingly enough, neither co-founders had any intention on creating a search engine, yet alone a business! Sergey and Larry had a sloppy grip on HTML; not surprisingly, the search interface they hacked up for barely contained any HTML. In a sense, Google happened unexpectedly.

Conclusion Notes: Wallflower at the Web Party. My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla. Resources Menu | Coffee | Library | Gallery | Lucidcafé Home | Revised: October 27, 2015 My Inventions The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla Introduction Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia (then part of Austria-Hungary) on July 9, 1856, and died January 7, 1943. He was the electrical engineer who invented the AC (alternating current) induction motor, which made the universal transmission and distribution of electricity possible. Tesla began his studies in physics and mathematics at Graz Polytechnic, and then took philosophy at the University of Prague. He worked as an electrical engineer in Budapest, Hungary, and subsequently in France and Germany.

In 1888 his discovery that a magnetic field could be made to rotate if two coils at right angles are supplied with AC current 90Á out of phase made possible the invention of the AC induction motor. Table of Contents Purchase These Books By Nikola Tesla Genuine Jamaican Blue Mountain Click above to order . . . US History Topics. The History Place. John Gurche. Google Search Engine.

G. History The letter 'G' was introduced in the Old Latin period as a variant of 'C' to distinguish voiced /ɡ/ from voiceless /k/. The recorded originator of 'G' is freedman Spurius Carvilius Ruga, the first Roman to open a fee-paying school, who taught around 230 BC. At this time, 'K' had fallen out of favor, and 'C', which had formerly represented both /ɡ/ and /k/ before open vowels, had come to express /k/ in all environments. Ruga's positioning of 'G' shows that alphabetic order related to the letters' values as Greek numerals was a concern even in the 3rd century BC. Sampson (1985) suggests that: "Evidently the order of the alphabet was felt to be such a concrete thing that a new letter could be added in the middle only if a 'space' was created by the dropping of an old letter Eventually, both velar consonants /k/ and /ɡ/ developed palatalized allophones before front vowels; consequently in today's Romance languages, 'c' and 'g' have different sound values depending on context.

Use. Vannevar Bush. Vannevar Bush was never directly involved with the creation or development of the Internet. He died before the creation of the World Wide Web. Yet many consider Bush to be the Godfather of our wired age often making reference to his 1945 essay, "As We May Think. " In his article, Bush described a theoretical machine he called a "memex," which was to enhance human memory by allowing the user to store and retrieve documents linked by associations. This associative linking was very similar to what is known today as hypertext. Indeed, Ted Nelson who later did pioneering work with hypertext credited Bush as his main influence (Zachary, 399).

Others, such as J.C.R. In 1937, Bush became the president of the Carnegie Institution. "The owner of the memex let us say, is interested in the origin and properties of the bow and arrow. This system is remarkably similar to modern hypertext. The ternary calculating machine of Thomas. Linux 15 years later... | マネックス証券は、パソコン・携帯電話ともに105円~の手数料で取引できるお得なネット証券です。 ネット証券業界でも最安値基準の手数料体系を採用しているので、オンライン取引で効率良く利益をあげやすいのがマネックス証券の特徴。 1注文の約定金額が10万円以下であれば、わずか105円の取引手数料でトレードすることが可能で、主要なネット証券会社の中でもトップレベルのローコストを実現しています。 注文や操作がわかりやすいことも人気のひとつで、シンプルな注文画面や多機能ながら高性能なツールは、投資初心者でもスムーズに取引することができます。

詳細はこちら⇒マネックス証券 楽天証券は、国内株式だけでなく、さまざまな投資商品を取り扱っている便利なネット証券です。 国内株式、FXや投資信託、ミニ積立などはもちろん、外貨MMFや外国債券、個人向け国債など豊富な商品ラインナップを実現。 さらに、楽天グループのポイントプログラム『ハッピーポイントプログラム』と連動しているので取引するたびにどんどんポイントをためることができ、もちろん貯まったポイントは『楽天市場』や『楽天トラベル』などで1ポイント=1円として利用することができます。 そんなお得さや利便性が高く評価され、楽天証券はサービス開始以来、120万口座を突破しています。 詳細はこちら⇒楽天証券 SBI証券は、業界屈指の格安手数料とサービスで高い評価を獲得している人気のネット証券です。 そのサービスやサポートの質の高さから、2014年オリコン顧客満足度ランキングではネット証券総合部門第1位を獲得。 詳細はこちら⇒SBI証券 GMOクリック証券は、初心者から上級者まで満足できる快適な取引環境をモットーにしたネット証券です。 現物取引・信用取引ともにリーズナブルな料金体系を設定し、取引コストを最小限に抑えることに成功。 さらにすべての取引のID・パスワードを共有できる『シングル・サインオン』を導入しているので、複数の商品も簡単に取引できます。 そんなスムーズな取引環境が話題を呼び、オリコンCSランキングのインターネット証券部門では3年連続手数料・取引コストの満足度で1位を獲得しています。

詳細はこちら⇒GMOクリック証券 岡三オンライン証券は、独自の手数料体系でお得な取引を実現したネット証券です。 詳細はこちら⇒岡三オンライン証券. Content/files/44218-linuxdis... Pics/stuff/alphabet.gif. Tokyo Rose. Rotten > Library > Biographies > Entertainers > Radio > Tokyo Rose Much to the eventual disappointment of American GIs masturbating all over the Pacific theater, Tokyo Rose never existed. There was nobody named Tokyo Rose, nor was it anybody's nickname.

There was never even a fictional character named Tokyo Rose. The name was just a placeholder used by Allied troops to refer to any of the two dozen female voices they heard regularly on Radio Tokyo. Nevertheless, after World War II an American citizen was accused of having been that nonexistent fictional character, and she wound up in a federal penitentiary serving a ten-year sentence for treason. That woman was named Iva Ikuko Toguri. Iva was born and raised in Los Angeles. When an aunt in Japan fell ill, the family was bound by tradition to send someone.

Iva attempted to return to California, but government bureaucrats stalled her paperwork requests and the last ship sailed without her. The prosecution's case was a frame-up. Internet Archive. Totally Useless Knowledge! Alexander Palace Russian History Websites. Amp; Blog Archive & The 25 Most.

6. How Does a Word Become a Curse Word? Our parents are totally going to ground us for talking about this, but if you must know, a "curse" was originally just a bad type of prayer. Thus, the first curse word was likely "damn," as in asking God to damn someone to Hell, which was considered taboo because of the religious power it wielded. Condemning people to an eternity of suffering isn't something to let everyone just go around doing on a daily basis, so the government stepped in, leading to the first censorship laws. Among the first victims was William Shakespeare, whose works were considered quite racy for their time, and not just because he sent his fair share of characters to Hades. The Bard's plays were littered with sexual innuendo, and eventually, these types of references became swear words as well.

Depending on what the sexual mores of the current generation were, formerly innocuous words could suddenly become unfit for polite company. Dijkstra Archive: Home page. The Manuscripts Like most of us, Dijkstra always believed it a scientist’s duty to maintain a lively correspondence with his scientific colleagues. To a greater extent than most of us, he put that conviction into practice. For over four decades, he mailed copies of his consecutively numbered technical notes, trip reports, insightful observations, and pungent commentaries, known collectively as “EWDs”, to several dozen recipients in academia and industry.

Thanks to the ubiquity of the photocopier and the wide interest in Dijkstra’s writings, the informal circulation of many of the EWDs eventually reached into the thousands. Although most of Dijkstra’s publications began life as EWD manuscripts, the great majority of his manuscripts remain unpublished. They have been inaccessible to many potential readers, and those who have received copies have been unable to cite them in their own work. Indexes Each manuscript file is accessible through either of two indexes: 0. 1. Links between EWDs. History of data storage. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to our feed, or like us on Facebook for updates. Thanks for visiting! Did you know that it would take around 6 000 floppy disks to store one DVD – or 4 500 compact cassettes, with a playback time of 280 days?

Here’s a brief look into the history of data storage. Punch cards The oldest known form of data storage is from 1725 and was done by Basile Bouchon when he used a perforated paper loop to store patterns that were to be used on cloth. But the first real patent for some kind of data storage is dated back in 23 Sep 1884 by Herman Hollerith (pdf) – an invention that was used for nearly 100 years until the mid 1970s.

Here’s an example of how a typical punch card could look like, it’s a 90 column card punched in 1972. 90 column punch card [] Punched tape The first known use of the paper tape was back in 1846 by Alexander Bain – the inventor of the fax machine and the electric printing telegraph. Paper tape [Wikipedia] Selectron tubes. Ancient Human Footprint. About 20,000 years ago, humans trekked along the margins of a shallow lake in Australia, leaving behind records of their passage in the soft, wet sand.

In 2003, an aboriginal woman who is likely a descendant of those early Australians stumbled across dozens of timeworn footprints in the same area. Excavations of the site have since uncovered hundreds more. The discovery, detailed in a recent issue of the Journal of Human Evolution, represents the largest collection of Pleistocene human footprints in the world, and the only footprints from that era ever found in Australia. In total, 457 footprints have now been uncovered. "The preservation is just remarkable," said study team member Matthew Cupper of the University of Melbourne in Australia. The Pleistocene stretched from about 2 million to 12,000 years ago.

Ancient errands The footprints were found in southeastern Australia, along the shore of one of 19 dried up lakes that comprise the Willandra Lakes system. Then and now ... Declaration of Independence. The University of Oklahoma College of Law: Browse [Ad*Access] Cabinet Magazine Online - A Timeline of Timelines. Front Page. Scripting News. (Meme)X Marks the Spot: Theorizing Metablogging. The New Yorker : critics : books. Wiki History. Internet Archive: Wayback Machine.