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List of Dogs that tolerate being alone

02 march 2023

List of Dogs that tolerate being alone

Dogs that tolerate being alone

Most people wish to spend time with their dogs. However, their job obligations or busy routine makes it difficult for them to be with the dog all the time. They spend many hours outside the home. Such people do not need to worry. Some breeds can tolerate being left alone. They do not get lonely or anxious if their owner is away for a long time.

An ESA dog comes with some rights and benefits. For instance, an real esa letter for housing makes it possible for you to get free accommodation for your ESA dog. The landlord would be legally bound to exempt you from paying the accommodation fee of your ESA dog. Some colleges also offer unrestricted access to ESA dogs in the hostels.

Once you are sure about your busy routine, it is wise to adopt a dog that is fine with loneliness. Otherwise, your pet would suffer and you would not feel right about it. We are going to list some dogs that are compatible with your busy routine.


These are independent dogs that are fine with you not being home. Considering that they are energetic, you will have to make them exercise once you get back home. You can just take them for a walk or play with them. As long as you keep them energetic, they would not create problems in their loneliness.


This dog weighs around 130 pounds. Despite that, it is quite dormant and grounded. Originally, Bullmastiffs were used as guard dogs. They have developed a nature that allows them to be fine with loneliness. Needless to say, they do a better job at guarding your home when you are not around.

Chow Chow

They look like little lions and are always neat and clean. Without your watch, they can maintain order in the house. If you do not show up for hours, they will adjust well in the house. However, they need their fair share of the walk and a moderate level of exercise.

Boston Terrier

Whenever you walk out of the house, make sure that Boston has some toys to play with. Playing with toys is their favourite hobby. They are very cute and your friends would love to play with them. They do not mind if you leave them on their own in the house for a long time.


These are a very delicate and tiny breed, weighing around 6 pounds. If you want them to be compatible with your absence, you need to train them from the start. Later on, they would not mind being left alone. Needless to say, they are a perfect choice for smaller homes.

French Bulldog

These dogs do not need extensive exercise. They are bred for urban life in which people are often away from their homes. The good thing about them is that they would stay quiet when you are away. Your neighbours, hence, would not feel disturbed.


They are very cute and adorable. The good thing about them is that they get their exercise by running around the house. Once you are away, they would enjoy their own company. Therefore, they do not get lonely or anxious.


These dogs do not develop a strong emotional bond with their owners. This is the reason why they can better tolerate your absence in the house. This does not reflect that they do not love the owner. They are naturally inclined to enjoy their own company. However, you need to take them for a walk regularly so that they do not feel entirely left out of your life.

Basset Hound

These are some of the best choices for people living in both rural and urban areas. They are not very energetic and they sleep for a longer period. If you leave them in the house, they will spend their time sleeping. However, you should interact with them whenever you have the time.


They are highly compatible with your busy schedule. You would be well-advised to train them in the beginning. They are often adopted by the elderly as they provide a strong companionship to them. Moreover, they can also get friendly with children.

Emotional Support Animal

You can get these dogs qualified as emotional support animals. You just need to get an realesaletter from your therapist. Without this letter, you cannot legally claim your pet as an ESA. Furthermore, you should not look for illicit and illegal means to acquire an ESA letter.

An ESA dog comes with some rights and benefits. For instance, an ESA letter for housing makes it possible for you to get free accommodation for your ESA dog. The landlord would be legally bound to exempt you from paying the accommodation fee of your ESA dog. Some colleges also offer unrestricted access to ESA dogs in the hostels.

This is done in recognition of the fact that people are going through mental health issues. So they need emotional support from their dog at all times. In addition, an emotional support animalletter also entitles you to claim other benefits. For instance, you gain unrestricted access for your dog to almost all public places. Some airliners also facilitate you when you are travelling with your ESA dog.

An emotional support animal is a big source of relief for people going through psychological distress. The federal and state authorities recognize this fact and provide special privileges for the owners of ESAs. However, you should first get diagnosed by a professional therapist. Without a diagnosis, you cannot get your hands on the ESA letter. If you are already going through therapy, you can request your therapist to provide you with certification. In this way, you can find a permanent companion who can provide you with treatment for your mental and emotional woes.

More Resources :

What are the best pets for stress and anxiety?

Should ESA dogs and service dogs have the same rights

Rundown of top ESA dog breeds for nervousness patients