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Asian Law School

Asian Law college is a law college in noida sec 125. We are the top rated college in India

8th Annual Inter-college Sports Meet Flags Off at AEG. ALC conducts an engrossing Academic Activity on Intellectual Property. Asian Law College conducted an engrossing academic activity on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) as a part of the skill development of its students on Thursday, 9th January 2020 at its Noida campus.

ALC conducts an engrossing Academic Activity on Intellectual Property

The activity comprised of Video Screening with Written Analysis and Discussion on Intellectual Property Rights among its B.A.LLB 8th Semester students. The main objectives of this activity were to: The primary objective of this activity was to build communication, confidence and to also make students understand the basic facts on IPR and also the process to Register and Proceeding in IPR.To give a basic understanding of the statutory expression to the moral & economical rights of creators to the students.

The activity started with students who were shown 2 videos on IPR. The first video comprised of the meaning of IPR in India, Historical Developments and Various Kind which includes Patent, Copyright, Trademark, GI, Industrial Designs, giving a brief description of each. ALC BA LLB Movie Screening Activity on 9th January 2020. ALC National Conference on "CHANGING DIMENSIONS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS" Guest lecture for ALC B.A.LL.B. 2016. ALC NATIONAL CLIENT COUNSELLING COMPETITION. About the Competition Client Counselling Committee at Asian Law College is holding its 1st National Client Counselling Competition on Property Law on 18th January,2020 at ASIAN LAW COLLEGE, Sector 125, Noida. 18th January 2020.


Theme. ALC organized Digital Shakti workshop in Collaboration with NCW. Asian Law College part of Asian Education Group (AEG), organized the Digital Shakti Workshop at its campus on 19th December 2019 in collaboration with National Commission for Women (NCW) and Cyber Peace Foundation.

ALC organized Digital Shakti workshop in Collaboration with NCW

The workshop was Chaired by Ms. Jennies Varghese. The workshop was inclined towards spreading awareness on the safe use of the internet and technology. 1st National Seminar on A SOCIO LEGAL PERSPECTIVE OF RIGHTS OF VICTIMS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM" held at Asian Law College. Asian Law College (ALC) held its first “NATIONAL SEMINAR” on the theme “A SOCIO LEGAL PERSPECTIVE OF RIGHTS OF VICTIMS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM” on Saturday, 19th October 2019 at its Noida campus.


The inaugural of the seminar witnessed some of the country’s best legal minds like Sh. Asian Law College Commemorating National Constitution Day on 26th November 2019. India’s Constitution was adopted on November 26, 1949, and came into force on January 26, 1950, marking the beginning of a new era in the history of India.

Asian Law College Commemorating National Constitution Day on 26th November 2019

The Government in 2015 decided to observe 26th November as ‘Constitution Day’ or ‘Samvidhan Divas’. The Commemoration Function of ‘Samvidhan Divas’ was addressed by Hon’ble President of India, Hon’ble Vice President and Hon’ble Prime Minister of India at Central Hall, Parliament House on 26.11.2019 from 11:00 am onwards. The program was aired by Doordarshan, Lok Sabha TV, and Rajya Sabha TV. In this regard, as per the D.O No F.I-62/2019 dated 19th November from UGC, the AEG organized a small program for the same. ALC holds its 1st National Seminar on A SOCIO LEGAL PERSPECTIVE OF RIGHTS OF VICTIMS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. Noida, 19th October 2019: The Research & Development Dell at Delhi NCR-based Asian Law College (ALC) – which is a part of Asian Education Group and is ranked as one of the best Law Colleges in Delhi NCR – hosted its first “NATIONAL SEMINAR” on the theme “A SOCIO LEGAL PERSPECTIVE OF RIGHTS OF VICTIMS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM” on Saturday, 19th October 2019 at its Noida campus.


The eminent guests and speakers at the seminar included Sh. K. T. S. Tulsi, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), Sr. The backdrop to this Seminar was provided by the need for students and intellectuals from all over the country to come together and discuss various measures to be taken to eliminate discrimination that is prevailing at present. The event kick-started with lighting of lamp and welcome introduction of dignitaries present on and off the dais.

In his inaugural address, Prof (Dr.) Delivering the Director’s address, Dr. Asian Law College Commemorating National Constitution Day on 26th November 2019. ALC's CULTURAL CLUB organizes skill development activity - FOLK GROUP SONG COMPETITION - for B.A. LL.B. students. The CULTURAL CLUB of Asian Law College (ALC), organized a skill development activity by way of a “FOLK GROUP SONG COMPETITION” for its B.A.LL.B. 2018 & 2019 batch students on Thursday, 19th September 2019 at its Noida campus.

ALC's CULTURAL CLUB organizes skill development activity - FOLK GROUP SONG COMPETITION - for B.A. LL.B. students

The objective of the activity was “to make students aware of the use of folk music and how it can be used to provide entertainment, chronicle events, and teach young people about their culture.” The activity colored the entire campus with cultural spirit and enthusiasm. ALC holds its 1st National Seminar on A SOCIO LEGAL PERSPECTIVE OF RIGHTS OF VICTIMS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. ALC holds its 1st National Seminar on A SOCIO LEGAL PERSPECTIVE OF RIGHTS OF VICTIMS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. Career options for science students in legal field. Are you a science student who is in search of a great career option?

Career options for science students in legal field

More particularly, are you someone who: Scored high in Class X and took admission in the science stream as a clear choice as most of your friends in a similar percentage range opted for science, so you joined the herd. ‘Why science?’ Was not certainly a question that bothered you then.Never felt inspired about conventional career options like medicine or engineering, but are yet to find out what after Class XII? Graduation in pure sciences is largely a ‘no-no’ for you.Wishes to act in accordance with your heart and go for something which will give you immense job satisfaction, over 25-30 years of active professional life without compromising on a good lifestyle and high social status? If you find yourself eligible who have gone through the above situation, Law is a career option you should definitely consider.

It is a widely known fact that a career in law is not limited to litigation anymore. O They are avid readers. ALC-UCT academic collaboration will bestow a Commendable international exchange and exposure on the students of Asian Law College ( ALC) ! In many ways, exposure makes people aware of the practical aspects of the world and broadens the horizon of wisdom.

ALC-UCT academic collaboration will bestow a Commendable international exchange and exposure on the students of Asian Law College ( ALC) !

In the academic world, the theoretical information that students receive in the classrooms become relevant only when the actual implementation of that knowledge is witnessed by the students. Exposure thus gives students the opportunity to implement practically what they have learnt in the classrooms. Tips on how to crack BA LLB&LLB campus placements. At every top law colleges, ‘campus placements’ is a most keenly awaited event.

Tips on how to crack BA LLB&LLB campus placements

The whole process is generally spread over two to three months’ time in top BA LLB/LLB colleges in India. In some institutes, there is also the concept of ‘rolling placements’ that continue throughout the year. Campus Placements are immensely important in every BA LLB & LLB graduate’s life. After 3 to 5 years of slogging and studying case studies incessantly, finally the placement season arrives for them. Career options for science students in legal field. Planning and Securing the Right Internships During BA LLB and LLB. Law students, either pursuing their 5-year BA-LLB or 3-year LLB courses or students aspiring to do such a course from any of the top law colleges in India, generally have a lot of questions to ask regarding Law School internships and mostly, the questions revolve around “How to choose the right internships in Law school?” To mellow down the curiosity of law aspirants and to provide them a streamlined view on internship procurement, here are some useful tips that they can refer to for their knowledge and clarity: In any top law schools in India offering BA LLB or LLB courses – like Asian Law College (ALC) in Delhi NCR’s Noida – the student can divide their internships into phases.

If we are a first-year student, then there is a likely chance that we do not know what exactly is your calling or what we might end up doing? Some might think that they really like Corporate Law and may, therefore, want to become a Corporate lawyer. Therefore, we should always divide your internships. Article 370 of the Constitution of India An Introduction. In the wake of the Narendra Modi government decision to revoke the Article 370 of the Indian Constitution which grants special autonomous status to Jammu and Kashmir, it is important for law students to know all about Article 370.

What is Article 370? Article 370 of the Indian Constitution is a ‘temporary provision’ that grants special autonomous status to the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. Under Part XXI of the Constitution of India, which deals with “Temporary, Transitional and Special provisions”, the state of Jammu & Kashmir has been accorded special status under Article 370. As per this Article, all the provisions of the Constitution which are applicable to other states are not applicable to J&K.

For example, till 1965, J&K had a Sadr-e-Riyasat for governor and prime minister in place of chief minister. ALC national seminar. 19th October, 2019 | Venue – ASIAN LAW COLLEGE | Organized by R&D Asian Law College Cell National Seminar on A SOCIO LEGAL PERSPECTIVE OF RIGHTS OF VICTIMS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM will act as a platform for students and intellectuals from all over the country to come together and discuss various measures to be taken to eliminate discrimination that is prevailing at present.

It is rightly said that no one can change the world in one day but everyone can do their part. This is a small initiative from our side to make world a better place to live in. This seminar proposes to engage with the dialectics of hope and despair, challenges and possibilities in criminal justice system regarding rights of victims. ALC's CSR Club orgALC's CSR Club organizes skill development activity - FUNK OUT OF JUNK - for B.A. LL.B. studentsanizes skill development activity - FUNK OUT OF JUNK - for B.A. LL.B. students. “CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CELL”, a student club of Asian Law College (ALC), organized a skill development activity on the theme of “FUNK OUT OF JUNK” for its B.A.LL.B. 2016-21 and 2017-22 batch students on Thursday, 19th September 2019 at its Noida campus.

The objectives of the activity were to make students understand the concept of waste segregation and further, they will also learn to develop new and innovative ways of turning waste into something beautiful and useful.” The activity was received well by all the students and the students exhibited extraordinary talent during the entire performance. Students participated with full enthusiasm and created beautiful and useful things with waste products like plastic bottles, used plastic spoons, earbuds, old newspapers, etc. The creativity shown by students was commendable and they honed their skill of craft development.

Fresher’s Party 2019 at Asian Law College – Crowning of Mr. and Ms. Fresher