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Untitled. Pdftohtml est un utilitaire en ligne de commande qui permet, comme son nom l'indique, de convertir un fichier PDF vers un fichier HTML. Poppler-utils est normalement installé par défaut toutefois si il ne l'est pas : Installez le paquet poppler-utils. Il contient plusieurs utilitaires, dont celui qui nous intéresse : pdftohtml. Vous trouverez une liste des autres utilitaires disponibles dans poppler-utils sur la page poppler-utils La syntaxe générale est la suivante : pdftohtml [options] <PDF-file><html-file> Où <PDF-file> est à remplacer par l'emplacement du fichier pdf à convertir, où <html-file> est à remplacer par l'emplacement du fichier html et où [options] est à remplacer par aucune,une ou plusieurs des options. Voici la liste des principales options : J'ai (mirage59) créé une petite interface graphique grâce à Zenity afin de simplifier son utilisation.

. #! Enregistrez ensuite ce fichier avec une extension ".sh". chmod u+x sh Untitled. Le fichier contient une liste de 336531 mots du français (encodés en utf-8). J'ai produit cette liste à partir du dictionnaire Francais-Gutenberg de Christophe Pythoud. J'ai appliqué la procédure suivante, sur une machine GNU/Linux sur laquelle était installé ispell version 3.2.06: Installation de Francais-Gutenberg:tar xzf Francais-GUTenberg-v1.0.tar.gz cd Francais-GUTenberg-v1.0 makehash sudo cp fr*.

{hash,aff} /usr/lib/ispell Génération de la liste de mots:cd dicos cat nonverbes.dico series.dico verbes-gp*.dico verbes-varia.dico | ispell -d francais -e >~/liste1.txt perl -pe 's/ /\n/g' ~/liste1.txt | grep -v "'" | sort | uniq | awk 'NF>0' >~/ Untitled. Untitled. Convert Excel to JSON, mapping sheet columns to object keys.

Key features: Install NPM / Node npm install convert-excel-to-json or to use it via command-line npm install -g convert-excel-to-json Usage / Examples For all the examples, lets suppose that our excel file has two sheets, named as 'sheet1' and 'sheet2'. OBS: All the following examples can be used via command-line, in this case, the --config parameter expects a valid JSON string. In order to use it passing in only the sourceFile without extra configuration: $ convert-excel-to-json --sourceFile="tests/test-data.xlsx" To check the help section: $ convert-excel-to-json --help Simple conversion 'use strict'; const excelToJson = ; const result = sheet1: A: 'data of cell A1' B: 'data of cell B1' C: 'data of cell C1' sheet2: Converting an xlsx that you have as a Buffer Identifying header rows Only to specific sheets Just gets all the rows for each sheet defined on the config object Mapping columns to keys One config to all sheets id: 'data of cell A1' sheets:

Numbers Everyone Should Know. Google AppEngine Numbers This group of numbers is from Brett Slatkin in Building Scalable Web Apps with Google App Engine. Writes are expensive! Datastore is transactional: writes require disk accessDisk access means disk seeksRule of thumb: 10ms for a disk seekSimple math: 1s / 10ms = 100 seeks/sec maximumDepends on:* The size and shape of your data* Doing work in batches (batch puts and gets)Reads are cheap! Reads do not need to be transactional, just consistentData is read from disk once, then it's easily cachedAll subsequent reads come straight from memoryRule of thumb: 250usec for 1MB of data from memorySimple math: 1s / 250usec = 4GB/sec maximum* For a 1MB entity, that's 4000 fetches/secNumbers Miscellaneous This group of numbers is from a presentation Jeff Dean gave at a Engineering All-Hands Meeting at Google.

Paging Through Comments How can comments be stored such that they can be paged through in roughly the order they were entered? A lot of paging algorithms use counts.


You're Doing Freemium Wrong. We Recommend These Resources I make a point of trying as many new startup products as I reasonably can. Quite a lot use a freemium model where they offer me some free service and then pester me to upgrade to the $10/month “pro” version. Out of dozens of products I’ve tried over the last couple of years, I’ve upgraded to the pro version approximately three times (Dropbox, Github, Spotify.) Why so few? My basic contention in this post is that in many freemium startups, the free product is the real product and the “pro” product is just a bunch of random tacked-on features that might appeal to power users.

Now I’ve never managed a freemium model myself, so these are just common sense observations. The Wrong Way: Let’s start with some basic logic: 1) Your startup is in business to make as much money as possible [1] 2) The amount of money you make equals (the number of people paying you, i.e. your customers) X ($ per customer) So far, so good. Now the logic behind the freemium model is: Conclusion: Unoconv: Convert between any document format supported by OpenOffice. Unoconv converts between any document format that OpenOffice understands. It uses OpenOffice's UNO bindings for non-interactive conversion of documents. Supported document formats include Open Document Format (.odt), MS Word (.doc), MS Office Open/MS OOXML (.xml), Portable Document Format (.pdf), HTML, XHTML, RTF, Docbook (.xml), and more. Converts between different document formats that OpenOffice understands OpenOffice can export to about 100 different document formats Can be used for batch processing Combines with asciidoc and docbook2odf/xhtml2odt to create PDF or Word (.doc) files Can apply custom style templates during conversion (to enforce corporate identity) Autostarts OpenOffice for processing if necessary Can be used in a client/server environment to process documents centrally Can influence OpenOffice filters during import and export Supports OpenOffice on Linux, Windows and MacOSX OpenOffice (and thus unoconv) support various import and export formats.

How Are You Managing Your Talent? In recent times, performance appraisal has been a subject of intense ideological debates. Performance appraisals have traditionally served as a mechanism to basically assess an individual’s performance in the previous year to reward employees in terms of compensation and career progression in the coming year. On one hand, organizations, at least the reasonably larger ones, need some systematic and transparent way to deal with employee’s performance evaluation. On the other hand, with more part-time and virtual employees entering the workforce on a very mission-based engagement as opposed to building a long-term career, the whole idea of formal performance management systems seems to be rather backdated.

So, what’s the real deal? The discipline of performance management has been relatively recent, and rather controversial. “Ford’s $5 day is often cited as a key factor in expanding the middle class. However, notwithstanding such criticism, another bold experiment was in the offing. How to Hire Geeks, Brand Your Shop and Beat the "Talent Shortage"

As a recruiter of software engineers, I hear every day how difficult it is for software companies to find technical talent. If hiring engineers was easy, I wouldn’t be in business. Using a recruiter is one way to have qualified potential employees neatly packaged and delivered, but there are several other strategies that forward-thinking firms can implement to differentiate themselves from their competitors who are just posting ads to the same old places and hitting up the friends and family networks. Your company probably spends significant amounts of money to advertise your product and brand, but very little attention is paid to promoting the company’s identity as a good employer for engineers. These strategies can take a bit of time and effort, but the rewards are stronger talent at a lesser expense.

Here are a handful of ways to make your company more attractive to new engineering hires. Creative ads, inviting job descriptions, unique process Engineering blogs Always be interviewing. RFC 2396 URI. My Problem With Your Interviews. We Recommend These Resources This article comes right after Facebook rejected me after 3 phone interviews, but it is not going to be a hate-post. In fact, I’ve been planning to write it for a couple of months. But now onto the topic: tech companies (Google, Facebook, VMWare, at least, but certainly many more) are all trying to find the best technical talent. (So they contacted me and asked if I’m interested in “exploring opportunities” with them). But how do they do that? The typical interview (be it a phone screen, or an onsite interview) consists of solving a problem. What you do on these interviews is something you never, ever do in real life: you write code without using any compiler or debugger. Btw, here’s an excerpt from my feedback after my first phone interview with Facebook: On the other hand, I don’t think having 1st year CS homework problems on interviews for senior developers is a great idea.

The problems outlined above are what I don’t like about these types of interviews. A Comprehensive Developer's Guide to Payment Card Industry Compliant Web Apps. We Recommend These Resources When I first started working at three and a half years ago, I had heard about PCI before, but I didn't really know what that meant. Since we were building an ecommerce platform that was going to be accepting credit cards over the internet, I knew we needed to make sure we were fully PCI compliant. We were a startup, we didn't have much money, and any mistake could kill the company. Since I didn't want to be the one to make the mistake, I spent a lot of time doing research on PCI, and what it took to make sure your web application was secure.

The first thing that I did was a simple web search, and I was surprised to find out that there really wasn't much information available. My goal with this blog post is write all of my information down, so that I can hopefully help others through the process, and also to serve as a reminder to me, so that when I need to do this again in the future, I will remember every last detail. What is PCI? Merchant Level. Design Patterns and Refactoring.


Lorem ipsum. Technology Profile. jQuery jQuery Usage Statistics - Websites using jQuery JQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript. P3P Policy P3P Policy Usage Statistics - Websites using P3P Policy The Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) enables Websites to express their privacy practices in a standard format that can be retrieved automatically and interpreted easily by user agents. P3P user agents will allow users to be informed of site practices (in both machine- and human-readable formats) and to automate decision-making based on these practices when appropriate.

BuiltWith - Website Analysis and Technology Trends. How To Write A Dead-Simple Online Network Drive using Java & WebDAV | North Concepts. There are a variety of ways you can enhance your application with WebDAV access which we will be going into in a latter part of the WebDAV series. For now we will show you how to create a basic online network drive using WebDAV via Milton, a Java WebDAV Server library. Example We will write the logic to create a network drive containing just one file, scratchpad.txt, which can be modified at will from any location where the drive is mounted. You may want to load the project into your IDE so that you can follow along. Step 1: Create The Domain Object This is a simple POJO which will allow us to hold some text and attributes which will nicely represent a virtual scratchpad.txt file.

Your applications could have something similar which would benefit from being exposed though WebDAV. Step 2: Create The Equivalent Resource Class As A Composition In this step, we have created a class with a “has-a” relationship with the original domain object. That’s it! Concluding Thoughts Download. 10 Free Ebooks Every Web Developer Should Have. May it be a Web Developer or a Web Designer, every one needs a doze of knowledge every now and then to increase the knowledge. A person can master a skill only when his concepts are clear. With emergence of E books, skill enhancement is much more easier.

You can even join the community forums and put your questions in quest to refine your skills. This article is a compilation of certain Free E books for Web Developers. If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our older articles on Ebooks for Web Designers, Websites To Download Free EBooks, Firefox Addons For Web Developers, Skills Web Developers Need Today, and Are Platforms The Future Of Web Development. Advertisement Getting Real Getting Real is the business, design, programming, and marketing philosophies of 37signals — a developer of web-based software used by over 1 million people and businesses in 70 countries. More Information on Getting Real Faster and More Secure Webfonts The Woork Handbook Search User Interfaces.

What's My IP Address? Networking Tools & More. Jsonip.appspot. 20 Great Web Applications Alternatives to Usual Desktop Software. Desktop Software has been a great help in our computer work purposes. They serve as our working tool on our projects, designs, hobbies, interest etc. But web apps have set a great trend over the web. Developers of web applications created applications that are likely powerful as the desktop software but create more great output and easiness.

The best thing is that you don’t need to install any of these web apps to use. In this article, I’ll be presenting 20 great web applications alternatives to your usual desktop software. 1. Google Docs serves as your online productivity tool. Alternative for : Microsoft Office Open Office 2. Meebo is a web platform for your mostly chat applications. Alternative for: Facebook ChatYahoo MessengerAIMWindows Live Messenger 3. Presentations are really vital tool for business, education , projects and more. Microsoft PowerPointOpenOffice Impress 4. Adobe PhotoshopAdobe IllustratorSoundbooth 5. Are you having a hard time to manage your money? Quicken 6. 7. 8. 9. What Math? For more than two thousand years, mathematics has been a part of the human search for understanding.

Mathematical discoveries have come both from the attempt to describe the natural world and from the desire to arrive at a form of inescapable truth from careful reasoning. These remain fruitful and important motivations for mathematical thinking, but in the last century mathematics has been successfully applied to many other aspects of the human world: voting trends in politics, the dating of ancient artifacts, the analysis of automobile traffic patterns, and long-term strategies for the sustainable harvest of deciduous forests, to mention a few. Today, mathematics as a mode of thought and expression is more valuable than ever before. Learning to think in mathematical terms is an essential part of becoming a liberally educated person. -- Kenyon College Math Department Web Page "An essential part of becoming a liberally educated person?

" Ready for the big play. Duh! How absurd! Step high. Teach Parents Tech. Java Code Geeks: Things Every Programmer Should Know. A Simple Way of Sending Emails in Java: mailto Links. 140 Google Interview Questions | Seattle Interview Coach.


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