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The World of Paid Social Media (and how your social media agency can lead the charge) Updated July 12, 2013: The following post was written over a year ago by HootSuite Content Producer Andy Au.

The World of Paid Social Media (and how your social media agency can lead the charge)

Since then, plenty has changed in the world of paid social, including the launch of our own Twitter Ads product. Creating a #Hashtag Campaign on Twitter. Often the biggest results come from the smallest actions.

Creating a #Hashtag Campaign on Twitter

Take Twitter hashtags, for example... The concept itself is deceptively simple; just add the “#” symbol in front of a word or a group of words with the spaces between them taken out. This tiny bit of detail lets Twitter organically categorize your tweets, as well as anyone else’s, that make use of the exact same hashtag. In a very big way, it is the 140-character equivalent of assigning keyword tags to documents and blog posts. Just as anyone searching for content about a specific keyword gets pointed toward the articles containing that keyword, anyone searching on a hashtag gets a listing of tweets containing that hashtag. By including a relevant hashtag in your tweet, it becomes visible to people searching for that specific topic, adding your voice to the general discussion. The probability of your tweets being retweeted are also higher when you use the right hashtag to share your comments or insights about a subject. 5 Cool Non-Profit Uses of Location-Based Tech.

Geoff Livingston co-founded Zoetica to focus on cause-related work, and released an award-winning book on new media Now is Gone in 2007.

5 Cool Non-Profit Uses of Location-Based Tech

The continuing evolution of location-based social networking has yielded creative solutions for advocacy, fundraising and crisis response. With the increased competition among services like Foursquare, Gowalla and Whrrl, non-profits are innovating even further. Here are five cool uses of location-based technology for non-profit purposes. How Streaming Video Is Killing the DVD [INFOGRAPHIC] Will the DVD die off like the LaserDisc and VHS Tape before it?

How Streaming Video Is Killing the DVD [INFOGRAPHIC]

There's a compelling case that streaming video is killing its predecessors. This year, it is estimated, there will be 3.4 billion movie views online, compared with 2.4 billion disc views. Streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu Plus have racked up tens of millions of subscribers. It's easy to see why — viewing a movie on a streaming service costs a fraction of the price of viewing a movie on disc. For production companies, the rise of digital streaming capabilities isn't necessarily good news. This is all according to online education site TheDegree360, which pulled reports from several sources to produce the infographic below. Ramon Nuez: Four Reasons You Should Use Crowdsourcing. #SMFilm: It’s a Wrap! « La Vie en Clothes. A Map of New York City’s Invisible Neighborhoods, According to Foursquare - CREOpoint.

Source: Mark Wilson.

A Map of New York City’s Invisible Neighborhoods, According to Foursquare - CREOpoint

#SMECom Presentation. For the past three months, I have been working on a team teaching project called “Social Media E-Commerce,” or #SMECom.

#SMECom Presentation

The project has fascinated me, as I learned about the Want button, Tango Card, and F-Commerce. Entering the Social Media Realm: Nonprofits. Crowdsourcing: A Joint Effort « alexandrakdolan. For our COM400 “Social Media U Need 2 Know” class, myself and three other classmates, Timothy Killian, Leigh Ortman, and Charlotte Schaefer teamed up to research and present our findings about crowdsourcing.

Crowdsourcing: A Joint Effort « alexandrakdolan

#NewCrowdSM4 Crowdsourcing presentation « alexandrakdolan. Guest Post: Lessons on Crowdsourcing with MycroBurst. The Verge interview: David Carr on curation, crowdsourcing, and the future of journalism. 212inShare Jump To Close.

The Verge interview: David Carr on curation, crowdsourcing, and the future of journalism

Havas Buys Majority Stake in Crowdsourcing Ad Agency. Whether there is wisdom in crowds, a leading advertising holding group sees opportunity in the idea.

Havas Buys Majority Stake in Crowdsourcing Ad Agency

Crowdsourcing Haiti. From March 10th to 31st this year the Ministry of Tourism of Haiti ran an open call for people all over the world to submit logos and slogans.

Crowdsourcing Haiti

Current Haiti tourism logo. Angie's List Mobile. Thumb. SXSW Interview: Colin Mutchler of Kluster. Crowdsourcing for biomolecule design. Crowdsourcing Invents Games With Donut Whales And Robot Pickles. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video. The Game Developers Conference sees a lot of creativity and interesting ideas pass through the halls of the convention centre it’s hosted at. Production company iam8bit put together their own creative project that spawned some abstract and quirky game ideas. Using oversized fridge magnets — you know, the ones with words that you put together to make nonsensical sentences with — iam8bit looked to passersby to crowdsource some zany game titles and genres.

Character, concept, and other game designers and artists on hand took the frankly weird submissions and transformed them into visual representations that can be seen in the video above. Games featuring the likes of furry LEGO rabi and meat astronauts were given game splashes and concept art. Memrise wants to turn learning into a 'recreational sport' Memrise's gardening visualisation helps its users to learn. CrowdConf 2011. Wikipedia: The Father of Crowdsourced Internet Project. What’s Crowdsourcing Useful For?

How To: Get Things Done With "Crowdsourcing" Sites : Creative Types: Collaborate on Music and Film. Fotolia Acquires Crowdsourcing Community Wilogo. NEW YORK, NY (Press Release – March 15, 2012) – Fotolia announces the acquisition of, a leading crowdsourcing design community. Since its inception in 2006, Wilogo has been connecting businesses and designers from all over the world. is available in 4 languages, and has produced hundreds of thousands of logos for its clients. Wilogo’s community also has designers with skills in print, web, and packaging design, fulfilling businesses with the entire range of their marketing and communications needs. Citing similarities in corporate mantras, Fotolia CEO Oleg Tscheltzoff expressed optimism towards future prospects of the two companies working together.

Crowdsourcing Done Right: Fans From 22 Countries Dance In One Music Video. Innovation: How To Make Sure You Spot The Best Ideas. #NewhouseSM4.


NewhouseSM4. NewhouseSM4. NewhouseSM4. Texting From The Toilet? A Disturbing Look At America's Smartphone Addiction.