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Dicas - discussões. Outdoor Kitchen Countertops. How to buy the best countertop materials for your outside kitchen, including advice on stone, tile, granite, concrete and brick countertops.

Outdoor Kitchen Countertops

Unlike standard indoor countertops, which are 24 inches deep, outdoor countertops are generally 30 inches deep to accommodate a built-in grill, among other features. A countertop should be deeper yet if it is on an island that can be accessed from all sides. Glass-Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) Countertop. Courtesy Absolute ConcreteWorks. Countertop Base The stronger the countertop material, the less need there is for a solid subsurface. The most popular choices for a substrate are a concrete slab that has been reinforced with steel and two sheets of concrete backerboard that have been joined using thinset mortar to create a double thickness. Outdoor Countertop Materials Just as with your kitchen’s countertop, your outdoor countertop should be a good work and/or dining surface that is easily cleaned. Stone tile. Granite. Glazed ceramic tile.

Glass fiber

Fibres and Admixtures. How to do concrete furniture finishing - Pesquisa Google. Finishing Concrete Countertops - How To Polish A Concrete Countertop. Finishing concrete countertops can be done many ways.

Finishing Concrete Countertops - How To Polish A Concrete Countertop

I'll cover how to polish the surface to a matte finish or a high gloss finish. Polishing concrete countertops gives you a very smooth, hard, dense surface that's easy to clean and maintain. There are a few different looks you can achieve when you polish a concrete countertop. You will need an orbital hand held sander or a hand polisher. You will also need wet diamond polishing pads from 50 grit to 3000 grit depending on the look you are trying to achieve. EXPOSED AGGREGATE - You achieve this finish by removing enough surface material to expose the underlying aggregate in the countertop mix. SALT AND PEPPER - You achieve this finish by removing just enough surface material to expose the underlying sand in the mix but not enough to expose any of the aggregate.

SMOOTH - You achieve this finish by just honing the surface lightly with an orbital sander or hand polisher and a diamond pad. 1. 2. How To Make Concrete Countertops - How To Build Your Own Concrete Countertop. Learning how to make concrete countertops can save you a lot of money and be very rewarding if you're doing it for yourself.

How To Make Concrete Countertops - How To Build Your Own Concrete Countertop

Adding your own personality and flare to the project will be something you can be proud of for many years. photo courtesy of Jon Meade Design There are two basic ways to make a concrete countertop. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. I'll cover both ways with links to other helpful information along the way. Concrete Countertops Technical Details. Concrete Dyes - Purchasing & Application Tips. For many years, decorative concrete contractors have been using acid-based chemical stains to achieve rich, earth-toned color schemes resembling natural stone, marble, wood, or even leather.

Concrete Dyes - Purchasing & Application Tips

But today, contractors are no longer limited to... Read More [+] Concrete Dye - Photos, Application Techniques, and Information on Concrete Dyes. For decorative contractors who use concrete as a canvas for color, the combination of chemical stains and concrete dyes is a perfect synergy.

Concrete Dye - Photos, Application Techniques, and Information on Concrete Dyes

Although stains have received much applause for their amazing color transformations, dyes deserve equal kudos. These underrated coloring agents can achieve vibrant tones simply not possible with stains alone. "Dyes can get the applicator into more vibrant colors such as yellow, blue, and purple to name a few," says Bob Harris, president of The Decorative Concrete Institute and author of Bob Harris Guide to Stained Concrete Interior Floors. The nice thing about working with dyes is that you can mix them at the jobsite to obtain your desired color. Dyes are often used in conjunction with acid stains to produce a variegated look and, in most cases, complement the already stained floor.

Gary Jones of Colormaker Floors Ltd. agrees about the versatility of dyes. Another proponent of dyes is artist Dana Boyer, owner of ConcretiZen. Less [-] Concrete Countertops - Concrete Countertop Training through DVDS, Videos and Hands-On Classes, Supplier of DIY Concrete Countertop Kits. Only $397.00 Covers All the Methods, Techniques and Trade Secrets used in the Decorative Concrete Countertop Industry as well as Our Own Exclusive Methods, and Raw Material Formulations to efficiently construct Solid Pour Countertops or Overlays over Formica or Tiled Countertops.

Concrete Countertops - Concrete Countertop Training through DVDS, Videos and Hands-On Classes, Supplier of DIY Concrete Countertop Kits

Covers Basic Cements, Hydraulic Cements, Hybrid Polymers, Aggregates, Synthetic Aggregates, Colorants, & Sealant options for all Construction Methods. Forming, Troweling, Stamping, Specialty Texturing, as well as our own exclusive methods of Replicating Textures, Creating Chiseled Edges and producing Dazzling Inlay Applications for Solid Pours or Overlay Techniques over existing Countertops. Covers how to create High End Concrete Countertops through the use of Molds, Specialty Material Blends, Polishing Methods, Carving Methods, Multi-Colored Cements, Crushed Metals and Marble Dust Stacking, Finish Polishing & Vast options of Color Stacking. Class includes: Student Testimonies Video Testimonies. How to do concrete countertops finishing - Pesquisa Google.

How to do concrete countertops finishing - Pesquisa Google. How to do small amount of decorative concrete? - Pesquisa Google. O fazer um piso cimentado. Piso de Cimento Alisado É necessário preparar um contrapiso com argamassa de areia , cimento ( 5:1) e água suficiente para deixar a massa macia, que será a base do piso.

o fazer um piso cimentado

O Fazer Concreto Colorido, Concreto Decorativo, Pigmentacao Colorida, Artefatos de Concreto, Lajes, Postes de Concreto, Bancos de Concreto, Mesas de concreto, Mourao de Concreto, Pre moldados, Pre Fabricados, Concregrama, Pisograma, Guias de concreto, Tel. Hoje em dia os pisos de concreto colorido contribuem significativamente para tornar nosso ambiente mais atraente e são amplamente aceitos pelo público em geral.

o Fazer Concreto Colorido, Concreto Decorativo, Pigmentacao Colorida, Artefatos de Concreto, Lajes, Postes de Concreto, Bancos de Concreto, Mesas de concreto, Mourao de Concreto, Pre moldados, Pre Fabricados, Concregrama, Pisograma, Guias de concreto, Tel

É um elemento importante na elaboração do design de uma obra, uma vez que os construtores podem combinar funcionalidade técnica com uma estética agradável, agregando valor às obras a um custo relativamente baixo quando comparado a outras soluções construtivas. A produção de pisos coloridos não difere da produção de um piso de concreto cinza. Porém, alguns pontos devem ser considerados na execução dessas superfícies que recebem adições de pigmentos, tais como: Uma das principais exigências feitas sobre o pigmento é que seja absolutamente resistente a álcalis. Em outras palavras, o efeito de coloração do pigmento não deve ser prejudicado pela alcalinidade do cimento  Além disso, o pigmento não deve ser destruído pelos efeitos das intempéries e da ação da luz solar (raios UV). 1a etapa: Preparação do piso 2a etapa: Queima do piso.

Cimento queimado como fazer aprenda como fazer cimento queimado ~ piso intertravado e paralelepipedo - Pavimentar - calçadas - Pisos industriais - Pavimentação. Vá de cimento queimado! Nesta cozinha, o piso de cimento queimado faz bonito, aliado ao ladrilho hidráulico, que forma um tapete no centro do ambiente.

Vá de cimento queimado!

O experiente empreiteiro fez uso da seguinte receita: para 4 m² (4 mm de espessura), a massa levou 1 saco de 50 kg de pó de mármore, 1 saco de 25 kg de cimento branco estrutural, 1 litro de adesivo Bianco (da Otto Baumgart) para dar liga à mistura e água até obter consistência pastosa. Sobre o contrapiso nivelado, ele dispôs filetes plásticos que servem de junta de dilatação, evitando trincas, e passou Bianco com brocha (neste caso, melhora a aderência da massa à base). Ela foi aplicada a seguir e alisada com desempenadeira de aço. No dia seguinte, uma lixa fina acabou com as irregularidades. Panos molhados cobriram a superfície por três dias.

Curing and Finishing. There's a window of time that is ideal to take advantage of if you're going to be grinding and polishing your countertop.

Curing and Finishing

After 4 days, the concrete is stiff enough to break the mold. After 10 days, the concrete has reached 95% strength and will be more difficult to grind. Concrete reaches full strength after 28 days. I made sure that all my grinding and polishing was done within that 6 day period which made my job easier. After 4 days of curing, I started unscrewing all of the screws in the mold. Concrete Countertop From Start to Finish. How to Hand Finish a Concrete Countertop. When you take the time to create a concrete countertop, you don’t want to skimp on the time necessary to create a smooth finish. As you finish working the concrete in its form, you want to hand trowel the surface as smooth as possible to minimize any rough surfaces on the countertop. Allow the concrete countertop to cure completely before you remove the forms and set the countertop in place. Once the countertop is set on the base cabinets, finish it with a hand polisher to give it a smooth-as-glass appearance.

Fasten a hook-and-loop 50-grit polishing pad to a variable speed hand polisher. Dampen the concrete surface. Switch to a 100-grit pad on the polisher. Clean the countertop surface with a mixture of 1/4 to 1/2 cup vinegar mixed in a gallon of water. Apply a concrete sealer to the countertop. Your Planting Articles. Creating Concrete Countertops. The concrete design studio. If your planning on giving this a go yourself, great... My advice is to do as much research as possible first, before you are in over your head. This page will help you to get started on your research. I can't give out things like mix design's and the likes, that info simply cost me too much blood, sweat, cash and tears to perfect. That aside I am happy to help. I could keep ranting for pages on this topic, there are plenty of other places to get information from though; you will likely reach information overload very quickly.

Be warned; Concrete of this nature is not quick, cheap or simple. Blog da Impermeabilização – Como fazer cimento queimado. O piso de cimento queimado é excepcionalmente duro e brilhante. Existem vários tipos e efeitos de cimento queimado, alguns efeitos manchados são muitas vezes comparados ao mármore. O cimento queimado é fácil e barato de fazer, saiba como aqui! Por ser uma das opções de revestimento mais baratos e de baixo custo as pessoas estão, cada vez mais, procurando obter informações sobre esta opção de piso e seus benefícios. Abaixo, segue a dica de como fazer cimento queimado! Dificuldade. Mistura para cimento queimado. Quem gosta do cimento queimado deve conhecer o Mr. Cryl, da Bricolagem Brasil. O produto é ideal para áreas internas ou externas, pisos e paredes lisas. O fazer cimento queimado. O fazer um piso cimentado. : : Dicas Técnicas : : . DIY bancadas de concreto de rede.