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South-East Asia's quiet revolutions: SEA changes. The Ally From Hell - Magazine. Pakistan lies.

The Ally From Hell - Magazine

It hosted Osama bin Laden (knowingly or not). Its government is barely functional. It hates the democracy next door. It is home to both radical jihadists and a large and growing nuclear arsenal (which it fears the U.S. will seize). Its intelligence service sponsors terrorists who attack American troops. Peshawar, northwest Pakistan, February 8, 2011: Set ablaze by roadside bombs, oil trucks bearing fuel for NATO forces burn, as bystanders react. Shortly after American Navy SEALs raided the Pakistani city of Abbottabad in May and killed Osama bin Laden, General Ashfaq Kayani, the Pakistani chief of army staff, spoke with Khalid Kidwai, the retired lieutenant general in charge of securing Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal.

The good, bad and ugly in Myanmar. Page 1 of 2 The good, bad and ugly in Myanmar By Benjamin Zawacki BANGKOK - On November 7, 2010, on the occasion of Myanmar's first elections in 20 years, Amnesty International commented that the polls which had "presented an opportunity for Myanmar to make meaningful human rights changes on its own terms" were instead "being held against a backdrop of political repression and systematic violence.

The good, bad and ugly in Myanmar

" A year on, what is the state of play? Reading the commentary of the past several months - much of it in this newspaper - is of limited help. That optimists and pessimists have emerged would normally be productive, except that these camps are more and more categorically opposed to one another. With few exceptions, Myanmar watchers of all stripes have increasingly dug their heels firmly into doctrinaire territory, unwilling to concede even the most basic (and often simply factual) points to the other side. Nor are they unqualified in practice. La populace est sous l’eau et alors ? Les inondations qui affectent le pays depuis trois mois ont jeté une lumière crue sur l'insurmontable clivage entre les privilégiés de la capitale et les pauvres des campagnes, écrit, un brin cinglant, le politologue Pavin Chachavalpongpun.

La populace est sous l’eau et alors ?

Les tensions entre le gouverneur de la ville et le gouvernement n'arrangent rien. "Ses chaussettes sont trempées. Au cours de ces terribles inondations, il a sillonné tout Bangkok. Vous ne trouverez pas plus dévoué. J’oublie constamment qu'il est le fils de Son Altesse royale le prince Paribatra Sukhumbhand et le petit-fils de sa Majesté le roi Chulalongkorn, l’un des plus grands monarques que la Thaïlande ait connus. " Ces crues dévastatrices lui ont donné l’occasion d’asseoir son autorité en tant que gouverneur de Bangkok et jusqu’à présent, il s’en est parfaitement sorti en travaillant indépendamment du gouvernement [allant jusqu’à donner des contrordres aux décisions prises par le gouvernement].

Quelles sont ces conceptions élitistes ? Escape From Thailand. Editors’ Note: this is a companion piece to the Darts & Laurels column that appears in the September/October 2011 issue of CJR, and that will be available at on September 22.

Escape From Thailand

Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles. In 2009, I spent a hot December day in the Land of Smiles, in jail. Initially, this seemed mildly amusing and novel—Thai jail, the brown jumpsuits, the rattle of shackles. I assumed I’d be there five minutes. I passed the rest of the day (not smiling!) I was charged with criminal defamation, a consequence of reporting in the Bangkok Post that a Thai official had been accused of plagiarizing his doctoral dissertation on organic asparagus. Rahul Gandhi prêt à assumer le pouvoir - Namaste ! Salam !

Le ton est donné.

Rahul Gandhi prêt à assumer le pouvoir - Namaste ! Salam !

Ce lundi, en lançant sa campagne électorale en vue du scrutin régional en Uttar Pradesh (mai 2012), Rahul Gandhi s'est défait de ses habits de « fils à maman » bien élevé. Il est descendu dans l'arène pour dénoncer l'incurie du gouvernement de Mayawati, actuellement au pouvoir. Jamais il n'avait fait preuve d'une telle agressivité, donnant à penser qu'il est enfin résolu à se battre pour gouverner l'Inde un jour. Le jeune Gandhi n'avait rien laissé au hasard. Giulio di sturco – war at the edge of heaven. Hover over the image for navigation and full screen controls Giulio Di Sturco War at the Edge of Heaven play this essay In August 2008, thousands of Muslims filled the streets of Srinagar, the capital of Indian-ruled Kashmir, shouting “azadi” (freedom) and raising the green flag of Islam.

giulio di sturco – war at the edge of heaven

That was the start of a new revolution In Kashmir. In 2005, a survey by Doctors Without Borders, who provide basic health care and psychosocial counseling to the population, traumatized by over 20 years of violence, found that Muslim women in Kashmir, prey to the Indian troops and paramilitaries, suffered some of the most widespread sexual violence in the world. Over the last two decades, most ordinary Kashmiri Muslims have wavered between active rebellion. Hindu nationalists have already formed an economic blockade of the Kashmir Valley. Bio Giulio di Sturco is a 30-year-old Italian photographer currently dividing his time between Milan and New Delhi.

In April 2009 Giulio Joined the VII Mentor Program.