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MOOC Articles. MOOCS: Free education online | Generation y blog. Angèl Nijskens Recently my father told me a tragic story about his aunt Maria, who he never got the chance to meet. She was a great example for everyone who wants to do things that seem impossible and I would like to share it with you this week. My grandmother had a sister, her name was Maria and she was a very smart young woman. She was born at the beginning of the 20th century when women did not have the rights most of us have nowadays. Despite this, her parents saw that she was very intelligent and therefore she was the only one of many brothers and sisters who was allowed to go to school and study. This story sticks with me, I don’t know why. When I first heard of this phenomenon, I was very curious and enrolled in a MOOC. I felt involved in something revolutionary: I was part of an international community of like-minded people studying together without barriers!

Like this: Like Loading... En el mundo MOOC. SCOPEO Informe No. 2. MOOC: Estado de la situación actual, posibilidades, retos y futuro. El pasado jueves 27 de Junio, publicamos el segundo de los informes de SCOPEO sobre la tendencia por excelencia del 2012 en el mundo de la formación Online. Efectivamente, me refiero ineludiblemente a los MOOC, Massive Online Open Courses. Si algo queremos y perseguimos desde SCOPEO, es manteneros al día sobre las últimas tendencias en la formación e-learning, lo hicimos hace 2 años con nuestro Monográfico SCOPEO No.3. M-learning, en España, Portugal y América Latina y queremos continuar con nuestra “saga” de publicaciones sobre tendencias en e-learning.

Hemos querido tener en cuenta varios pilares en la elaboración de este nuevo informe. Por un lado, y como denominador común en todos los trabajos que publicamos desde SCOPEO, contamos con un capítulo en el que recopilamos bibliografía y webgrafía sobre la temática a tratar, para ofrecer y enriquecer el informe con un paseo breve e ilustrativo sobre los MOOC. Por último en el tercer capítulo de este informe, contamos con una novedad. ¿Serán los COMA (MOOC), el futuro del e-learning y el punto de inflexión del sistema educativo actual? ¿Serán los COMA (MOOC), el futuro del e-learning y el punto de inflexión del sistema educativo actual?

Prof. Dra. Clara Mª Vizoso Martín. Directora Tecnología Educativa Universidad Camilo José Cela En los últimos meses, por las universidades españolas se ha empezado a debatir en algunas y a oir en otras, y la palabra C.O.M.A, todas las facultades ya sean de origen técnico o no, tienen puestas sus expectativas en este tipo de cursos, pero… ¿qué son los C.O.M.A.S, son una forma diferente de cursos elearning, verdaderamente van a convulsionar a nuestro sistema educativo desde el colegio a la universidad, o serán siplemente una puerta abierta para la creatividad de algunos y para otros muchos será un modelo más a que hace tambalear los principios actuales de la enseñanza en todos sus niveles?. Como marco conceptual preámbulo necesario para nuestra reflexión, creo ineludible dedicar unas líneas a la historia y al desarrollo de los mismos. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is a MOOC? El futuro de las aulas? CAMPUS TECHNOLOGY August 2013 Page 1. Wiki MOOC.

Teoría y definiciones Los cursos abiertos, masivos , en linea son una tendencia relativamente nueva que narra su origen hacia el año 2011 cuando la universidad de Stanford ofrece tres cursos de Ingeniería; Inteligencia artificial, aprendizaje maquinario e Introducción a bases de datos de manera en linea y gratuita, es decir cualquier persona con acceso a Internet podía tener el arbitrio para entrar en estos cursos.

Pasado un corto período de tiempo los cursos registraron aproximadamente 160.000 estudiantes inscritos para la clase A1 del profesor Thrun del laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial, un nùmero bastante condiderable. Con base en dicha aceptación Thrun y otros colegas ; Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng de la misma universidad comienzan a fundar organizaciones educativas que ofrecen cursos en linea. Los cursos ofrecidos por Thrun se denominan Audacity proveniente de la palabra "audacious", asimismo los cursos ofrecidos por Koller y Ng son denominados "Coursera". 1.

Roth, M. 2. MOOCs: The cutting announcement of the wrong revolution | betrokken wetenschap. A litany of recent complaints shows that something is wrong with higher education: Cost are rising with 10% every year (US), content has lost track with the explosive development of new knowledge, alumni’s competences do not match with the requirements of the labour market, teachers deliver lectures in the same way as their predecessors did for centuries, revenues for society are unclear. 40% of all students are leaving without a grade.

Universities are inside looking, fixed at ratings, complacent and self-confident and consequently do not consider any reason for change. According to Christensen[1], universities are on the eve of disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation is the fast acceptance by the public of affordable new products and services, which were disregarded by established companies and are mostly offered by new entrants. Less than one year ago, the first MOOCs (massive online open course) were launched. However, this is the wrong revolution. Learning processes. xMOOCs vs. cMOOCs Revisited. For reasons known only to the sprites living under the hood of search engines such as Google and Bing, the story on this site that continues to get more search engine traffic than any other is this piece on the distinction between xMOOCs (MOOCs based on professor-centric courses, usually associated with established universities and companies like Coursera , Udacity and edX) vs. cMOOCs (MOOCs based on an earlier connectivist vision of courses involving enrollees acting as both students and teachers).

I have still not found a cMOOC to take which would provide the basis for understanding the experience more deeply, but I have been thinking about how the distinction between the two visions of massive online learning may become difficult to maintain as the MOOC experiment continues. Which is as it should be. For the road to getting the new online courses to fulfill their potential is still very long and very fraught. The Teaching and Learning Foundations of MOOCs. In Daphne Koller’s TED talk about Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), she discusses what she believes are the pedagogical foundations of MOOCs. For her, and also restated on the Coursera website (the company she helped found), those foundations include the effectiveness of online learning, mastery learning, peer assessments and active learning.

Of course the evidence cited to support these foundations is scant and is quoted without giving any context to the research. MOOC critics also rarely produce any actual evidence when dismissing MOOCs as being pedagogically unsound or when stating that they offer a worse experience than face-to-face education on campus. The MOOC fingerprint The starting point for us was categorising the attributes that define a MOOC as they are presented on platforms such as edX, Coursera and Udacity. The Effectiveness of Online Learning The most obvious characteristic of MOOCs is that they are delivered online. Retrieval Learning Mastery Learning Short Videos. Strategic Lessons from MOOC Pioneers Infographic. MOOC Infographics To MOOC or not to MOOC is a question many institutional stakeholders are asking right now. The Strategic Lessons from MOOC Pioneers Infographic presents the results of a study on administrator and faculty motivations for pursuing massive open online courses.

The study, which involved in-depth interviews with senior university leaders and a survey of faculty all with first-hand MOOC experience, is the largest of its kind conducted to date. A highlight of the study is the high level of alignment it uncovered between administrators and faculty on the motivations and considerations for pursuing MOOCs. Specifically: Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog! Procesos de aprendizaje. The pedagogical foundations of massive open online courses | Glance. MOOC, análisis de resultados. MOOC, análisis de resultados Enrique Sanchez Acosta Ingeniero de Software en Soft S.A y Doctorando en TI aplicadas (UEM) Ahora que la palabra MOOC empieza a ser conocida por toda la comunidad educativa, se están evaluando los resultados obtenidos por los cursos de prácticamente todas las universidades.

Estos resultados reflejan una amplia tasa de abandono, por debajo del 10% (Ver Ilustración 1), motivada en la mayoría de los casos por dos puntos fundamentales: La curiosidad que despiertan este tipo de cursosLos conocimientos que requieren para su finalización, que no están siendo filtrados en un principio, debido a la matización de la palabra “Open” en los MOOC. Ilustración 1.- Tasa de abandono de los principales cursos MOOC – Katy Jordan ( Curiosidad Ilustración 2.- Tasa de abandono en las principales plataformas MOOC Hace algunos años Ken Robinson comentaba en una de sus conferencias: “No necesitamos ‘reformar’ nuestro sistema educativo. Citar como: MOOC,s examples. Curso: Teaching with Moodle: An Introduction.