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Building a Document Management System with Sharepoint 2010 - Part 2. In the second part of the series we will follow the process of how to create "Columns" in a content type. "Columns" will become of of they key parts of the Document Management System as it will be the fastest way of searching documents. Think in "Columns" as fields, every document will be the document itself (.doc) plus a bunch of fields. These fields can be customize by adding the out-of-the-box ones you need or by creating your own ones. In this part we will concentrate in adding the out-of-the-box ones, leaving the custom ones for the next chapter. 1- Go to Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Site Content Types. 2- Look for "Custom Content Types". 3- Click on "Bill". 4- You should reach this screen "Site Content Type Information". 5- Click "Add from existing site columns" 6- Select "Select columns from:" -> Status indicators, and in "Available columns", select Description and click in Add. 7- If you add a new "Bill" you should be able to see the columns.

Getting a Power View report within Excel 2013 to work with SharePoint - CSS SQL Server Engineers. I was setting up my SharePoint 2013 server to be able to use an Excel 2013 workbook that had a Power View Report in it. However, when I tried opening the workbook, I got the following error: In the ULS logs of my SharePoint server that had RS installed on it, I saw the following: Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Cannot create a connection to data source 'EntityDataSource'.

---> NoAvailableStreamingServerException: We cannot locate a server to load the workbook Data Model. ---> Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SPClient.Interfaces.ExcelServicesException: We cannot locate a server to load the workbook Data Model. ---> Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.WebServices.ExcelServerApiException: We cannot locate a server to load the workbook Data Model. I have a separate SharePoint App Server that has Excel Services setup. In the ULS Log on that box, I saw the following: I already knew that I had a server defined for the Data Model settings within Excel Services. Evolution of SharePoint Project Governance: Best Practices for Today.

In yesterday's article, “The Evolution of SharePoint Project Governance: Lessons Learned,” we explored the differences between SharePoint governance of the past and today’s holistic view of SharePoint governance as it relates to organizational goals and business needs. Today we reveal how an organization can move from the antiquated form of SharePoint governance to a modern form of SharePoint governance that provides true business value.

SharePoint is a technology that demands strategic integration with both business plans and IT plans. Business governance shapes the vision and sets the course for the company, but SharePoint project governance keeps the tiller pointed in the proper heading. Successful SharePoint governance for today’s modern organizations mandates participation by a wide range of stakeholders to keep an organization heading in the right direction. The governance board is responsible for developing governance strategies and continuing to refine them over time. Bystanders. Create and Deploy Document Sets by features. « Sebastien De Greef's Blog. One of the new great features that shipped with SharePoint 2010 are the DocumentSets. Think of it as super folders. These DocumentSets allows you to include multiple content types, templates and even content.

For example, if you have multipart documents that you want to keep together, lets say a PowerPoint, a Word document, an Excell price list and you want all these documents to share a couple of metadata like, a product code or customer information. These are the steps we need to deploy such items via Features : Create the content type inheriting from DocumentSet. Create the content types that will be in the DocumentSet. Create a Module to deploy Welcome Page, Templates and Modules.

In Visual Studio right-click your project node and click add new item, and select the ContentType template. In the Customization Wizard Dialog select ‘Document Set’ Adapt the content types. Unfortunately the generated content type for the Document Set will not work as is. Add the ProgId attribute. 8: <! Download. SharePoint Solutions | SharePoint Development Solutions. MashPoint - A Breakthrough in SharePoint Data Integration.

What is MashPoint™? MashPoint is the new, FREE platform from Bamboo® that enables integration of external data sources in MOSS or Windows SharePoint Services. With MashPoint you can access databases, web services or Custom Providers in your SharePoint environment exactly as you would with the Microsoft Business Data Catalog. Using Web Parts from Bamboo, you can quickly view and organize this data. But you don’t have to use Bamboo Web Parts to leverage the power of this new platform. You can use MashPoint for free to build custom applications that consume data from outside your SharePoint environment. Mashups + SharePoint = MashPoint • “Mashup” data from SharePoint and external data sources. . • Supports Anonymous, Basic, Windows and Integrated/Kerberos authentication. • Data sources connected to SharePoint with MashPoint can be displayed by Bamboo’s Data-Viewer Web Part and Virtual Map View Web Part.

Next: MashPoint - How Does it Work? What's New | SharePoint 2013 | capabilities, features | TechNet. Find information about the new features and capabilities in SharePoint 2013. Overview SharePoint Server 2013 provides a comprehensive solution for connected information work that enables people to transform the way they work while preserving the benefits of structured processes, compliance, and existing IT investments. SharePoint Server 2013 has been optimized for the way people work, providing people with a familiar, consistent view of information, collaboration, and process, and IT with a comprehensive, easily-managed and integrated platform to meet the needs of the business. Download the IT pro reviewer's guide to see what's new in SharePoint 2013 and how SharePoint can help solve your organization's needs. Overview of SharePoint 2013 features and scenarios for IT pros Learn about specific features and capabilities Branding Business Connectivity Services Business intelligence eDiscovery The eDiscovery functionality in SharePoint 2013 provides improved ways to help protect your business.

International Study Abroad Programs for Indian Students - Uniguru. Using OData with Excel Services REST in SharePoint 2013. Published: July 16, 2012 SharePoint Server 2010 introduced the REST API for use in getting and setting information in Excel Workbooks stored in SharePoint document libraries. SharePoint Server 2013 adds a new way to request data from Excel Services that uses the Open Data Protocol (OData) which you can use to get information about Excel Services resources.

This new service relies heavily on the existing Excel Services REST API. This topic provides a high-level overview for using OData in Excel Services. Applies to: SharePoint Server 2013 | Excel Services OData is an open web protocol for querying and updating data. For more information about OData, see the website for the Open Data Protocol specification. In the case of Excel Services, you use OData to get information about tables (including query tables) in a workbook that is stored in a SharePoint library.

Syntax for making OData requests to Excel Services. SharePoint - Stack Exchange. Getting a Power View report within Excel 2013 to work with SharePoint - CSS SQL Server Engineers. SharePoint Server 2007. Explore the links below to find out more about developing solutions for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. This section of the MSDN Library provides resources to help you get started developing solutions that take advantage of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and the 2007 Microsoft Office system. SharePoint Products and Technologies provide enterprise-scale capabilities to meet business-critical needs such as managing content and business processes, simplifying how people find and share information across boundaries, and helping to enable more informed decision-making.

Using the combined collaboration features of Windows SharePoint Services and Office SharePoint Server 2007, plus the design and customization capabilities of Office SharePoint Designer 2007, organizations can enable their users to create, manage, and more easily build their own SharePoint sites, and make these sites more discoverable throughout the organization. Your (SharePoint Site Is) Driving Me Crazy: Design Tips for Non Designers. Now that I'm seeing more and more public internet facing websites and blogs that are built in SharePoint 2010, I'm seeing more and more really bad SharePoint sites.

Full disclosure: One of my passions is user interface design, and I do realize that not everyone has that passion or the ability to design pretty websites. However, there are a few things I've been noticing over and over again here lately that absolutely drive me insane, and are quite easy to remedy with little to no design skills required. Change your site image and theme If you aren't going to fully brand your site (by fully branding I mean creating custom master pages, CSS files, page layouts, the whole nine yards), then for the love of god at least change the site image in the upper left corner of the ribbon area, and even change the colors/theme while you're at it.

This takes very little time or effort; the most challenging part is finding an appropriate image to use for your site image. So what are you waiting for? SharePoint OOTB SPField Reference table - Developer - Nachschlagen Listen Sharepoint Websitespalten | Pat's Sharepoint. Ahoi, Nach dem ich ja im ersten Post in der Thematik Programmierung unterwegs war, gibt es heute mal etwas seichte, hoffentlich nicht weniger nützliche Kost. Auf einem Sharepoint-Server oder auch einem Sharepoint-Foundation-Server sammeln sich im Laufe der Zeit Listen und Bibliotheken. Meist geschieht das wohl in Situation in denen der Chef im Büro steht und sagt ” Herr Meier wir könnten doch noch dass und jenes tun” Wenn man viel mit unterschiedlichen Kunden zutun hat und da auch viele unterschiedliche Daten ablegt, bietet es sich an Kundendaten in einer Zentralen Liste abzulegen.Die Daten aus dieser Liste kann man dann in anderen Listen bereitstellen.

Auf diese Weise kann man schnell mit einem Klick auf den Kundennamen Adress- und/oder Kontaktdaten zu einem Element oder einem Dokument hinzufügen. Nun aber genug meiner Leiden. Im ersten Schritt legen wir einfach eine neue benutzerdefinierte Liste an. In Sachen Adresslisten liefert Sharepoint bereit einige entsprechende Websitespalten mit. Custom SharePoint Development, a productive platform for business applications | Custom SharePoint Development-Very Strong These Days.

Adoption of Custom SharePoint development is very strong these days. For businesses and organizations adopting SharePoint, this demands a thorough strategy to avoid problems in the long run. With the aid of the platform, a business team could deliver apps faster in three ways. First, with a bit of customization of the human interface, the out-of-the-box apps could work for several instances.

Second, it’s basket of developer services for apps involving social media, collaboration, workflows, website creation, information distribution, document management, search and reporting dashboards could hasten the completion of projects. Third, you could assign simple workflows and sites and content updating as well. If your company has adopted custom SharePoint development or is planning to do so, make the product an accurate part of your app development and delivery technique.

Without a doubt, a lot of businesses could benefit from custom development of SharePoint. Like this: Like Loading... Visual Studio 2010 Sharepoint 2010 - Sharepoint connection can not open node. Hmm sounds like SharePoint's web services are turned off maybe. Check all your applications pools in IIS7 and make sure none of them are turned off. You might also try recycling them alll aside from an IIS Restart.

It's also possible the virtual directories aren't mapped right in IIS7, if someone changed/moved/renamed the virtual directories in the SharePoint site your trying to connect to, it won't work because the folders have been moved. E.g., theres a virtual directory mapped to a sharepoint site called "_Layouts" that links to 14 hive /Layouts, same thing with _Admin on a central admin site, and the _Isapi folder which is where all the webservice .svc files are located. If you change any of those virtual directories in iss7, nothing will work after that.

A more in depth example, If you go to IIS7 and click on your sharepoint website and expand it. Next, pop the above address in your browser and try to browse to it. Using Outlook Web App Web Parts: Exchange 2010 SP1 Help. Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Exchange Server 2010 SP2 Topic Last Modified: 2012-07-23 You can use Microsoft Office Outlook Web App Web Parts to specify the mailbox to open, the folder within that mailbox to open, and the content view to use.

Outlook Web App Web Parts let you access Outlook Web App content directly from a URL. The URL can be entered into a Web browser or embedded in an application. To use Outlook Web App Web Parts, you must, at a minimum, be delegated "Reviewer" access to the content that you're opening. Outlook Web App in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 has a new URL format to use for requests to the /owa virtual directory. Outlook Web App Web Parts can be used to create URLs of varying complexity. For example, the simple Web Part URL name>/owa/? Depending on the security measures that have been applied to your network, you may have to configure encoding for the Web Parts URL. Web Part parameters and how they're used Open a Web browser window. MashPoint - A Breakthrough in SharePoint Data Integration. Hire SharePoint Expert | Hire Web Designer | Software Development. SharePoint 2010 Developer Training Course | Courses | Learn | Channel 9. SharePoint: Ampeln & Indikatoren in Listen anzeigen.

SharePoint Listen eignen sich hervorragend um Aufgaben, Trainings, Tickets, Anfragen oder wiederkehrende Prozesse mit jeweiligem Status festzuhalten. Einsatzmöglichkeiten ergeben sich viele. Wer in einer SharePoint Liste bei bestimmten Spalten die Anzeige durch Bilder wie Ampeln, o.ä. grafisch aufbessern möchte, kann dies durch einen kleinen “Trick” erreichen, den ich nun kurz vorstelle. Die Grafiken sollen helfen einen schnellen Überblick über die Liste zu erhalten.

Los geht’s: Wir haben eine Liste, in der der Status mit Grafiken, die im Ordner /_layouts/images/ liegen dargestellt werden soll. 1) Anlegen einer Spalte vom Typ Berechnetes Feld. 2) Funktion im Berechneten Feld anlegen Der Rückgabetyp ist Text. “Erkennungswort” plus “Trennzeichen” plus dem berechneten Wert Beispiel “Indikator” plus “#” plus dem Berechneten Wert, also Farbe entsprechend Status: – Ampel grün: Status = “abgeschlossen” – Ampel gelb: Status = “in Bearbeitung” – Ampel rot: Status = “offen” var i=0; if (id == “gelb”)

SharePoint 2010 Writing and Recordings (Books, Articles and Screencasts) SharePoint Governance for Dummies Part I | My SharePoint and ECM Storybook. On March 19th I gave a presentation on SharePoint Governance at Microsoft Belux Circle of insight event. One of the topics that I wanted to be part of the presentation was a definition of SharePoint Governance. I used the next definition which is similar to what can be found in many information sources on SharePoint Governance: “SharePoint Governance defines People, Policies, Processes and Technology to resolve ambiguity and manage your short and long term goals.” This definition should have been understandable for most of the English speaking people in the audience, which are almost none.

Imagine that you bought an apartment in a new apartment building with 20 apartments. Every apartment building has owners and tenants that live in it. Because of the Belgian Joint ownership law the owners are obliged to establish a general assembly of owners which annually gathers. There already exist policies and processes, imposed by the law, these dictate: Cheers.

Like this: Like Loading... Beispiele für häufig verwendete Formeln - Windows SharePoint Services. Helpful Tools. Guidelines for Dublin Core Application Profiles. Visual Studio 2010 Sharepoint 2010 - Sharepoint connection can not open node. SharePoint Experts Portfolio | SharePoint Portfolio. X-SharePointHealthScore: a new SharePoint 2010 HTTP header - Michel Barneveld's Blog - Michel Barneveld. Installazione e distribuzione | SharePoint 2013 | TechNet. Visual Studio Gallery. SharePoint Experts | SharePoint Development Environment | Hire a Developer. Document Set Limitations and Considerations in SharePoint 2010. SQL. Requesting Excel workbook data from SharePoint Server using OData. Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SharePoint Development. Adding JSON Capability to SPServices. How to Embed a Workbook in SharePoint Using Excel Web Access. SharePoint: Wiki Bookmarks.

Chapter 14: Silverlight and SharePoint Integration (Professional SharePoint Branding and User Interface Design) SharePoint Centre of Excellence - Engagement Pattern using Document Sets. Installare SharePoint 2013 in un server singolo con un database incorporato. How SharePoint 2010 can benefit Exchange organizations.