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Entertainment - Kurt Vonnegut, 84: Acclaimed novelist. NEW YORK – Kurt Vonnegut, the satirical novelist who captured the absurdity of war and questioned the advances of science in darkly humorous works such as "Slaughterhouse-Five'' and "Cat's Cradle," died Wednesday. He was 84. Vonnegut, who often marveled that he had lived so long despite his lifelong smoking habit, had suffered brain injuries after a fall at his Manhattan home weeks ago, said his wife, photographer Jill Krementz.

The author of at least 19 novels, many of them best-sellers, as well as dozens of short stories, essays and plays, Vonnegut relished the role of a social critic. He lectured regularly, exhorting audiences to think for themselves and delighting in barbed commentary against the institutions he felt were dehumanizing people. "I will say anything to be funny, often in the most horrible situations," Vonnegut, whose watery, heavy-lidded eyes and unruly hair made him seem to be in existential pain, once told a gathering of psychiatrists. The novel, in which Pvt. Langston Hughes The Gun from his book of short stories, SOMETHIN. From: SOMETHING IN COMMON Bob Corbett notes: Langston Hughes is certainly not an Existential writer, rather is best classified within the Harlem Renaissance.

However, this particular story, so centered on the hardships of human existence and this woman's realationship with death and suicide is very reminiscent of Camus's The Happy Death, the theme of suicide in The Myth of Sysiphus and other Existentialist's works. Thus I decided to include the story on this page. Picture yourself a lone bird in a cage with monkeys, or the sole cat in a kennel full of dogs. Flora Belle Yates, as a child, used to shield herself from the frequent hurts and insults of white children with tears, blows, and sometimes curses. She was never a pretty baby, Flora Belle, both her parents were not beautiful people. Then, too, from helping her mother with the white folks’ washing and her father to tend the horses, Flora Belle grew up strong and heavy, with rough hands and a hard chest like a boys.

So she went away. Albert Camus. Littérature des îles. BleuOrange | revue de littérature hypermédiatique. Quelques textes esquissant (peut-être) une identité nationale - Koning Arthur verhaal. Lancelot weigert een ‘gevallen man’ een gevecht. “By Christ on cross, I shall not now, Nor ever did, day or night” Hij stuurt Gawain naar huis, omdat hier geen eer te winnen valt en helpt hem te herinneren “[of] the love that we two always had” Gawain was twee maanden te gewond om te vertrekken, en toen hij eindelijk wel weer eengevecht aan kon gaan werd hij teruggeroepen naar zijn eigen land.Het vervelende bericht was gekomen dat Mordred de Koning (Arthur) had bedrogen.Hij is de zoon van Arthurs’ zus, en schijnt ook volgens velen de zoon van Arthur zelf te zijn (in the mysts of avalon is mordred ook de zoon van Arthur en zijn zus) Mordred wil zijn vaders vrouw (Arthurs’ vrouw) huwen.