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The ESO Release Date is Here—How Are You Going to Party? After longer than most of us like to remember, in December Zenimax announced an official ESO release date.

The ESO Release Date is Here—How Are You Going to Party?

On April 4, 2014, players will finally be able to roam freely through Tamriel, hunting enemies, each other, and the Ruby Throne. Long standing gamer tradition would have all players haunting the stores for hours before they open, racing inside to grab their reserved copies, and dashing home to lock themselves in their rooms and not come out until starvation and a bursting bladder drive them from the game. Well, that or the inevitable server crashes from overload occur, sparking worldwide outrage. Cutting Edge Stategies For The Elder Scrolls Online Classes. Classes in The Elder Scrolls Online will have skills and abilities meant to build initial characters from, but they aren’t going to be the limiting, sometimes frustrating experience that Oblivion offered us.

Cutting Edge Stategies For The Elder Scrolls Online Classes

However, they won’t be the wide-open, interchangeable options that Skyrim offered via the Mage, Warrior, and Thief stones either. Instead, they’re simply starting points to build a character around. Unlike every other MMO out there, Elder Scrolls Online will allow any class to use whatever weapons and armor they want – meaning your dream of a heavy armor assassin character can finally come true. Zenimax has announced four classes that will be available from the start, though others may be added as time goes on via updates.

The four Elder Scrolls Online classes are Dragonknight, Nightblade, Sorcerer, and Templar, each with three Skill Lines to choose from to allow even more customization to your play style.