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Oral comprehension. Written comprehension. British Council - ADULTS. Onestopenglish: Number one for English language teachers. Creating a World Language Eportfolio using Google Drive | cecilelaine. I have been looking into options to create an eportfolio for my students, in order to collect, store, and exhibit their work. Since a few teachers expressed interest in this topic, I decided to make a tutorial on how to create a World Language Eporfolio using Google Drive. Many thanks to: Catherine Ousselin, AATF Technology Commission, for initial brainstorming. Susie Dyson, my Spanish colleague, for helping me test Google Drive.

Helpful resources: LinguaFolio “I Can” Statements Getting started with Google Drive Other great tools out there: 8/3/13 Edit 1) Linguafolio The perfect tool for a World Language portfolio and where the “I Can” statements originate from. 2) Livebinder Organize and share your resources for a particular course or unit. 3) Skydrive Microsoft version of Google Drive but only 7 GB space for free and you cannot share a folder, only the content of a folder (sub folder, documents, etc.). 4) Evernote Like this: Like Loading... Interesting Things for ESL/EFL Students (Fun English Study) ESL Printables Tutoring.


Vocabulary. Language Acquisition vs Language Learning. Julio Foppoli argues that as teachers, it is our duty to make sure that our students "acquire" rather than "learn" the language. According to linguists (i.e. scientists who engage in the scientific study of human language) there is an important distinction between language acquisition and language learning. As you may well have noticed, children acquire their mother tongue through interaction with their parents and the environment that surrounds them.

Their need to communicate paves the way for language acquisition to take place. As experts suggest, there is an innate capacity in every human being to acquire language. By the time a child is five years old, s/he can express ideas clearly and almost perfectly from the point of view of language and grammar. The emphasis is on the text of the communication and not on the form. Young students who are in the process of acquiring a second language get plenty of "on the job" practice. Language learning as seen today is not communicative. Comments.


Learning English - Home. Batir_sequence. BÂTIR SA SEQUENCE en articulant de façon logique : tâches, activités, séances et évaluations Pour bâtir une séquence à visée actionnelle, nous nous plaçons dans la perspective de la pédagogie de projet et de la pédagogie par objectif. Pour que l'élève puisse donner du sens à ses apprentissages, il doit être actif et participer pleinement à l'élaboration du projet, en poursuivant les objectifs qui lui sont donnés. Nous savons tous qu'il est plus 'facile' de mémoriser si/quand nous agissons, si/quand nous pouvons transférer les acquis dans une situation équivalente. Ainsi la tâche finale va-t-elle permettre à l'apprenant de savoir pourquoi il doit faire telle ou telle activité : car cette activité est directement liée à l'élaboration ou à la réalisation de la tâche.

Les objectifs culturels et linguistiques sont définis dans les programmes de chaque niveau et section. Les objectifs communicationnels seront les tâches à visée actionnelle que l'on demandera à l'élève de faire. Teacher zones: Pronunciation, Listening & Speaking zone. Ze site. Chestnut ESL/EFL.