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Backupify | Gmail Backup, Google Apps Backup, Backup and Restore for Web Application Data. Schedule Email Gmail Send Later Right Inbox. AJAX and PHP WebMail Clients. Email has become an essential part of our life and it is hard to imagine a business world without such useful tool. Considering the widespread usage of various email clients, it’s important to use software that has appropriate options that will enhance your user experience and simplify most of your operations connected with emails. Of course there are many free email services though today we are talking about webmail clients using POP3 and SMTP protocols for both local and remote mail servers.

Mostly these mail clients are powered by PHP or Java scripts. Even though most of these clients are not that new, we believe that their popularity and great set of extremely useful and well-thought options will be the key arguments for you to try them out. As usual we are glad to hear a word from you about software that we have missed to include to our list. 1. 2. AtMail has great Ajax-powered interface with a bunch of awesome options. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The Horde Project. 40 Fantastic Self-Hosted Business Apps. The cloud is now at the forefront of business computing, and the rise of the SaaS model is driving down the cost of business software. Gone are the days when companies used bulky proprietary software to handle their business.

Online business apps are generally easier to set up and they store your data remotely, so can be accessed from anywhere. There are now online business apps for all areas of company management, including CRM, accounting, project management, and help desk. The great thing about cloud apps is that they are tailor-made to cater businesses of any size, and can be scaled very easily. Some of the applications listed below feature freemium subscription model, so you only pay for the features you end up using.

We have curated some of the best online business apps out there and grouped them under relevant sub categories. [Update] This post was originally published on February 24th 2011, under the title “40 Fantastic Self-Hosted Business Apps”. Insightly Trial Availability– Yes. 10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience. Mar 11 2009 Employees need to access their email from wherever they happen to be – on the road, at customer sites, remote offices, and at home. WebMail clients allows receiving and sending email messages using POP3 and SMTP protocols through both local and remote mail servers.

Providing secure filtering of unsafe content while viewing HTML-formatted email messages. WebMail clients can operate under different popular web platforms (PHP, ASP.NET, ruby on rails, java). Today i wanted to share with you 10 AJAX-based & PHP webmail client that delivers the look and feel, usability and performance of a desktop application. 1. RoundCube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface. 2. Zimbra provides open source email and calendar groupware software, with a browser-based AJAX client to deliver a rich experience with a message conversation view and visual search builder that makes multi-gigabyte inboxes easier to use. 3. 4. 5. 6. Live Demo 7. 8. 9. Horde, SquirrelMail, and RoundCube.

The 3 choices With a cpanel account there are 3 different mail choices offered: Horde, SquirrelMail, and RoundCube. I am going to explain the major differences between the 3 of them and hopefully that will allow you to pick the best for your own use. All the programs come with a basic array of features: Forwarding, Replying, Address Book, Folders, Junk mail, etc… I will not be explaining these features as these are a base for all types of e-mail programs and are irrelevant to the topic. SquirrelMail The most basic of these choices is SquirrelMail. It has the most basic of all interfaces. As you can see in the photo above, it is a very basic and just lists your mail.

The next is Roundcube. The is a good choice if you want a cleaner / smoother looking webmail program. Horde is different than the other 2 webmail programs. It has a list of options (in the upper right hand corner and on the left hand side) for you to choose from: Mail, News, Calendar, Notes, Tasks. Roundcube - Free webmail for the masses. Goodbye SquirrelMail, Hello RoundCube. – October 26th, 2005 – My host, Dreamhost, comes bundled with IMAP email (which is great btw. Mike explains the benefits much better than I could). SquirrelMail is Dreamhost’s webmail client of choice.

For a while now, SquirrelMail has been bugging me. Before you send me a torrent of email - yes, I know it’s configurable BUT not it seems with Dreamhost without a load of faffing around with ssh etc. I mostly use SquirrelMail whilst I’m at work because of the brick, er, firewalls won’t allow IMAP access at all. RoundCube is a PHP/MySQL based webmail system, which is opensource and rammed full of AJAX goodness. RoundCube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface.

As you can see, it’s pretty well stocked with features already, some of which really appeal (like skinnable XHTML and CSS for example). There are some features it needs though, and soon. So, I’ve only been using it for a day, but so far so good. Further reading. Roundcube - Free webmail for the masses. AfterLogic Corp. — mail server, webmail client, email components. Zimbra offers Open Source email server software and shared calendar for Linux and the Mac. Top 7 Webmail Software. Webmail Software or Web-based email comprises of two important terms Webmail client and Webmail provider. Webmail client is responsible for sending and receiving email messages using POP3 and SMTP protocols through local or remote servers.

Webmail providers such as Gmail,Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, provide email access using webmail client, or desktop email client. These webmail clients can operate under different web platforms(PHP, ASP.NET, Java). Here below is the list of 7 webmail clients. 1. Roundcube is a browser based multilingual IMAP client. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
