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:. OCYAN .: Prémio. 25 Signs You're Addicted To Books. Casas da Ribeira. Calendário dos Trabalhos Agrícolas Agriculture timetable Hortas Vegetable gardens Em Janeiro, é tempo de lavrar e estrumar as terras, plantar oliveiras e outras árvores de fruto, que se compraram na Feira de Janeiro, em Mação.

Casas da Ribeira

Podam-se as videiras, as pereiras, as macieiras e outras árvores. English text soon Em Fevereiro, nos campos, fazem-se enxertias nas árvores, semeia-se trigo, aveia, cevada e milho. Nos campos, preparam-se as terras para as sementeiras; semeam-se batatas e milho. Cavando a horta Semeam-se alfaces, plantam-se tomates, pepinos, pimentos, melancias e melões.

Drawing. Embroidery catch up. This is going to be one of those catch up posts so I hope you don't mind if it is slightly disjointed.I've been doing a lot of drawing and stitching as of late as I'm trying to build up my illustration portfolio again and also I'm planning to start offering postcards for sale and fingers crossed eventually prints.I've been considering this for quite a long time now as the embroidered artworks are extremely labour intensive and from a 'business' point of view it makes much more sense to be able offer reproductions which will be less expensive.Well that's the theory.So I have posted some of these pictures on facebook and flickr but thought I'd like to elaborate more on them.

Embroidery catch up

I also stitched a Summer Wandering piece as a gift for someone special who requested a hair and eye colour.This was lovely to do and I really liked the piece in these colours. 25 Creative and Challenging Vector Poster Design Tutorials. Jump into this roundup of some of the most creative and challenging vector poster design tutorials on the web.

25 Creative and Challenging Vector Poster Design Tutorials

There is a large assortment of styles and approaches here to review, from spacey psychedelic poster design, to geometrically influenced poster design, to robotic stomping power, to retro aesthetics and more. Check out these inspiring poster design tutorials. Blend and Mask Yourself a Great Poster Veerle Pieters shows us how to create a strong geometric central poster design, which utilizes flowing blends, masked shapes, and subtle gradients, to create a sophisticated final work. 25 Creative and Challenging Vector Poster Design Tutorials. Paper Folding Template. Cool Tools Week: Tooling Around with Teri: Easy Stitching with the Sew Easy!

Teri Anderson Hi friends!

Cool Tools Week: Tooling Around with Teri: Easy Stitching with the Sew Easy!

In honor of Cool Tools for Paper Crafters, let’s talk about tools. Tooling Around with Teri is back for the next two days, and today I am talking about the Sew Easy tool from We R Memory Keepers. If you are one who loves the look of stitching on your paper crafting projects, this tool is for you. The tool allows paper crafters to create the look of even stitches without having to fire up their sewing machine. The tool is quite simple in design. It also has a small door at the bottom of the barrel that opens up, allowing you to store sewing needles inside the barrel. Because the head of the tool is removable, you can buy heads to use with the tool. To remove the head from the tool, you rotate it and then pull it out of the tool. As the name implies, this tool really is easy to use. Let me show it in action: 1. 2. Cool Tools Week: Tooling Around with Teri: Easy Stitching with the Sew Easy! How to Make an Instant Book. Roteiro Oficinal do Porto. Gracy Design & Craft Handcrafted Creations by GracyDesignAndCraft.

G-Rated on Behance. Costura Letra Font on Behance. ASAE - Associação de Surdos da Alta Estremadura. Braille. Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.


Sistema Braile Braille ou braile1 é um sistema de leitura com o tato para cegos inventado pelo francês Louis Braille no ano de 1827 em Paris. O Braille é um alfabeto convencional cujos caracteres se indicam por pontos em alto relevo. O deficiente visual distingue por meio do tato. A partir dos seis pontos relevantes, é possível fazer 63 combinações que podem representar letras simples e acentuadas, pontuações, números, sinais matemáticos e notas musicais. Louis Braille perdeu a visão aos três anos. Sendo um sistema realmente eficaz, por fim tornou-se popular. 2013 - 4° Encontro Nacional de Jogos de Tabuleiro do distrito de Lisboa. 2013 - 4° Encontro Nacional de Jogos de Tabuleiro do distrito de Lisboa. Mesa Board Games. Quem Somos. Make Books - Host Your Own. Have you ever considered hosting a book making party!?!

Make Books - Host Your Own

I’ll bring all the materials and tools to your group! Each participant is bound to feel creative and proud of their very own book they made with their very own hands! Pricing below is for workshops/parties of one book structure, for up to 8 participants. You can choose to Design Your Own Workshop if you'd like to learn more than one book structure and/or involve more participants. Contact Karin to discuss optionsand pricing, to see samples of the books offered and have any questions you may have addressed. Books Offered: The Flag Book is a fun, sculptural book structure originally developed by an artist named Hedi Kyle.

This book is a great introduction to basic bookbinding. SUEDE COVERED ACCORDION w/ TIE CLOSURE A suede covered accordion book makes a great display piece, gift or memento. ACCORDION SPINE w/ FRAME PAGES This book uses the accordion method to create a spine for frame pages to be applied to. This is a fun one. Travel: Mecanismo pop-up: Doblez en Ángulo. Una página en la que explican en qué consiste el mecanismo pop-up de doblez en ángulo.

Mecanismo pop-up: Doblez en Ángulo

La página es de una escuela y está enfocada a niños por lo que sugiere usar materiales simples como un folder (que es de cartulina más o menos rígida y ya está doblado a la mitad, y que sirve de base de la tarjeta popup), una tarjeta de cartulina (como las que se usan para notas bibliográficas y que son las que yo uso para proyectos sencillos), unas tijeras y cinta adhesiva (por lo que veo parece que es masking tape y la usan en lugar de un pegamento con lo que logran que las uniones no sean permanentes y las puedan cambiar o corregir).Para este mecanismo de doblez en ángulo se dobla la tarjeta a la mitad, se corta en forma de triángulo y se pega al folder. Este mecanismo también es conocido como Doblez en V. Anuário Empresas, o Anuário dos anuários, empresas para empresas!

Contactos. Sustainable Printing. M jealous of samantha cotterill. I’m jealous of samantha cotterill These handmade pages by American artist Samantha Cotterill {aka mummysam} make me want to dust off the old sewing machine and roll out the bobbin thread… except that I haven’t even thought about sewing since I was forced to make a pair of Bermuda shorts in ninth grade Home Ec.

m jealous of samantha cotterill

Hm, maybe I’ll just covet these instead. Yes… much better plan. Fuzzy Felt Artworks / 2012 on Behance. OWT creative Issue #11 Error on Behance. O Meu Alentejo.