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Effective-emacs - steveyegge2. 10 Specific Ways to Improve Your Productivity With Emacs Emacs is the world's best text editor. It's not just the best for editing program source; it's the best for any kind of text-editing. Mastering Emacs will make you more effective at writing and editing email, documentation drafts, blogs, HTML pages, XML files, and virtually everything else that requires any typing. The tips in this little document are geared towards Emacs power-users. Not all the tips are customizations to Emacs; some of them are changes to your desktop environment to make it work more seamlessly with Emacs. The key to understanding Emacs is that it's all about efficiency, which includes economy of motion.

Using the mouse is almost always the worst possible violation of economy of motion, because you have to pick your hand up and fumble around with it. Compared to Emacs Wizards, graphical-IDE users are the equivalent of amateur musicians, pawing at their instrument with a sort of desperation. ! Dialog boxes suck. A precio de robado » Blog Archive » Vim y Nano. En linux existen 2 editores de texto para consola predominantes, tambien esta pico y emacs, pero generalmente los que vienen por default son vim y nano, a diferencia del bloc de notas con el que contamos, diferentes distros dan preferencia a uno u a otro por diferentes razones, vi generalmente es usado por arrogantes usuarios de linux como yo usuarios mas experimentados mientras que nano es adoptado mas por los n00bs usuarios que requieren de una interfaz mas amigable. Editor de textos Vim Vim es de Vi iMproved, en otras palabras Vim proviene de Vi, la principal dificultad es que es muy poco intuitivo y esta principalmente enfocado a los programadores, trabaja en diferentes modos es por eso que se dice es ques un editor de texto de tipo modal a pezar de que su curva de aprendizaje es mayor que la mayoria de los editores de texto (emacs no entra como editor de texto, mas bien es un sistema operativo completo) sin embargo al aprender optimiza de gran manera el trabajo. .

Popularity: 22% [?] Emacs. Releases | Supported Platforms | Obtaining Emacs | Documentation | Support | Further information GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor—and more. At its core is an interpreter for Emacs Lisp, a dialect of the Lisp programming language with extensions to support text editing. The features of GNU Emacs include: Content-sensitive editing modes, including syntax coloring, for a variety of file types including plain text, source code, and HTML.Complete built-in documentation, including a tutorial for new users.Full Unicode support for nearly all human languages and their scripts.Highly customizable, using Emacs Lisp code or a graphical interface.A large number of extensions that add other functionality, including a project planner, mail and news reader, debugger interface, calendar, and more.

Many of these extensions are distributed with GNU Emacs; others are available separately. Releases Emacs 24 has a wide variety of new features, including: Supported Platforms Documentation. Welcome home : vim online. Geany : Home Page.