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Configure an environment for apps for SharePoint (SharePoint 2013) Applies to: SharePoint Server 2013 Standard, SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise, SharePoint Foundation 2013 Topic Last Modified: 2014-03-19 Summary: Configure domain names, service applications, and URLs for apps for SharePoint 2013. The following illustration summarizes the steps to take to configure an environment for apps for SharePoint. Overview of how to configure an environment for apps for SharePoint These configuration steps result in example app URLs such as the following: This article contains instructions for completing these steps. You must purchase a domain name from a domain name provider for your apps, for example,

To create a forward lookup zone for the app domain name Verify that the user account that performs this procedure is a local administrator on the domain controller. Click OK. SharePoint by Asipe (Benoît Jester) Configure SSL for SharePoint 2013. In this tutorial I will show you how to configure SSL for SharePoint 2013. Prerequisites: IIS 8SharePoint 2013Windows Server 2012HTTP Web Application on Port 80 Steps: Create Self Signed Certificate on IIS 8Import Self Signed Certificate to SharePoint Certificate storeAdd Self Signed Certificate to trust management in Central AdministrationConfigure IIS BindingConfigure AAMNotesIssues Note: Make sure to perform these steps with admin privileges. Step 1: Create Self Signed Certificate on IIS 8 Open IIS Manager and then go to Server name and choose IIS Section “Server Certificates” Click on Create Self-Signed Certificate... on Actions pane Specify a name like “SharePointSelfSignedCert” and click Ok Double click on this created Certificate and go to details Tab and click copy to File...

Click Next (Welcome…), Select No, do not export the private key and click Next , Select DER encoded binary and click Next, Specify the location for the certificate and Click Next and then finish (Imported). And Click New. [SharePoint 2013] – Configurer SSL pour SharePoint 2013 | Florent Cazenave. [SharePoint 2013] – Configurer SSL pour SharePoint 2013 Posted on Updated on Bonjour à tous. Aujourd’hui un article pour vous montrer comment configurer SSL pour utiliser SharePoint 2013 avec des url https et sécuriser l’accès à vos contenus. Je précise que dans mon cas, je vais utiliser un certificat de type “Self Signed” et donc à utiliser exclusivement pour des plateformes de développement.

Dans ma configuration, j’ai un serveur d’annuaire (Windows Server 2008 avec le Rôle Active Directory) et mon serveur SharePoint (Windows Server 2008R2 SP1, SQL Server 2012 et SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise). Voici comment faire pour configurer les différents éléments : 1/ Créer un certificat Self Signed & l’exporter Pour cela, nous allons utiliser une fonctionnalité de IIS (7 dans mon cas) permettant de générer des certificats auto-signés. Sur cet écran, nous allons cliquer sur “Create Self-Signed Certificate…” : Le certificat est maintenant créé. Nous allons cliquer sur l’onglet “Details” : 6/ Tests ! To start seeing previews, please log on by opening the document.

Overview and background This post is intended to show and explain why you see the intermittent (and annoying) “To start seeing previews, please log on by opening the document.” message when using previews from Office Web Apps Server 2013 (WAC) with SharePoint 2013. Unfortunately I do not have the magic bullet (yet) on how to solve it completely, this post is more on why you get it and how you can avoid seeing it too often. SharePoint 2013 allows you to view and edit Office documents in the browser using the Office Web Apps Server 2013. You also have the benefit that you can see previews of these documents in for instance Document Libraries and Search Results.

Why this message? First of all I need to say – the message have nothing to do with Office Web Apps Server 2013, it’s a SharePoint 2013 implementation issue, and there are two major reasons why this can happen. This is the URL that shows the message: This is the URL in the link: The Path from Fileshare to SharePoint. One of the major complaints about SharePoint is that, while it contains the potential for expanded business productivity and automation, within many organizations it has become yet another file share.

While that may be true, the primary difference is that, unlike those old file shares, SharePoint has the potential to be expanded upon. It is the sleeping giant in the organization. And funny enough, one of the major trends these days is movement of old network file shares and their vast volumes of unstructured data into SharePoint. Let's examine why this shift is happening. For one, the adoption lifecycle for SharePoint as a platform is maturing, with over 80 percent of the Fortune 500 companies either owning 2010 or planning to move to 2010. SharePoint adds many benefits that file shares just can’t provide, including retention policies, taxonomy and metadata, business productivity through workflow and forms, and robust document editing and versioning capability, to name a few.

Mark adds, Co-Authoring Documents with SharePoint 2013 | Sharegate. Since SharePoint 2010, Co-Authoring has been available for various Office products when the documents are stored either on your own SharePoint or on Office365. What is Co-Authoring? It’s the ability for multiple people to work on the same document at the same time. As I mentioned in “What People want from SharePoint 2013”, many are confused as to how it works and what you can do exactly. This article will look at the different interactions available both On-Premises and Online with Office 365. Co-Authoring Microsoft Documents, what we know We all have an idea of how it works; the document is stored somewhere in a SharePoint Document Library and is accessible to its audience.

Versions that are denoted by “*” support co-authoring functionality, even when Office Web Apps isn't configured or enabled in SharePoint. What’s interesting is that the Microsoft Office client installed on your computer is the one making Co-Authoring available. I think we can safely separate Co-Authoring into 4: Visual Guide: Setting up My Sites in SharePoint 2013 « Howto « Adis Jugo // SharePoint MVP.

One of the SharePoint 2013 puzzle pieces which got some major improvements are My Sites, User Profiles and news feeds. This article describes step-by-step process of setting up the my site infrastructure in the SharePoint Farm. Prerequisite for setting up My Sites is having user profiles import or sync up and running. You can read more on user profiles sync in my previous article. When this has been configured, we can start configuring my sites: The first step us to go create (according to the best practices) own web application for hosting my sites.

Go to the central administration, Application management, “Manage web applications” And create a dedicated web application (sd2013:101 in my example here) Now, the next step would be to create a site collection in the root of the newly created web application. Site Collection must have “2013” experience and use “My Site Host” template. Add a new managed path with wildcard inclusion. ..see if right service applications are set up. From all zones… SharePoint 2013 : Installer Office Web Applications Server | SharePoint by Benoît Jester (Asipe) [Update] 29.01.2013 : Update avec les versions RTM de Windows 2012, SharePoint 2013, OWA. Modification du lien de téléchargement,Distinguo des commandes d’installation des prérequis pour W2008/W2012,Mise à jour des screenshots,Ajout des commandes supplémentaires pour achever la configuration de SharePoint (merci Patrick),Ajout de chapitres "Restreindre l’utilisation des OWA en spécifiant les domaines" et "Références".

[/Update] Nous allons voir dans ce post comment installer les Office Web Apps Server – Ce serveur sera dédié aux OWA car il n’est pas possible d’installer SharePoint (ou Exchange, ou Lync) sur le même serveur. Je suppose donc avoir : Un serveur vierge pour les OWA,Une ferme SharePoint 2013 déjà installée et configurée (voir ici pour la procédure). La nouveauté pour cette version 2013 est que ces Office Web Apps n’existent plus sous la forme d’une application de service comme dans SharePoint 2010, mais sont désormais un produit à part entier. Articles liés : Prérequis 1. 1. 2. 1. SharePoint 2013 : Configuration du licensing | SharePoint by Benoît Jester (Asipe) SharePoint 2013 apporte une nouveauté très intéressante concernant le licensing : la possibilité pour vous (les administrateurs SharePoint) de pouvoir effectuer des associations entre les 4 types de licences (oui 4) et un groupe AD / un rôle FBA / un claim. Le licensing de SharePoint 2007 et 2010 Dans ces versions de SharePoint, si vous déployez une ferme utilisant la version "Entreprise" de SharePoint, tous les utilisateurs se connectant à ce serveur peuvent utiliser les fonctionnalités "Entreprise" de SharePoint.

La seule manière de limiter les fonctionnalités en fonction des CAL est de monter 2 fermes distinctes : une "standard" et une "Entreprise" - coûteux en temps et en argent. Mais tout ça … change avec SharePoint 2013. Le licensing de SharePoint 2013 Comme je le disais en préambule, vous allez désormais pouvoir effectuer des associations de licences. On note également l’apparition de 2 types de licence : "Project" et "OfficeWebAppsEdit".

La gestion des licences ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Deploy Office Web Apps Server. Updated: November 5, 2013 Summary: Explains how to deploy Office Web Apps Server on-premises for use by SharePoint 2013, Lync Server 2013, and Exchange Server 2013. Applies to: Office Web Apps Server Audience: IT Professionals Deploying Office Web Apps Server involves installing some prerequisite software and running a few Windows PowerShell commands, but overall the process is designed to be pretty straightforward.

In this article: Watch a video to see how it’s doneReview these resources before you beginPrepare servers to run Office Web Apps ServerDeploy the Office Web Apps Server farmIf you see “500 Web Service Exceptions” or “500.21 – Internal Server Error” messages Watch a video to see how it’s done Watch the following video to see how to set up Office Web Apps Server in a test environment. Set up Office Web Apps Server in a test environment Configuring Office Web Apps for SharePoint 2013...

Configuring Office Web Apps for SharePoint 2013 is simple On Windows Server 2008 R2 Parameters <? <? <? Technical diagrams for SharePoint 2013. Applies to: SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint Foundation 2013 Topic Last Modified: 2014-09-13 Summary: These diagrams provide visual representations of recommended solutions for SharePoint 2013 in the form of models, which are poster-size documents. You might need additional software to view these files.

See the following table for more information. Models are 34-by-44-inch posters that detail a specific technical area. Click a category to go to the section that contains the model posters: If you have a plotter, you can print these posters in their full size. Print posters on smaller paper Open the poster in Visio.