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Afghan foreign policy

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ASFF_Purchases_FY06_thru_FY10. Iran and Afghanistan. Mohsen Milani Like the United States, Iran seeks a stable Afghanistan free of the Taliban and al Qaeda, which it considers a strategic menace. It also supports the government of President Hamid Karzai, contributes to Afghanistan's reconstruction and fights against its narcotics trafficking. Yet Iran's policies toward Afghanistan are linked to its fierce strategic competition with the United States for a dominant role in the Islamic world. Having gained strategic depth in Afghanistan, Iran has developed asymmetrical capability to disrupt U.S. operations or retaliate against American troops, should Iran's nuclear facilities be attacked. Iran has called on foreign forces to leave Afghanistan, and has reportedly provided limited military support to anti-American forces as the Taliban.

Iran has created a sphere of influence and a security buffer zone in the Herat region, the industrial heart of Afghanistan and its most secure region. Overview In the fourth and current phase, since the U.S. Kabul Conference. Foreign Policy In Focus | Dismembering Afghanistan. Wars are rarely lost in a single encounter; Defeat is almost always more complex than that. The United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies have lost the war in Afghanistan, but not just because they failed in the battle for Marjah or decided that discretion was the better part of valor in Kandahar.

They lost the war because they should never have invaded in the first place; because they never had a goal that was achievable; because their blood and capital are finite. The face of that defeat was everywhere this past month. According to the Afghanistan Rights Monitor, “In terms of insecurity, 2010 has been the worst year since the demise of the Taliban regime in late 2001.” A recent U.S. government audit found that despite $27 billion spent on training, fewer than 12 percent of Afghan security forces were capable of operating on their own. The Arithmetic of Defeat So does one calculate the arithmetic of defeat. U.S. commander, Gen. We have lost the war. Une Afghane, veuve et enceinte, exécutée en public par les talibans.

2007 April 30 3way, AF-PK-TU discussions. Afghanistan: Rabbani élu président du Haut Conseil pour la Paix. En Afghanistan, c'est finalement Burhanuddin Rabbani qui présidera le Haut Conseil pour la Paix. Dimanche 10 octobre 2010, ce seigneur de guerre a été élu à l'unanimité par les 68 membres de l'instance qui va tenter d'amorcer un dialogue avec les insurgés. La création de ce Haut Conseil est l'une des initiatives les plus importantes du président Hamid Karzaï pour ouvrir un dialogue avec la direction des talibans, qui tente de renverser son régime. Burhanuddin Rabbani dispose a priori de deux atouts pour réussir son mandat à la tête du Haut Conseil pour la Paix, où il a été élu ce dimanche 10 octobre 2010. Religieux conservateur, il affirme qu'il a noué au cours des dernières années des contacts avec des insurgés qui seraient prêts à négocier. Mais surtout, son statut de seigneur de guerre tadjike devrait lui permettre de s'affirmer face aux puissants leaders qui siègent au Haut Conseil pour la paix.

Burhanuddin Rabbani est une figure politique de premier plan. Pakistan furious over Nato cross-border Taliban raid | World news. Pakistan reacted angrily today after Nato said US helicopters had crossed into its territory from Afghanistan to attack militants, claiming to have killed more than 50 Taliban fighters. The admission that two incursions had taken place over the weekend by helicopters from the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf), and possibly a further cross-border raid today, came after recent reports of a covert CIA military force in Afghanistan that crosses into Pakistan to kill Taliban and al-Qaida fighters. Pakistan's foreign ministry condemned the incursions as a "clear violation and breach of the UN mandate under which Isaf operates", saying it had made a formal protest to Nato.

"In the absence of immediate corrective measures, Pakistan will be constrained to consider response options," said Abdul Basit, the foreign ministry spokesman. "This should be considered a watershed event," said Mehmood Shah, an analyst who was the top security official for the tribal area. Cinq talibans retirés de la liste noire de l’ONU.

Cinq talibans - Abul Satar Paktin ; Abdul Hakim Mudjahid Muhammad Awrang, un ancien représentant de l'Afghanistan à l'ONU ; Abdul Salam Zaeef, auteur de Ma vie avec les talibans ; ainsi que Abdul Samad Khaksar et Muhammad Islam Mohammadi ( tous deux décédés) -, ont été retirés d'une liste noire de l'ONU, vendredi 30 juillet 2010. Avec notre correspondant à New York, Philippe Bolopion C’est moins que ce que réclamait le président afghan Hamid Karzaï, mais c’est un début. Le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU a retiré de sa liste noire cinq responsables talibans. Deux d’entre eux avaient péri, et n’avaient donc plus rien à faire sur la liste. Mais pour les trois autres, dont un a été ambassadeur de l’Afghanistan à l’ONU, l’objectif est de favoriser la réconciliation et le dialogue dans le pays.

Selon les autorités afghanes, dans la liste des talibans sous sanctions figurent plusieurs personnes qui appartiendraient à la catégorie dite des talibans modérés.