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Social Studies

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Search Results - social studies. Social Studies for Kids. Competition: Pizza! Prior to this lesson, you should be familiar with the following concepts: business, goods & service, economic incentives, and competition.

Competition: Pizza!

What is competition in the marketplace? Today we will look at businesses, learn about competition in the marketplace, and see what happens when businesses compete with each other. You will understand marketplace competition, discuss how businesses compete, and predict how the opening of a second pizza shop in a small town might affect prices, profits, service, and quality. Businesses & Customers Businesses sell goods or provide services. Producers make items to sell or provide services. All three words refer to companies that sell items or provide service in order to make money. Customers pay for goods and services.

Goods and Services: Some are Private, Some are Not. The role of government is to provide for the common defense, define and protect property rights, and enforce contractual arrangements.

Goods and Services: Some are Private, Some are Not

Throughout the 20th and early 21st century, government has increased its role in economic life. The role of government has expanded to address so-called market failures and externalities by expanding their regulatory reach to address environmental concerns, monopolistic competition and provide public goods. Governments have also introduced various social programs to provide a social safety net for low-income individuals and senior citizens. Goods, Public Goods, Role of Government, Services, Taxes Distinguish between goods and services provided by private businesses and those provided by government.

Resources and Lesson Plans for Financial Literacy. Judith Shelton, curriculum director at Ariel Community Academy, explains that a point of success for their K-8 financial-literacy curriculum is when students understand how school is directly connected to achieving their life goals.

Resources and Lesson Plans for Financial Literacy

Resources on This Page: Click on any link below to view or download that file. Tips for downloading: PDF files can be viewed on a wide variety of platforms -- both as a browser plug-in or a stand-alone application -- with Adobe's free Acrobat Reader program. Click here to download the latest version of Adobe Reader. Documents to Help You Get Started -- Lesson Plans Below is a sample lesson about goods and services provided by Ariel Community Academy. Goods and Services Unit <img alt="" title="" class="media-image" width="11" height="12" src=" /> Entire unit on goods and services with five lessons (see individual lessons below). Examples below are individual lessons from the Goods and Services Unit. Team building games, business games and activities for team building, training, management, motivation, kids activities and childrens party games.

Team building games - are games appropriate?

team building games, business games and activities for team building, training, management, motivation, kids activities and childrens party games.

Before you decide to use any team building games with a group of people, think about whether the activities are appropriate for the team members and the situation. School of Education at Johns Hopkins University-Service Learning in Special Education. By Lori Armstrong Lynass As an experienced teacher who works with diverse learners, I value the teaching methodologies that provide the connections between life and academics which benefit so many students.

School of Education at Johns Hopkins University-Service Learning in Special Education

After seven years of teaching special needs learners, I have not found another teaching tool that so strongly connects the classroom to the real world and engages students in the way service learning does. This powerful educational strategy not only shrinks the gap between school and community, it also helps to create a positive culture within the school itself. This teaching method fits the needs of multiple learning styles thus providing access to education for many of our untraditional learners.

Three Branches of Government. Outlook Web App. Congress for Kids: [Independence]: The Declaration of Independence, Part I. The Declaration of Independence, Part I The Revolutionary War broke out on April 19, 1775, at the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

Congress for Kids: [Independence]: The Declaration of Independence, Part I

By the time the Second Continental Congress met in May 1775 to discuss stronger action for independence, tensions in the American colonies ran very high. Colonists who did not wish to remain British subjects declared themselves "Patriots" -- those who remained faithful to England called themselves "Loyalists. " On June 11, 1776, the Second Continental Congress appointed a committee of five men to write a Declaration of Independence from British Rule. Liberty's Kids . Archive . Benjamin Franklin. He is considered to be one of the greatest Americans that ever lived.

Liberty's Kids . Archive . Benjamin Franklin

He was the only person to sign the four key documents of American History: The Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Alliance with France, the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, and the Constitution of the United States. Social Studies. Issues/topics for advanced gov.

Social Studies

Issues Assignment Advanced Government and Politics Possible topics: College loans Employment /the economy Gay rights and the government/ politics Immigration and citizenship (“Under the Same Moon”) The Presidential election Freedom and other … Subject: Social Studies Grade: Community Service-Learning Sample Projects. Browse By Standards : PBS LearningMedia. United States (U.S.) Constitution for Kids — Activities, Quizzes, Puzzles, & More. U.S.

United States (U.S.) Constitution for Kids — Activities, Quizzes, Puzzles, & More

Constitution Activities Welcome to the Fun Zone at where you'll find U.S. Constitution Activities for all ages - from word finds to crossword puzzles to treasure hunts and more! U.S. Constitution for Kids (Grades K-4) Celebrate Constitution Day or reinforce everyday learning with a variety of free resources for kids in grades K-4. Read Famous Quotes about the U.S. Free Math worksheets, Free phonics worksheets, Math Games and Online activities and Quizzes.

American History. Teacher Lesson Plans. Zane and the Hurricane is appropriate for Grades 4-8.

Teacher Lesson Plans

While it is fiction, the novel offers a very real depiction of the devastation that wrecked the lives of a multitude of people, especially the economically disadvantaged, in New Orleans. Philbrick weaves a riveting story while asking readers to think about “big issues,” such as how the government failed the people of New Orleans.