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VIDEO: Groningen - Nowhere will you find more cyclists. Over half the residents of Groningen get around by bicycle [Photo Credit: Tup Wanders] Groningen in the Netherlands has the worlds highest proportion of cyclists of any city in the world. Over 55% of trips are done by bike in this small city of about 360,000 (metropolitan, less than 100,000). This student town is an old trading post that sits about 40 km west of the German border. Groningen has a few key things going for it that have enabled it to become the city with the most cyclists per capita. Groningen central square But it wasn’t just that… Everything has been modified to make cycling the easiest choice. The city has tried to keep growth contained to new areas which lie within 5 to 7 km of the central part of the city. Cycling to Ikea! Interesting Note: In Groningen, even cyclists are provided with convenient options at Ikea.

[Key Sources / Literature: Copenhagenize, A View from the Cycle Path] Massimo milano - comix + illustration.