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Argentine: l’homme qui a pointé l’arme à feu sur Cristina Kirchner serait brésilien et porteur de tatouages nazis – Libération. How to Configure My Email Client with Rackspace Mailbox | Cloudways Help Center. Once you have created your Rackspace mailbox and added MX and SPF records on your DNS registrar panel, you can also configure and use your preferred email client to send and receive emails. This is totally optional and based on your preference to set up your mailbox with an email client, as you can start using your mail account at once through the provided using webmail. Default IMAP Settings Throughout this tutorial, you will learn how to configure IMAP over your preferred mail clients using the below criteria. We are using IMAP to keep a copy of your emails over your Rackspace account; this will allow you to use multiple email clients at once. Your Name: Your Name or Business Name Login Name: Your Mailbox Email Address Password: Your Mailbox Password Account Type: IMAP Incoming Mail Server: Outgoing Mail Server: Incoming Mail Server (IMAP) TCP Port: 993 (SSL) Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) TCP Port: 465 (SSL) Configure Your Windows Mail Client 2. 3.

Affaire Lagardère : le sort de l’édition française scellé cet été ? Tout était trop beau. Dans l’étrange statu quo qui s’est imposé après les grandes batailles pour le pouvoir au sein du groupe Lagardère, chacune des parties semblait trouver son compte. Vincent Bolloré y exerçait le pouvoir effectif sans avoir à délier sa bourse en lançant une coûteuse OPA.

Le patron breton pouvait diriger la société à travers Arnaud Lagardère, homme de paille dévoué à sa cause. Arnaud de Puyfontaine, président du directoire de Vivendi et patron d’Editis, n’était pas obligé de se déporter du conseil d’administration de Lagardère quand le dossier Hachette, son principal concurrent, était évoqué au conseil d’administration. Vincent Bolloré n’avait rien à assumer publiquement car il n’était pas et n’est toujours pas le représentant légal du groupe Lagardère. Il n’est pas non plus contraint d’apparaître quand la rédaction d’Europe 1 et ses chroniqueurs sont évincés au profit de ceux de CNews. Le PNF accélère le démantèlement Deux cents millions d'euros portés disparus. Covid-19 : un délai de trois semaines entre deux injections de Pfizer-BioNTech et de Moderna est désormais possible.

Pour accroître les prises de rendez-vous pour la première dose et accélérer la vaccination, le ministère de la santé a annoncé, mardi 15 juin, avoir décidé de rendre de nouveau possible un délai de seulement trois semaines entre deux injections de vaccins à ARN messager. Lors d’un point de presse hebdomadaire, le ministère a expliqué vouloir mettre en place une « souplesse » quant à l’écart entre les deux doses des vaccins de Pfizer-BioNTech et de Moderna.

Le délai, initialement fixé à quarante-deux jours depuis le mois de mai, avait déjà été élargi d’un minimum de trente-cinq à quarante-neuf jours pour permettre de mieux s’organiser pendant les vacances. L’écart va être « encore réduit dans la limite des vingt et un jours » prévus par les recommandations des laboratoires qui produisent ces vaccins, toujours selon le ministère de la santé. Vous hésitez à vous faire vacciner en juin parce que vous serez en vacances en juillet ? N'hésitez plus. Hausse des intentions vaccinales. Sénégal : «Chaque jour, des doses nous restent sur les bras» – Libération. Covid Performance - Lowy Institute. More analysis Coronavirus continues to spread worldwide with more than 90 million confirmed cases across 190 countries and two million deaths as of mid-January 2021. For nearly a year, governments and societies have been turned inwards to fight an invisible enemy, exposing competing structures, vulnerabilities, and political priorities.

The pandemic has also given rise to an ‘infodemic’ of narratives and counter-narratives about what kinds of states are inherently better suited to combatting the virus. This Interactive explores how almost 100 countries with publicly available and comparable data on the virus have managed the pandemic in the 36 weeks following their hundredth confirmed case of COVID-19, using data available to 9 January 2021. Countries have been sorted into broad categories — by regions, political systems, population size, and economic development — to determine whether significant variations exist between different types of states in the handling of the pandemic. (FL) Modé.

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Web Server Failover with Round-Robin DNS. Report on viability of DNS failover solution. I run a site with about 1,000,000 unique visitors per month and recents server failures made me decide to get a failover server to minimize downtime. My goal wasn't to get 99.999% uptime but to be able to be back on track after a failure in a "reasonable" amount of time. After evaluating several solutions, I decided to go with DNS failover. Here's how the setup work: 1) points to main server with a very low TTL (time to live) 2) failover server replicates data from main server 3) when main server goes down, is changed to point to failover server The drawback is the DNS propagation time since some DNS servers don't honor the TTL and there is some caching happening on the user's machine and browser.

I looked for empirical data to gauge the extent of the problem but couldn't find any so I decided to setup my own experiment. The Experiment ============== I start with pointing to the main server with a TTL of 1800 seconds (1/2 hour). Tmc. Bringing improved support for Adobe Flash Player to Google. Adobe Flash Player is the most widely used web browser plug-in. It enables a wide range of applications and content on the Internet, from games, to video, to enterprise apps.

The traditional browser plug-in model has enabled tremendous innovation on the web, but it also presents challenges for both plug-ins and browsers. The browser plug-in interface is loosely specified, limited in capability and varies across browsers and operating systems. This can lead to incompatibilities, reduction in performance and some security headaches. That’s why we are working with Adobe, Mozilla and the broader community to help define the next generation browser plug-in API.

This new API aims to address the shortcomings of the current browser plug-in model. There is much to do and we’re eager to get started. As a first step, we’ve begun collaborating with Adobe to improve the Flash Player experience in Google Chrome. We believe this initiative will help our users in the following ways: Jdbcdslog - Project Hosting on Google Code. Coups de fil, dossiers : le piège du travail à la maison. Un homme travaille sur son canapé (Plutor/Flickr) Consulter ses e-mails après dîner, répondre aux appels pro le week-end ou préparer la réunion du lendemain...

A quel moment finit la journée de travail ? Scott Schieman (sociologue à l’université de Toronto), Melissa Milkie, (université du Maryland) et Paul Glavin (université de Toronto) ont conduit une étude pour essayer de mesurer les intrusions de la vie professionnelle dans la sphère privée, demandant aux personnes interrogées à quelle fréquence ressentent-elles que leur travail interfère avec leur vie familiale ou avec leurs loisirs.

Près de la moitié des salariés nord-américains interrogés ramènent du travail à la maison « de temps en temps » ou « fréquemment ». Une discrimination « à l’envers » A la différence de la plupart des inégalités professionnelles, le travail à domicile touche plutôt les « biens lotis ». Les travailleurs étrangers ou les jeunes semblent en revanche moins touchés par le phénomène. Frontières poreuses Et vous ? Thinking of U and I. Automatically format and cleanup code every time you save « Ecli. Eclipse has a wonderful feature that formats according to your coding standards. It handles things like indentation, where curly braces are placed, if blank lines should occur between field declaration and hundreds of other options.

However, to invoke this formatting, you have to tell Eclipse to do this every time you’ve edited the code. You can do this using Ctrl+Shift+F but (1) you have to do that every time and (2) you have to remember to do it in the first place (and we all know how good developers are at remembering things). Eclipse sports a feature called Save Actions that makes formatting code easy. How to enable automatic formatting and cleanup By default automatic formatting and cleanup is disabled. Go to Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Save Actions.Select Perform the selected actions on save.Select Format Source code. Here’s what the settings should look like. How does Eclipse “clean up” the code Add @Override and @Deprecated tags: Nice for compile-time checking. Is Android Poised To Overtake iPhone's Mobile Dominance? | Javal. The first quarter of this year has been dominated by the mobile market - in particular the success of the iPad launch, even though no one has had the chance to use it yet, and Android positioning itself as a worthwhile competitor the Apple's mobile OS.

Now it looks like Android is set to overtake the iPhone sooner rather than later, at least according to this mobile traffic graph from James Governor's blog. Android enthusiasts are bound to be excited about this and they're right to be. For the average Java developers, writing an Android application is much easier than an iPhone application.

With these statistics, it's a fair assumption that the Android marketplace could generate a healthy income for your application, once you have the right idea. All the iPad hype has helped to fuel tablet sales too - a market that never quite found its feet before now. The biggest fuss in the Android space is the WePad, which looks like it's going to give the iPad a run for it's money. EIFv2: Tracking the loss of interoperability. Open Standards From our analysis, we can conclude that in key places, the European Commission has taken on board only the comments made by the Business Software Alliance, a lobby group working on behalf of proprietary software vendors. At the same time, comments by groups working in favour of Free Software and Open Standards were neglected, e.g. those made by Open Forum Europe.

Looking back to the consultation draft, it is obvious that during the development of EIFv2, the European Commission has abandoned the concept of Open Standards as a key enabler for interoperability. This is a central reason why the current draft would see the European Interoperability Framework become a shadow of its former self. Table of Contents What is the European Interoperability Framework? The EIF is a set of interoperability guidelines documents and initiatives conducted under the auspices of the ISA (Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations) programme. 1. A. C. D. 2. 3. A. . [1] . [2]. ItsNat: Natural AJAX. Component based Java Web Application Frame. Lessons Learned from Taking On a Project in Crisis. GWT- An Important Java Technology: Features, Future and Wishes | What To Do When A Hard Drive Fails. We Recommend These Resources When a hard drive crashes, you can lose all your data. Corrupt hard drives happen out of the blue and for seemingly no good reason.

If your hard drive fails, what can you do? One option is to call a hard drive recovery company. If your data is worth a lot of money to you, you can pay a forensic computer company to get the data off your hard drive. What is going on inside the hard drive is a bunch of little platters spinning at high speed. Here is how I got the data off of a failed hard drive. Remove the hard drive from the computer.Place the hard drive inside of a zip top freezer bag.

Double Wrapped Hard Drive Hard Drive in the Freezer (Note: Opinions expressed in this article and its replies are the opinions of their respective authors and not those of DZone, Inc.) Streamlining Search Using Lucene and Solr. Grant Ingersoll has been working on search and natural language processing for about ten years. He is an Apache Lucene and Solr committer as well as a co-founder for Lucid Imagniation, which is focused on commercializing those two projects. Lucene is a Java library for building search applications and Solr provides a layer over Lucene that gives developers the tools they need to put Lucene into production. Ingersoll says you should think of Lucene as the engine, and Solr as the car. Ingersoll says the pace of development in Lucene and Solr has been very exciting over the last few months. Right now there's a lot of work on spatial/geolocation capabilities. (Note: Opinions expressed in this article and its replies are the opinions of their respective authors and not those of DZone, Inc.)

IBM Breaks Patent Pledge; Breaches the OSS Community's Trust | A. Have Open Source Software Advocates Pushed New Zealand's Parliam. Software has always been explicitly excluded from patent protection in the UK - as an extension of the principle that a mathematical equation or algorithm cannot be patented - only an invention that makes use of them (a file format, for instance, is patentable). The original logic behind this was that science (including mathematics) is about discovery, rather than invention, and that allowing the patenting of mathematical equations and scientific theories would be a Bad Thing.

Copyright was considered the acceptable alternative - you can copyright your research paper, book, or program, and nobody else can resell it - or parts of it (i.e. they can't steal your graphics). That's good enough for proprietary software - especially combined with shipping binary, rather than source. Chronos EZ430: An SDK packing watch for real techies • The Regis. When does The Register take interest in a $50 sports watch? When it comes with an SDK and wireless connectivity, and packing a screwdriver. The Chronos EZ430 from Texas Instruments is no consumer product, despite its appearance and low price. It's really a development platform designed to show off what TI's embedded sensor chips can do, and is sold below cost price.

But for the software hacker who'd like some hardware to play with there's no better place to start doing fun stuff. This isn't really a review of the watch - a review would require comparisons to similar products and discussion of how completely the product meets its design goals, but the Chronos has no design goals or similar products to which it can be compared, so we'll just stick to telling you what the Chronos can do and what we did with it.

The watch can also display the data from any of the sensors on its two-line LCD screen, but don't expect to be able to email messages on the limited screen. Inside the iPad SDK: Bigger screens, continued frustrations | De. The wraps are off, and the iPad is now in real users' hands. So what can developers create for the iPad using the iPhone OS 3.2 SDK that Apple released in late January? Apple required developers to keep the SDK details secret until the iPad's shipment this past weekend, but now everyone is free to discuss the extended dance remix of the iPhone. As a test of the new software API and the infrastructure supporting it, I've built several prototype iPad apps and even uploaded one, a free version of Cory Doctorow's Makers, to the iTunes App Store. [ How does the iPad stack up now that it is real? Most of the iPad platform will be quite familiar to anyone who's developed applications for the iPhone because the API is an extension of the iPhone API, just as the iPad SDK is an extension of the iPhone OS SDK (which is why it's technically named the iPhone OS 3.2 SDK, not the iPad SDK).

First, avoid the temptation of relying on the iPad's iPhone-app compatibility. Forum / [Résolu]Freeze Ubuntu 9.10. 479296 is not in Ubuntu: “Karmic: frequent freezes” The iPad Makes Demands on Web Developers - PCWorld. Look ma, no plugin! Your Friday Morning Doom and Gloom: The World Grew More Closed T. Creating bugs vs. finding bugs? - Multi Shoring - A Perficient B. Private Calls Restricted: Apple Decides How Developers Call Docu. Vertical Centering With CSS. WebKit DOM Programming Topics: Cross-Document Messaging. iPhone Page. Setting the Record Straight on New Zealand's Software Patent Leg.

Apache Foundation Hit by Targeted XSS Attack. TIOBE Software: Tiobe Index. Apple vs Geeks - is this the end of a love affair? Cassandra Adds Hadoop MapReduce. When 100% Coverage Gives Us a False Sense of Security | Javalobb. Gear6's Memcached Adds the Best of Both Worlds: MySQL and NoSQL. Cedric Champeau's Weblog. Link prefetching. Technologies Articles. Apple’s New Developer Agreement Unlevels the iAd Playing Field | Bruno Antunes Weblog. Complexity is the Problem. Tiago Silveira and the world. Speeding up GWT. MySQL 5.5.4 Breaks Concurrency Barriers | SQL Zone. Safari’s iFrame cookie setting problem. Safari Cookies. Train of Thoughts: Blog Archive » Cross-Site Browser Cookie Sett. Iframe Applications and P3P HTTP Head.

Safari and cross-domain cookies « Scriptico’s Weblog. Cross-domain cookies/sessions in Safari and all other browsers | OWASP Top 10 Web Security Vulnerabilities. Odds-n-Ends 2 | Azul Systems: Run, Scale, Simplify Your Java App. SWFAddress - Deep linking for Flash and Ajax. Cross-Browser Comm Demo via 'Marathon' technique. Rob Williams' Blog. Andrew Shorten: Transitioning from Flex Builder 3 to Flash Build. NsIFaviconService - MDC. NsIWebBrowserPrint.