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New Languages Will Not Fix Maintainability Issues! The Java Zone is brought to you in partnership with ZeroTurnaround.

New Languages Will Not Fix Maintainability Issues!

Check out this 8-step guide to see how you can increase your productivity by skipping slow application redeploys and by implementing application profiling, as you code! Have you ever run into a new or trending programming language (Rust, nim, Kotlin, etc.), promoting all sorts of great "new" abstraction mechanisms (traits, mixins, multiple-inheritance, monads, lambdas, macros, you name it), thinking: "I could finally get rid of all this copy-pasted or boilerplate code we have in our codebase!

"? I discussed whether newer/trendier languages will lead to less copy-pasted code (or even better code quality in general) with a few colleagues over a few beers recently. Based on our experience as consultants for software quality and Teamscale developers, we quickly came to the conclusion: No, they will not. Let me explain and give a few examples. 10 Bad Coding Practices That Wreck Software Development Projects. CIO — The Pareto principle states that 80 percent of outcomes can be attributed to 20 percent of the possible causes of a given event.

10 Bad Coding Practices That Wreck Software Development Projects

Also known as the 80-20 rule, it's relevant to almost every field of human endeavor. In the field of software development, the principle can be summarized by saying that most problems are caused by a small number of bad coding practices. The Big List of 256 Programming Languages. 14inShare Summer typically brings lots of vacation time for people.

The Big List of 256 Programming Languages

Instead of sitting around and being lazy, why not take the time to learn a new programming language? Dart: Structured web apps.


Functional programming. Regular expression.