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Matriz Curricular — Engenharia Ambiental. O Curso de Engenharia Ambiental, na modalidade de Educação a Distância, deverá ser integralizado em um período de 5 anos (para os ingressantes nos anos 2007, 2008 e 2009) e em 6 anos para os ingressantes a pertir de 2010.

Matriz Curricular — Engenharia Ambiental

O aluno de um curso na modalidade EaD deverá dispor de 22 semanas, em média, por semestre para se dedicar ao curso. As disciplinas estão divididas em 10 módulos (semestre) para os ingressantes nos anos 2007, 2008 e 2009 e em 12 módulos para os ingressantes a pertir de 2010. Tipicamente serão oferecidos 2 módulos por ano. Nos módulos podem ser ministradas em média 6 disciplinas contempladas em 22 semanas. Os módulos estão divididos em dois períodos de 11 semanas cada, denominados bimestres. Na sequência, será apresentada a matriz curricular do Curso de Engenharia Ambiental, com a periodização das disciplinas.

Personal Development Plan: The Definitive Guide. “Create a personal development plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you’re ready or not, to put this plan into action.” ~ Napoleon Hill The one personal development skill that I observe is making a huge difference in people’s successes is the ability to plan ahead.

Personal Development Plan: The Definitive Guide

Writing your own personal development plan is exactly the process that, if done right, can give you this advantage in life. Why Personal Development Planning? Because a well laid personal development plan will give you a strong direction in life. On the other hand it will be in perfect harmony with who you really are. What Makes a Great Personal Development Plan? 1. A good personal development plan is first and foremost purpose-driven. How is it different from your personal development goals? Planning is like laying a strategy, goal setting is like creating the tactics to fulfill the strategy. 2.

Your individual personal development plan must be rooted in your own values. 3. Personal Development Planning. How do you develop a PDP?

Personal Development Planning

Development is a process of expanding, shaping and improving skills, knowledge and interests to improve your abilities and effectiveness. This can involve developing skills and knowledge that will enable you to move ahead to the next stage in your career but also to expand your breadth of skills and knowledge so that you become more expert in your current post or even to develop a new skill outside work e.g. playing a sport. To address a development need effectively it is necessary to: Define what you want to achieve and set yourself a goal(s).

Plan the actions you need to undertake to achieve that goal – you should write a personal development plan (PDP) to outline the actions you are going to undertake to achieve your goal. How do you develop a PDP? You can find a pro forma of a PDP HERE and an explanation of what should be included (with an example) HERE. The Higher Education Academy also has a site on personal development planning for academic staff. Personal Development Planning and Goal-setting. You are here: Academic Skills We are here to provide advice and guidance on: study skills for taught coursesmaths skills for taught courses Select from the menu to the left or click on a topic below to find out more.

Personal Development Planning and Goal-setting

Click here for a definition of the skills we can help you with, but please note that the University does not offer a proof-reading or checking service. Easter break provision We will be closed from Monday 14th April until Friday 25th April inclusive. Academic skills self-help materials on Blackboard You can now access academic skill self-help materials through Blackboard. Instant study skills advice sessions Don't forget our instant study skills advice sessions run every weekday from 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:30.

Location: B0.23 Chesham Building (near the Peace Garden entrance) - click for directionsTelephone: 01274 23 6849Email: Reception Opening. Early Researcher Development Programme - Academic Development Unit, University of Wales, Bangor. Skills Development at Bangor University The aims of the Early Researcher Development Programme (ERDP) are firstly to support your development and knowledge as a researcher.

Early Researcher Development Programme - Academic Development Unit, University of Wales, Bangor

Secondly it aims to broaden your skills base, allowing you to access tools and skills which can improve your employability, whether in academia or industry. The provision of the ERDP at Bangor University emphasises the importance of developing personal and professional transferable skills alongside the research skills and techniques necessary for your postgraduate study and research. The ERDP is co-ordinated by the Academic Development Unit (ADU) in the School of Education and is delivered as a partnership between the ADU and academic Schools and Colleges. All training opportunities are offered free of charge to all early career researchers at Bangor, regardless of their source of funding.