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Twitter: Better to use a company or personal account in B2B? Not long ago, a user on our site asked me, “In terms of growing our B2B business through social media, and in particular with regard to Twitter, should we focus on our company or personal social media accounts?” Well, Peter, you ask a great question. Here is my response: it depends on what you are trying to achieve and with whom you are aiming to connect and target. Option 1: your brand is you From personal experience, running the business account from the company name has allowed us the flexibility to have several people post to the same account, from different perspectives. As most marketers will tell you, Twitter is not about pumping information; it is about maintaining an active and engaging dialogue with influencers and people who are relevant to your company. B2B Examples: @Marketo, @Optify, @JESS3, @siriusdecisions, @Eloqua, @Savvy_B2B Option 2: you are your brand Option 3: you are you (in relationship to your brand) In the third option, you are you (are you).

Just Fucking Sell. Last night, as I do most Sunday nights, I was catching up with all the shows I like to watch on Hulu. I wont bore you with the list, but lets just say that at least one includes a talking rabbit, another a talking robot, and yet another a barely talking human. In between pseudo-Sorkin quips, I, as I often also do, was zooming through twitter. Most of the time, Sunday night twitter is full of football, random links to articles and really bad jokes (still not sure why Sunday is so devoid of humor).

And in the midst of all of the noise was this tweet by John Meada: Now John, who I have never met, is the type of person that you tell people you once ate breakfast in the next room, and were too afraid to ask a very good friend for an introduction (Scott Belsky, it was not me when we ran into... Home - Silicon Milkroundabout. - Google Campus. Start-up Jobs als Karrierealternative. Im Start-up 5 Votes Mögliche Nachteile von Start-up-Jobs Start-ups haben bei der Rekrutierung von Mitarbeitern mehrere Probleme: Sie haben wenig Recruitingerfahrung und oft keinen Vollzeit Personaler. Sie haben ein geringes Recruitingbudget. Der Firmenname ist bei Bewerbern oft unbekannt. Das Stellenprofil ist oft nicht eindeutig zu beschreiben und passt nicht in traditionelle Schablonen.

Auch aus Sicht von Bewerbern, gibt es einige Unsicherheiten, die eine Entscheidung zu einem Start-up zu gehen, in Frage stellen können: Dem Firmennamen fehlt die vermeintliche Ausstrahlungswirkung von namhaften Unternehmen für die weitere Karriere. Vorteile von Start-up-Jobs Andererseits bieten Jobs bei Start-ups auch eine Reihe an Vorteilen: Die Suche nach Jobs in Start-ups Gute Anlaufstellen für die Suche nach Jobs bei Start-ups sind: spezialisierte Personaldienstleister für E-Commerce, Venture Capital, Start-ups, Medienbranche (z.B. Startup Jobs - Search Jobs by Venture Capital Companies | VentureLoop.