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Welcome to Roundcube Webmail. Les réfugiés afghans fuient le Pakistan - Asie-Pacifique. Des dizaines de milliers de réfugiés afghans sont partis du Pakistan depuis le début de l’année.

Les réfugiés afghans fuient le Pakistan - Asie-Pacifique

Un départ en masse qui suit l’attaque terroriste dont a été victime l’école militaire de Peshawar, le 16 décembre dernier : 153 personnes avaient été tuées, en majorité des enfants. Une attaque qui a traumatisé le Pakistan, où les réfugiés afghans se sentent de moins en moins les bienvenus. Depuis Peshawar, la vie des migrants pakistanais est devenue « intolérable » selon Richard Danziger, le chef de la mission à Kaboul de l’OIM, l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations. Pourtant, c’est par les talibans pakistanais que l’attaque a été revendiquée, elle a été condamnée par les talibans afghans, d’ailleurs les suspects arrêtés par les autorités ne sont pas afghans. Et depuis la mise en place par le Pakistan de son Plan d’action national anti-terroriste, les services de sécurité vérifient avec attention l’identité des réfugiés afghans à travers tout le pays. Chronologie et chiffres clés. Pakistan : un ex-ministre offre une prime pour tuer le propriétaire de Charlie Hebdo.

Article Attentat à Charlie Hebdo Pakistan : un ex-ministre offre une prime pour tuer le propriétaire de Charlie Hebdo Un ancien ministre pakistanais promet d'offrir 200 000 $ (environ 176 000 €) à qui assassinerait le «propriétaire» de «Charlie Hebdo», dont il dénonce les caricatures de Mahomet, rapporte la presse pakistanaise.

Pakistan : un ex-ministre offre une prime pour tuer le propriétaire de Charlie Hebdo

Actuel député du Awami... What does Muslim compassion look like? As an expat Pakistani child raised in Saudi Arabia, I grew up surrounded by Islam, but it certainly didn’t look like what we see in the media today.

What does Muslim compassion look like?

In our house, Islam was about love, forgiveness, showing kindness and mercy. It was flexible, it was fluid and most importantly I was told that it should move with the times. Many adherents do not see it this way and the ‘correct’ interpretation will always be up for debate, of course. Un adolescent se sacrifie pour sauver son école d'une attaque kamikaze - France. Pakistan names woman to sharia court. 'I Am Malala' Banned by Pakistani Private Schools. The schools contend the contents of the book would 'confuse our children' and may lead to others following in Malala's footsteps.

'I Am Malala' Banned by Pakistani Private Schools

Malala Yousafzai’s recently released book, I Am Malala: The Girl who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban, has been banned in Pakistan in all private schools throughout the country. The president of the All Pakistan Private School Federation announced the decision, as reported by Pakistan Today, saying that the contents of the book would “confuse our children.” Particularly objectionable, he said, were passages that did not purport the proper respect to certain prohibitions found in the Quran restricting the activities of women and Malala’s support of free speech.

“Our academics have thoroughly studied her (Malala’s) book and have concluded that reading that book will only confuse our children. Pakistan reintroduces death penalty. Pakistan Orders New York Times Reporter Declan Walsh to Leave - - Pale Moon. Bad spelling, murder and blasphemy. Alicia Mollaun, a PhD candidate at the Crawford School at ANU, is based in Islamabad. An accusation of blasphemy in Pakistan is the kiss of death. Anyone convicted of 'insulting Islam' gets a mandatory death sentence.

Even being seen to be sympathetic towards alleged blasphemers – say, by standing up for the basic human right to a fair trial — makes you a marked man. Pakistani girl accused of Qur'an burning could face death penalty. An 11-year-old Christian Pakistani girl could face the death penalty under the country's notorious blasphemy laws, after she was accused by her neighbours of deliberately burning sacred Islamic texts.

Pakistani girl accused of Qur'an burning could face death penalty

Rifta Masih was arrested on Thursday, after complaints against her prompted angry demonstrations. Asif Ali Zardari, the president, has ordered the interior ministry to investigate the case. As communal tensions continued to rise, about 900 Christians living on the outskirts of Islamabad have been ordered to leave a neighbourhood where they have lived for almost two decades. On Sunday, houses on the backstreets of Mehrabadi, an area 20 minutes' drive from western embassies and government ministries, were locked with padlocks, their occupants having fled to already overcrowded Christian slums in and around the capital. Butt out! Pakistan telecom watchdog drafts rude text message ban.

The Pakistan telecom watchdog has banned 1,5000 rude words from being texted across the nation's network.

Butt out! Pakistan telecom watchdog drafts rude text message ban

No one knows how it is expected to enforce the ban. Photograph: Dan Chung/The Guardian Guardians of linguistic purity have long warned against the pernicious impact that text messaging may have on the young, but Pakistan officials have taken such concerns to a new extreme by demanding that mobile phone operators block all text messages using offensive words. With a creativity and dedication to the task unusual for local officialdom, the country's telecoms regulator has issued a list of more than 1000 words and phrases which will be banned.

Public Opinion in Pakistan’s Tribal Regions. Executive Summary The New America Foundation and Terror Free Tomorrow have conducted the first comprehensive public opinion survey covering sensitive political issues in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan.

Public Opinion in Pakistan’s Tribal Regions

The unprecedented survey, from June 30 to July 20, 2010, consisted of face-to-face interviews of 1,000 FATA residents age 18 or older across 120 villages/sampling points in all seven tribal Agencies of FATA, with a margin of error of +/- 3 percent, and field work by the locally-based Community Appraisal & Motivation Programme.

Funding for the poll was provided by the United States Institute of Peace, a congressionally funded think tank, which had no other role in the poll. New Poll: Pakistanis Hate the Drones, Back Suicide Attacks on U.S. Troops. La suppression du ministère pakistanais des minorités religieuses inquiète.