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Introducing the Content Strategy Canvas. A couple of years ago I created the Periodic Table of Content Marketing, to help people create the right kind of content for their brands.

Introducing the Content Strategy Canvas

That visualisation was very much tactical, in terms of its scope. I wanted to combine a brainstorming tool with a checklist, to help with the content creation process. I purposefully allocated just one of the 132 ‘elements’ to content strategy… the first element, in fact. Why? Because content strategy requires a lot more focus and input from content teams and stakeholders. As such, content strategy needs a different approach, and one that is less prescriptive. Click on the images below to see a large, hi-res, printable version (by all means download, use, and share around).

By way of a brief explanation, I’ve been recently mapping out the broader business strategy for EmpiricalProof. Value proposition design covers a couple of key areas in the Business Model Canvas, which I’m sure you’re already aware of. Audience Who are you targeting, and why? Audit. Guide pratique pour élaborer une stratégie de Content Marketing. Article invité rédigé par Alina Petrova, responsable éditoriale chez SEMrush !

Guide pratique pour élaborer une stratégie de Content Marketing

“Le contenu est roi”, cette expression devient de plus en plus populaire sur le web. Et ce n’est pas un hasard, car bien évidemment aucun site web ne peut exister sans contenu. Mais comment faire en sorte que vos contenus apportent des bénéfices à votre marque et vous aident à atteindre les objectifs fixés ? Grâce à une stratégie de Content Marketing forte et bien élaborée !

Dans cet article, je vous ferai découvrir ma méthode pour mettre en place une stratégie de contenu efficace et cohérente. Pourquoi le Content Marketing ? Le marketing traditionnel avec son approche intrusive ne marche plus à l’époque du web. Aujourd’hui, pour attirer et fidéliser ses clients, une marque doit savoir engager son audience à travers des contenus de valeur. L’intégration du Content Marketing dans votre stratégie de marketing globale vous permettra d’obtenir des résultats rentables pour votre business. Améliorer le SEO de votre site. The Ultimate List of Social Media Acronyms and Abbreviations. Just today, I found out what SOV means.

The Ultimate List of Social Media Acronyms and Abbreviations

Researching this post, in fact, was the first time I discovered the definition (SOV = “Share of Voice,” by the way!). I had seen it on social media articles and updates and never knew what it meant. Do you have similar acronyms or abbreviations you’ve wondered about? Our social media shorthand is amazingly extensive. We have acronyms and abbreviations for not only the marketing terms that we use but also the way that we chat back and forth with one another.

I’ve collected over 140 social media acronyms and abbreviations and placed them here in this post, complete with definitions and quick navigation to help you find the terms you’re interested in. Take the social media acronym quiz! In creating this post, I quickly put together a short and sweet quiz on some of the terms that appear in the glossary here. How to navigate the social media glossary Jump to any letter: View the index of acronyms & abbreviations: Topic: Social media marketing.