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Who Else Has Drones? - Pale Moon. A MQ-1 Predator drone prepares to take off at Kandahar Airfield (Master Sgt.

Who Else Has Drones? - Pale Moon

Demetrius Lester/Courtesy U.S. Air Force). The Government Accountability Office (GAO) just posted an excellent report, Nonproliferation: Agencies Could Improve Information Sharing and End-Use Monitoring on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, which I cannot recommend highly enough. A declassified version of a report provided to Congress in February, the publication assesses global trends in developing and using drones, and U.S. efforts to prevent the spread of certain drone technologies—for U.S. exports and through bilateral and multilateral diplomacy.

This report is the most useful and comprehensive assessment of who has drones, how they are being used, and how the U.S. attempts to prevent their spread that I am aware of. First, based on GAO analysis of open source information, the number of countries that have acquired a complete drone has steadily increased over the past eight years: USS Michael MurphyCommissioning Live Video Feed. ImGur A picture of Murphy's grave taken October 7th When Navy SEAL LT Michael P.

USS Michael MurphyCommissioning Live Video Feed

Murphy was killed fighting in Afghanistan in 2005 he became the first person awarded the Medal of Honor during the War in Afghanistan, which means he perished under exceptional circumstances. Murphy led Operation Red Wings, a group of four SEALs sent into the Afghan mountains June 28, 2005 to neutralize senior Taliban leader Ahmad Shah. While making their way to Shah's location, Murphy and his team were stumbled upon by a group of local goat herders. Murphy offered a vote among the SEALs on what to do next. It was likely those herders, and that act of compassion, which tipped off up to 200 local Taliban forces to the SEALs location, surrounding them. Murphy called in a MH-47 Chinook helicopter loaded with reinforcements to assist, and the Taliban brought it down with an RPG, killing all 16 personnel onboard; eight Navy SEALs, and eight soldiers from the Army's 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR).

US Army to hold mandatory suicide prevention training - Suicide in the military. YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — As the entire military grapples with a rising tide of suicides despite years of fighting what some call an epidemic, the Army will take a day to focus on the problem and how to prevent it.

US Army to hold mandatory suicide prevention training - Suicide in the military

In the coming days, soldiers from Germany to South Korea to the Pentagon will be attending mandatory suicide prevention training, followed by additional programs or activities chosen by local leaders that promote getting help and recognizing when others might need it, too. Army Vice Chief Staff Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III ordered the “stand down” following the release of figures indicating 38 soldiers killed themselves in July. So far this year, 187 soldiers — 116 on active duty — are believed to have died by their own hands. “Suicide is the toughest enemy I have faced in my 37 years in the Army,” said Austin, who oversees suicide issues as the Army’s No. 2 officer.

Amateurs des questions de défense (VO NST) - Defence watchers

Amateurs des questions de défense (VF) OTAN - NATO. Almost 1 In 3 U.S. Warplanes Is a Robot. The Military's Secret Shame. Don't sell drones :p. Airmen, It’s Illegal for Your Kids to Read WikiLeaks [Updated] Airmen, don’t let your babies grow up to read WikiLeaks.

Airmen, It’s Illegal for Your Kids to Read WikiLeaks [Updated]

If they do, the Air Force may have no choice but to prosecute them for espionage. Last week, the Air Force Materiel Command’s lawyers warned that airmen who read the purloined classified cables on their home computers — not even government owned or issued devices — could be prosecuted for “dereliction of duty.” And that’s just for starters. WikiLeaks viewership could mean “prosecution for violation of espionage under the Espionage Act.” “DO NOT access the WikiLeaks information on government or personal computers;” the command’s legal staff urged, “DO treat the leaked material like any other content assumed to be classified.” But the Air Force doesn’t stop there. “[I]f a family member of an Air Force employee accesses WikiLeaks on a home computer, the family member may be subject to prosecution for espionage under U.S. And it comes as the Pentagon’s calmed down about overall effect of the WikiLeaks breach.

U.S. Military vs. Taliban Monkey Rumors. Welcome to SIPRI — - Firefox.

Du Rafale en veux-tu ?

Les drones américains piratés pour 26 dollars - - Fir. Vingt-six dollars : c'est le coût d'un programme grand public utilisé par les insurgés irakiens pour pirater les flux de données des drones Predator utilisés par l'armée américaine – des avions sans pilote coûtant 4,5 millions de dollars pièce – révèle le Wall Street Journal.

Les drones américains piratés pour 26 dollars - - Fir

Les insurgés profitent d'une vulnérabilité dans la conception de l'appareil pour capter le flux d'images transmises par les caméras du robot, à l'aide d'un logiciel disponible dans le commerce. La manipulation ne permet pas de prendre le contrôle de l'appareil ou de l'endommager, mais savoir ce que voient les drones américains permet aux insurgés de se préparer à l'éventualité d'une attaque ou de connaître les régions dans lesquelles les Américains concentrent leurs efforts. Ce piratage est également rendu possible par le fait que l'armée américaine ne crypte pas les données transmises par les drones, une pratique surprenante au regard de la nature confidentielle des informations transmises.