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3 Internal Linking Strategies for #SEO and Conversions plus, 10 best practices for making links. I just uploaded “Alex Furfaro SEO Consulting Training - Embedding Content” to #Vimeo. Googles Mobile-Only Index Will Change #SEO @mjanaway & @smartinsights #DigitalMarketing. Google has unsettled the SEO community throughout 2016 by releasing back-to-back updates to its SERPs and search algorithms. The latest, and hopefully the last change for the year, was announced by Google's Gary Illyes at PubCon last month.

Google is going to launch a separate mobile search index, which will eventually become its primary index. The index will be effective "within months," said Illyes. Google officially confirmed this announcement just days go, with a post on their webmaster central blog confirming their decision to make their index 'mobile first'. Not quite a bombshell, I'd say, considering that Google has been experimenting with a mobile index since last year. Latest Google Updates that Will Affect SEO in 2017 Right Column Ads Gone: Google blew away the right column ads from its SERPs, dedicating a wider panel to the search results.

Longer Titles and Descriptions: Then, in May, SEW observed something odd. Separate Indexes for Web and Mobile Search, but Why? Shady #SEO Providers: How To Spot Them | @websitesca Blog. How Long Does Modern #SEO Take to Work? One of the most common questions we get at YEAH! Local is: “How long will it take to rank my business for this keyword and that keyword.”In fact, you probably found this post by searching “How long does it take SEO to work” or something similar.

It’s not surprising that this is a common line of questioning. But truth be told, it might not be that helpful a question to ask in the beginning—except maybe as a test. Enter the URL of any web page or blog article and see how optimized it is in our 9 page audit report. Allow me to explain: Any trustworthy estimate is based on in-depth research. The more research, the more reliable the estimate will be. So, if you ask your local SEO “expert” how long it will take to see results with them and they respond with something like “6 months minimum”—or higher—from the beginning, proceed with caution. Indeed, a much better answer might be “There’s no telling, but...” “We Can Begin with an Assessment” There’s really no way around it. The Easy Wins And we see why. 7 SEO Trends From 2016 Website Owners Need To Be Aware Of [Infographic] - Red Website Design Blog. 200+ Actionable SEO Tips In One ‘Noob Friendly’ Guide by @top5seo.

Google #AMP: What are the Benefits of Implementing? @zadroweb #mobile #SEO. Make the Internet a Better Place by Describing Your Website Correctly to Google. I was just writing something like this to a client yesterday why SEO is always an on-going process that takes time. How To Write The Perfect #SEO #Content in 2016 by @madlemmingz with @randfish @larrykim. It happens every time you write. Your content is epic. Your readers are ecstatic. You get lots of social media shares...

But you have no idea how to write and optimize your articles for SEO in 2016. Figuring out what works, what to focus on (and what not to) is a huge task. And with Google constantly changing the rules you probably feel like you have no idea how to keep up. That is why I spent the last week compiling this post to show you exactly what you need to do to create amazing content that is also SEO friendly.

The following SEO content guidelines are the current best practices for getting your content to the top of Google while still keeping your readers happy. All you have to do is dive in and absorb this amazing Google goodness.​ It's All About Topics Not Keywords (Are Keywords Really Dead?) I know that it has been discussed before. And I know you guys are sick of hearing it, but... Keywords as we once knew them are actually DEAD - Me Let me explain. over, and over. and over again.​

Basics. The Best #SEO Tools: As Voted By 95 Leading Search Experts. #5: Tor Refsland (Time Management Chef) My approach to run a successful SEO campaign is to make it as simple and effective as possible, so I will get the best return on investment (ROI) based on the time I have put in.Even though I have access to more advanced tools, I have found that these tool sare sufficient.Tool 1: Google Keyword PlannerBefore your create a SEO campaign you want to find the best keyword to target based on search volume and competition.Tool 2: BuzzSumoThen you want to check the most popular blog posts based on that keyword.Take a look at the headlines, social shares, read and study the top 10 blog posts extensively.The last part is very important, since you want to identify WHY these posts went viral.

Then you will take notes from each of the top 10 articles, and then find out HOW you can make your article better.Tool 3: GoogleNow you have the keyword, a few ideas of your headline, and you know exactly how you are going to create an epic article.So what´s next? Getting Familiar with SEO and Search Engines: alexfurfaroseo. How can I increase my domain authority? It's the most important metric in #SEO. What is Semantic Search Optimization: Is it the next big thing in #SEO. As marketers, questions about the new direction of digital marketing may come to mind as you are planning for the future.

It is important to be proactive, stay ahead of the latest trends and keep an open mind to potential adaptations of new marketing strategies—especially in the digital marketing space. One thing we do know that will never change in the world of SEO, is that it constantly evolves. The fast-paced, forward-moving world of online marketing can bring your business a sense of urgency to complete all of the necessary changes. Trust us, there’s no need to worry or to feel bogged down by constant change—there are experts out there who have done the research and willingly share their findings to help you roll with the punches.

Use those experts and their resources to your advantage. Semantic search optimization, for example, is a new strategy that can help you stay ahead of any changes headed your way. Top 17 SEO Myths and Mistakes You Need to Know. SEO 3 Minute Tips EP1: Gaining Potential Client Trust using Semrush in 3 Minutes. Is SEO right for your business? 10 Smart SEO Tools to Monitor Backlinks. Over the past few years, so much of SEO has changed. But one thing left untouched is the power of quality and natural backlinks. Old school SEO was about backlink quantity, but now we’re in a place where it’s more about the quality and relevance. One key to successful online business is to always monitor backlinks of your website – and competitors’ sites too. You need to know competitor’s SEO strategy – traffic resources, keywords, and referring domains.

I can say that there are lots of premium tools for long-time pros, like SEMrush and Majestic. But for beginners, these link analysis tools have what you need and come at a cheaper price. Want more ways to monitor backlinks? 1. SE Ranking is one of my favorite backlink checkers that allows you to check incoming links to your website based on Google Webmaster Tools data. From there, you can disavow links and generate a file to submit to Google Webmaster Tools. 2. 3.

SEO Spyglass is pretty new, but provides great results. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A Complete Guide to Keyword Research #keywords #SEO #SEM. Editor’s Note: This is a section of our completely redone SEO Guide. Enjoy! Search engines have been minimizing the importance of keyword relevance signals for ranking for many years. It is a fact that keywords are no longer necessary or mandatory to be present in the title tag or in heading tags (H1, H2, H3) in order to rank in the top five of the search engine results pages.

Even using the exact keyword phrases within the text of a web page is no longer required. Should you abandon keyword research and focus more effort on content creation? Surprisingly, the answer is no. Keyword research is still important, but in a different way than has been practiced in the past. The goal of this guide is to show how keyword research continues to be useful, to shine a light on numerous misconceptions, and show you how a scientific understanding of how keywords are used by search engines today can help you rank for high traffic/high conversion keywords.

Examples of Typical E-Commerce Keyword Goals: Good article on using image alt tags. Be clear and concise. Don't spam it with key words for SEO. Joost de Valk Joost de Valk is the founder and CEO of Yoast. He's a WordPress / Web developer, SEO and an Open Source fanatic. Adding images to your articles encourages people to read them, and well-chosen images can also back up your message and get you a good ranking in image search results.

But you should always remember to give your images good alt attributes: alt text strengthens the message of your articles with search engine spiders and improves the accessibility of your website. This article explains all about alt tags and title tags and why you should optimize them. Note: the term “alt tag” is a commonly used abbreviation of what’s actually an alt attribute on an img tag. The alt tag of any image on your site should describe what’s on it. What are alt tags and title tags? This is a complete HTML image tag: The alt and title attributes of an image are commonly referred to as alt tag or alt text and title tag – even though they’re not technically tags. Alt text and SEO. 24 Pinterest Marketing Blogs You Should Follow by @stephenjeske. Visual content marketing is one of the hottest digital marketing trends these days.

People are more interested in seeing information rather than reading it, and as a result, visual marketing platforms like Pinterest and Instagram have experienced a significant increase in the number of users. While both Pinterest and Instagram look similar on the surface – people share pictures of food they eat, places they visit and browse and share images they like. But if you dive in deeper, you can identify things that make the two social forums different. And these differences lead to the question commonly asked by online businesses and marketers, “which one is better, Pinterest or Instagram?”

To make your marketing journey a little easier, we have written this article to help you with your selection of a visual marketing platform. The future of online marketing is visual – 40 percent of Internet users respond better to visual information than text-based information. Pinterest vs. Pinterest vs. How to Use Your Podcast as an Influencer Marketing Machine. One year ago today, I launched Ramp: The InsightSquared Podcast. After months of preparation and hours of editing, I published the first 3 episodes on every available podcasting platform. I had no idea if anyone would listen, or if there was even an audience for a podcast on a topic as specific as SaaS analytics.

It was a pure content marketing experiment – something to try and see if it got results. Now, after 30 episodes, more than 30,000 downloads, and multiple podcast-influenced deals for InsightSquared, I can confidently say that our little experiment was a success. However, the downloads and dollars don’t fully encompass everything the podcast has done for our business. A company podcast offers value not just from the new listeners you engage, but also from the guests you invite on the show. I’ve realized that podcasting isn’t just a form of content marketing – it’s both content AND influencer marketing.

How to build influencer relationships through podcasting Pursue the best guests. The 6 Musts of a #Successful #Holiday #Marketing Campaign by @SujanPatel @Entrepreneur. Fall is upon us, with the holidays waiting right around the corner. Holidays are a perfect time to connect with your prospects and celebrate those feelings of camaraderie, gratitude and interconnectedness. Marketers can leverage these feelings to deeply engage with their customers on an emotional level and build trust and credibility. The holidays are a popular time to market, so it’s important to put a lot of thought into your holiday marketing campaign. You want to appeal to everyday emotions while also standing out from the crowd.

There’s a lot of spending that occurs during the holidays -- the trick is to get your customers to spend with you and not your competitors. 1. Instead of hoping your customers will be seen with your products and spread the word, why not take the next step and let them physically insert themselves into your ad? Related: A 6-Step Checklist to Get Your Online Business Ready for the Holiday Season 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How do you plan to market this holiday season? 3 Benefits of #Marketing Agencies for Small to Medium Businesses by #PlayRMG #SmallBusiness… 16 Awesome #Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses. A Cheat’s Guide To Succeed With In-App Referral Marketing. Yet, many businesses fail at it in the absence of a proper strategy. Just like any other marketing campaign, In-app referral marketing needs proper planning, attention and alterations as apps continue to grow.

In other words, a rock solid strategy to make you the next UBER! That’s why we decided to decode the complete process for our readers. However, before we move any further let’s understand the concept of referral marketing and how most B2C mobile apps can benefit from the same. In-App Referrals- What’s The Noise? For years, we’ve valued the suggestions coming from friends and family, and nothing has changed in this arrangement until today. One of the most iconic and quoted examples of referral marketing is the Dropbox story. Airbnb has gone on record and stated that app referrals helped them achieve 300% increase in user signups and bookings. For business, In-app referral marketing supports all verticals in the sales funnel- acquisition, retention, and growth.

Online Promotion. Influence #Marketing is Moving Towards Mainstream. Influence marketing has become the new formula for creating dominant online sales and advertising campaign strategies. Where traditional marketing was primarily focused on persuasion, influence marketing is more often related to online influence and advocacy through cross promotion. The online influencers could be many things, such as a potential buyer of a marketed product line or a high profile celebrity that advocates a philosophy which aligns buyers within the market. Influencers can also be third party advocates like manufacturers and retailers, or anyone whose viewpoint adds value to the level of influence, such as industry experts, professionals, academics, and the media.

How to Identify Influencers Within Your Niche An influencer in a wide definition, refers to the highly influential individuals or entities that are interacting with connected sections of a particular marketing demographic. Optimizing Your Influence Marketing Campaigns Utilizing Influence Marketing With Consistency. How to maximise PR outreach for site visibility in organic search.

How can you earn those coveted links and mentions in news and media sites that generate an incredible influx in domain authority? When combining SEO, PR, and content marketing, you create a winning formula for increased organic visibility, brand awareness, and social amplification. In this article, we’ll go through the steps required to create a cohesive strategy that integrates SEO and PR and maximizes the reach and outcome of both. 1. Research & ideation When determining the content that will resonate most with editors, journalists, and consumers, make sure you research and have as much data as possible at your disposal: Who are your buyer personas? What are the different stages of the buying cycle for your particular products and services? Unless you’ve taken time to perform extensive research and have comprehensive data to work with, your entire amplification strategy may fail as it will not capture the interest of the journalists, bloggers, and influencers that you are trying to reach.

#Marketing to #Millennials: hype and stereotypes from @WeAreArticulate. Since the term first emerged in the 1990s the marketing industry has been abuzz with conversations about ‘Millennials’. Marketing to millennials is expensive and time-consuming, and to do it successfully we apparently need to overhaul our strategies and start from scratch. But what do we really know about Millennials? Are they just a stereotype? And how much of the hype around them is just that: hype?

The Millennial demographic The first thing to note about the Millennial demographic is that there is little consensus around what it is or who it represents. According to Neil Howe and William Strauss, you’re a Millennial if you were born between 1982 and 2004. There are no hard and fast definitions for who or what a Millennial is.

Millennials are distinct from Generation X, and from the most recent generation (those born since 2005); andMillennials are the ‘worst,’ whatever that means. It’s easier to find stronger consensus about the values and traits of Millennials. We hate Millennials. All content is marketing - Inside Intercom. How much do you really know about #marketing on by @aimeemillwood. Should you hire a #marketing agency or a marketing person? How to Target Pinterest Ads for Better Results. The End of Deception: The 5 W’s of Online Reviews #marketing #reputation. How to define your #marketing tone of voice. Five Things Every #Startup #Entrepreneur Must Do For Digital Marketing #Success Via @Designhilldh.

#Marketing with Digital & Social Media - helpful Q&A insights here with @tonyrestell and @cameronfirefish. How to give better #writing briefs by @WeAreArticulate #marketing. The Ghost Influence Podcast: How Viral Happens On #Reddit by Brian Swichkow #Marketing. 7 Resources to Expedite Your Learning Curve in Online Marketing by @shaylaprice. Facebook Detailed Targeting: How To Select Laser-Targeted Audiences by @adomasb #marketing. Link Building #Strategies: The Complete List (2016 Edition) How to Use Facebook Insights to Improve Your Engagement by @AndreaVahl #Facebook #Marketing. Market Simulation or #Marketing Mix Modeling: Which One to Use? — How to get your ideas to spread #marketing #business.

Enlarge Your Digital Footprint for More Effective #Online #Marketing – @HenrikSandbergJ. The best Business People to follow on #Snapchat @socjmarketing #marketing. Turbo-Charge Your Marketing With These 355+ Power Words /via @petersonsar #copywriting. Appointment Setters: An Effective Marketing Tool for Staffing Agencies #sales. Here's How @Promoter_io's Net Promoter System Might Just Predict the 2016 Presidential Election #marketing. 9 Link Building Resources That’ll Increase Your Search Rankings. A 27-Day Online #Marketing Plan For Your Small Business. What Is The Difference Between #Sales And #Marketing? 5 #PPC Secrets I've Discovered Through Millions of Ad Spend #marketing. The Definitive, End-All Guide to Video Marketing - Explainify. The Next Imperative For Brands: Predicting Consumers' Needs #marketing ->

What your #business can learn from the Star Wars #marketing blitz. Great question! "Have You Got the Honey?" in The Two Keys To Social Media Success #marketing on @msocialbusiness.