CcMixter. Infographie : 29 moyens d'obtenir des backlinks - Actualité Abondance. Infographie : 10 outils SEO gratuits pour optimiser son site et son SEO - Actualité Abondance. ▶ Les 16 Réglages Clés pour une Page Optimisée pour le Référencement [Guide] Soyez le premier à me soutenir Comment améliorer le référencement d’une page ? Comment améliorer le SEO d’une page ? Comment référencer une page sur Google ? Comment améliorer le positionnement de vos pages sur Google ? Téléchargement gratuit :cliquez ici pour récupérer vos 13 guides gratuits pour améliorer votre référencement + toutes les stratégies qui m'ont permis de passer de 0 à 125 000 visiteurs / mois en 1 an. Améliorer vos pages pour le référencement Parmi les principaux facteurs qui impactent le référencement, on trouve : 1. Prendre du temps pour optimiser votre référencement n’a de sens que si vous disposez d’une base saine à partir de laquelle construire pour grappiller à coup de petites améliorations les positions occupées par vos concurrents.
Sans quoi toutes les optimisations que vous mettrez en place ne seront qu’un coup de laque sur une vieille coque de navire. Consultez le tutoriel pour faire un audit SEO de vos pages 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 6. 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Ameliorer-referencement-600x4883.png (PNG Image, 600 × 4883 pixels) - Scaled (20%) Putting SEO in Its Place: An Information Architecture Strategy. Integrating SEO into Your IA Strategy: What’s Good for Information Architecture Is Good for SEO Flawed navigation, poor information and content organization, and weak information relationships not only confound users who visit your site, they disengage search engine spiders—preventing them from indexing valuable content on your site.
When a site has a sound information architecture, it satisfies visitors and naturally creates opportunities for extending your content to the rest of the world through search. For this reason—and with all due respect to the practices of content publishing, visual design, interaction design, and computer science—a sound information architecture for a Web site provides the essential foundation for search engine optimization. for how people can navigate to your root domain from search engines and third-party sites—for example,—or directly to any page on your site—for example,
So, What Should We Take Away from This? Download HTTrack Website Copier 3.48-22 - HTTrack Website Copier - Free Software Offline Browser (GNU GPL) Effective homepage. Effective homepage. Inspirationde. Free Printables! - The Organised Student. 30 Cheatsheets & Infographics For Software Developers. 30 Cheatsheets & Infographics For Software Developers. [Infographie] Les principales étapes d'un projet web. Les projets web peuvent être complexes et faire intervenir plusieurs personnes. Pour bien piloter vos prestataires et mener vos projets web au bout, vous allez avoir besoin de vous appuyer sur une méthodo.
On vous en présente une dans cette infographie, qui reprend les principales phases des projets web, et les livrables de chacune de ces phases. Bonne découverte ! Verbatim 1 – Cadrage et plannification Le brief Il consiste à formaliser votre besoin : A quoi sert le site web ? Assurez-vous que votre prestataire a bien compris votre projet. La charte projet Elle regroupe les principaux éléments dimensionnants du projet : Macro-planningEquipe projetRôles et responsabilitésEstimation en jour/hommeEstimation en budgetPrincipales contraintes techniquesetc. Cette charte est un document de référence entre vous et votre prestataire tout au long du projet. Petite astuce pour le planning et les estimations budgétaires : ne cédez pas aux sirènes du moins disant, vous risqueriez d’avoir des surprises. 10 astuces pour rédiger clairement pour le web.
On ne rédige pas pour le web comme on écrit pour obtenir le Goncourt. Suivez ces conseils pour rendre vos textes plus lisibles sur internet. Comment rédiger clairement pour le web ? C’est la question à laquelle Jef Verheyen et Anne Vervier nous aident à répondre à travers leurs conférences et blogs respectifs. Que faut-il retenir de leurs conseils ? 1 – Mettez l’élément le plus important en haut du message Respectez la règle de la pyramide inversée : commencez par évoquer le plus important et finissez par le moins important.
Par exemple, si vous envoyez un e-mail et que vous attendez du destinataire qu’il s’inscrive via un formulaire, cet élément doit venir en premier dans le texte. 2 – Utilisez des phrases actives et affirmatives L’écrit utilitaire n’est pas l’écrit littéraire : il faut aller droit au but. 3 – Interpellez le lecteur Exactement comme je l’ai fait dans le titre ci-dessus, utilisez le « vous ». 4 – Utilisez les listes à puce, les titres et la mise en forme. HTML5 MAKER Editor. Edit fiddle - JSFiddle. Patternizer - Stripe Pattern Generator Tool. Sketch Toy: Draw sketches and share replays with friends! HTML KickStart HTML Elements & Documentation. Setup Download HTML KickStart Include jQuery and HTML KickStart <script src=" src="js/kickstart.js"></script><!
-- KICKSTART --><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/kickstart.css" media="all" /><! -- KICKSTART --> Copy Elements into your HTML Browsers HTML KickStart Tested and working in IE 8+, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari IOS, Browser and Chrome Android. Notes Don't forget to use an HTML5 Doctype <! Buttons A.button With Icons Colors .orange Styles .pop Tooltips Tooltips are awesome. Hover over the examples on the right to preview.
Use: class="tooltip" + title="my tooltip content" Tooltip Positions .tooltip (default) .tooltip-top .tooltip-right .tooltip-left .tooltip-bottom Tooltips with HTML Content .tooltip + data-content="#ID" HTML Content This is more HTML content. Paragraphs Blockquote lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Blockquote Small Inline Styles Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 Address col_12.
ES6 Javascript: The Complete Developer's Guide Coupon. This is the tutorial you’ve been looking for to master ES6 Javascript. Generators? We got it. Arrow Functions? Of course. Rest/Spread Operator? Included! Mastering ES6 syntax can get you a position in web development or help you build that personal project you’ve been dreaming of. This course will get you up and running quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build applications using each new piece of Javascript syntax introduced with ES6. We’ll start by mastering the fundamentals of iteration over Arrays using helpers like ‘forEach’, ‘map’, and ‘reduce’. If you are new to Javascript or ES6, or if you’ve been working to learn it but sometimes feel like you still don’t quite ‘get it’, this is the Javascript course for you!
I’ve built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning ES6. Initializr - Start an HTML5 Boilerplate project in 15 seconds! HTML KickStart HTML Elements & Documentation. Setup Download HTML KickStart Include jQuery and HTML KickStart <script src=" src="js/kickstart.js"></script><!
-- KICKSTART --><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/kickstart.css" media="all" /><! -- KICKSTART --> Copy Elements into your HTML Browsers HTML KickStart Tested and working in IE 8+, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari IOS, Browser and Chrome Android. Notes Don't forget to use an HTML5 Doctype <!
Buttons A.button With Icons Colors .orange Styles .pop Tooltips Tooltips are awesome. Hover over the examples on the right to preview. Use: class="tooltip" + title="my tooltip content" Tooltip Positions .tooltip (default) .tooltip-top .tooltip-right .tooltip-left .tooltip-bottom Tooltips with HTML Content .tooltip + data-content="#ID" HTML Content This is more HTML content. Paragraphs Blockquote lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Blockquote Small Inline Styles Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 Address col_12. 10 Best HTML5 Tools You Need to Create An Amazing Website. Introduction For any web developer or designer, HTML5 tools prove to be a great help when it comes to step up their workflow and perform repetitive tasks.
These tools are blessed with all the richness and power that help webmasters to augment the value of their work and improve the usability of their web designs. They are compelling enough to build beautiful and responsive websites in the quickest possible manner. The majority of HTML5 tools is available for free and they are popular because they take less time and efforts to fabricate a commendable website. Using HTML5 tools, developers can easily incorporate eye-catching animation effects, videos, fonts, and graphics to their websites. 1. Font dragr is all what you need to preview custom web fonts in the browser. 2. Animations make a dynamic visual impact on the appearance of a website, and HTML5 Maker is a richly different take on this aspect. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Create cutting-edge HTML5 applications using CrossWalk. 9. 10. To Wrap Up. HTML 5.1. This specification defines the 5th major version, first minor revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features continue to be introduced to help Web application authors, new elements continue to be introduced based on research into prevailing authoring practices, and special attention continues to be given to defining clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to improve interoperability. This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication.
Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at Errata for this document are recorded as issues. The latest HTML editors' draft shows the current proposed resolution of errata in situ. This document was published by the Web Platform Working Group as a Recommendation. 10 New Features of HTML 5.1 & How to Use Them IRL - TMT Hub. The HTML specification got a major overhaul a couple of weeks ago when W3C published its new HTML 5.1 recommendation in November 2016. In its recent blog post, W3C called the new major release the gold standard, as HTML 5.1 provide us with new ways of how we can use HTML to create more flexible web experiences. In this article, we’re going to have a look at its new features you can make use of without touching JavaScript, however the improvements of the JavaScript background are also remarkable, as you can see it in the official change log.
Note that currently not all browsers support all of these features, so don’t forget to check browser support before you use them in production. If you are interested in the further development of the HTML standard, you can check out the working draft of HTML 5.2 as well. 1. In HTML 5.1, you can use <picture> tag together with the srcset attribute to make responsive image selection possible. Code example: <sourcesrcset="mobile.jpg, mobile-hd.jpg 2x" 2.
10 New Features of HTML 5.1 & How to Use Them IRL - TMT Hub. Learn HTML and CSS in a month on your smartphone - Earning Universe. Programming has never been so vogue. It is the skill everybody wants to master. Programming opens the door to many job opportunities, and with programming, one can work from home and earn huge amount of money. But learning programming takes time.
HTML and CSS are the stepping stones to create a website and add elements, functions, commands to it. To help learn HTML & CSS in just a month, I have compiled a list of apps and websites. Check it out. 1. I tell you this app is the best. Repeated exposure to this app can make you an expert in HTML and CSS. 2. Udemy is already famous for their free courses from programming to machine learning, from Android to auto 3. Next is Code Academy which you may have heard earlier. Code Academy is famous for its simple looking and easy to learn courses. Conclusion All these apps and websites ae very helpful. And unlike other alternatives which are complicated these are very simple and you would be amazed to know how quickly you learn those difficult languages. Timeglider: web-based timeline software. Timeline JS3 - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use. Web Tools Weekly | A weekly newsletter for front-end developers.
Pinceladasdaweb/Progress · GitHub. Pinceladasdaweb/tweetlight. OWASP. Document.cookie - Web APIs. Get and set the cookies associated with the current document. For a general library, skip to the dedicated paragraph. Syntax Read all cookies accessible from this location allCookies = document.cookie; In the code above allCookies is a string containing a semicolon-separated list of all cookies (i.e. key=value pairs) Write a new cookie document.cookie = newCookie; In the code above, newCookie is a string of form key=value. Any of the following cookie attribute values can optionally follow the key-value pair, specifying the cookie to set/update, and preceded by a semi-colon separator: ;path=path (e.g., '/', '/mydir') If not specified, defaults to the current path of the current document location.
Note: As you can see from the code above, document.cookie is an accessor property with native setter and getter functions, and consequently is not a data property with a value: what you write is not the same than you read, everything is always mediated by the JavaScript interpreter. Examples Library. Centre d'aide Google Analytics. Hype 3. TruFont. How to Create An Ajax-Based HTML5/CSS3 Contact Form. [series_html5css3] Contact form is deadly essential for any website, as it acts as a messenger which passes the opinion or enquiries of visitors to webmaster.
There have been countless contact forms on the web but unfortunately most of them do not explain to you the inner working parts, so here comes a detailed tutorial to teach you to build an advanced contact form from scratch based on the pop technology, HTML5 and CSS3. Pin it Considering the nature of a web-based e-mail contact form we are also required to dive into two separate application fields, which is the PHP backend code for sending email and jQuery functions for rich user interface. Get started now to build your own advanced contact form! Shortcut to: Demo – Get a preview of what you are buildingDownload – Download all files (php + css) Structuring the Application To get started you’ll need some type of web server to work over.
These packages will set up a local server on your machine with full access to PHP. Inside our Form HTML.