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# Bio TZ: UTC/GMT-4 AST (Antilles - West Indies) Couchâalaoüa


IT. Alaingabriel (alaingabriel) Soft. Plugin. Opera. Projet_Mozilla. Google. Storage. Programming. Monitoring. Cours. Bugs. Twitter. Help. Screencasts. Caribbean. Social. Music. Media. Lifestyle. History. Cultural Studies. Founder of Island Records gives his top Caribbean tips - America. Latin American Network Information Center. Top 10 Islands Of The Caribbean: Choose Your Favorite. 2.3K Flares2.3K Flares × When the winter doldrums set in, thoughts focus on tropical islands with warm sea breezes and long days spent in the sun.

Top 10 Islands Of The Caribbean: Choose Your Favorite

With the many Islands of the Caribbean from which to choose, how do you narrow it down to just one? Of course there is always the option to take a cruise, but which itinerary will be best. The French Embassy in Trinidad-and-Tobago and Barbados. Address and contact Address: TATIL building, 11 Maraval Road, PO Box 1242, PORT-OF-SPAIN, TRINIDAD W.I.

The French Embassy in Trinidad-and-Tobago and Barbados

The TATIL building is at the junction of Maraval Road and Marli Street. The diplomatic chancery, the consular section and the trade delegation are situated on the 6th floor of the TATIL building. Trinidad's music pirates of the Carib. As the latest soca music blares out from huge speakers at popular Trinidad nightspot Smokey and Bunty's, one song stands out more than most.

Trinidad's music pirates of the Carib

It begins with a voice saying: "Hello Suzy, I have your $100 phone card here for you. " Then it launches into an unlikely tale of a man being pursued by a woman who only wants him because he can afford to subsidise her mobile phone habit. Phone Card, by veteran performer Crazy, is one of the most controversial new tunes in the run-up to next month's Trinidad and Tobago carnival, because of the double meaning in its lyrics. The Trini tendency to pronounce the word "for" as "fuh" means that the song's seemingly innocent refrain, "She only want me fuh card", ends up sounding blatantly sexual.

Street vendors The tune has already made its mark in the charts published in two newspapers, the Sunday Punch and the Bomb. Letter From Trinidad - Essay About V. S. Naipaul - An Island Sco. In trinidad, a 1904 gem of a house is in distress. Second homes: Experience the two distinct cultures of St. Maarte. By Larry Olmsted, Special for USA TODAY If you associate St.

Second homes: Experience the two distinct cultures of St. Maarte

Maarten with timeshares, you probably have not visited lately. Today the island's vacation realty market has shifted to the more traditional whole-ownership model, and in some areas, 50% to 70% of residences are second homes. Hurricane Omar St Croix 2008. Netherlands Antilles. The Netherlands Antilles (Dutch: Nederlandse Antillen [ˈneːdərˌlɑntsə ɑnˈtɪlə(n)] ( ), Papiamentu: Antia Hulandes[2]), also referred to informally as the Dutch Antilles,[3] was an autonomous Caribbean country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Although the country has now been dissolved, all of its constituent islands remain part of the kingdom under a different legal status and the term is still used to refer to these Dutch Caribbean islands.

Aruba became a separate state within the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1986. The Kingdom of the Netherlands dissolved the Netherlands Antilles on 10 October 2010,[3] reconstituting Curaçao and Sint Maarten as new constituent countries and Bonaire, Saba, and Sint Eustatius as special municipalities within the Netherlands.[4] History[edit] In the 18th century, Sint Eustatius was the most important Dutch island in the Caribbean. Plus d'autonomie pour les Antilles néerlandaises - France - la-C. Le sort des Antilles néerlandaises, dans les Caraïbes, est scellé : l'appellation cessera d'exister à la fin de l'année prochaine.

Plus d'autonomie pour les Antilles néerlandaises - France - la-C

Un récent accord modifie l'organisation politique du royaume des Pays-Bas, dont elles font partie en tant que territoire autonome. Curaçao et la partie méridionale de Saint-Martin (île partagée entre les Pays-Bas et la France) jouiront d'une autonomie accrue, comme elles le réclament depuis des années. Elles auront leurs propres gouvernement et parlement, ainsi que des systèmes judiciaire et policier indépendants. Quant aux trois autres îles, Saint-Eustache, Saba et Bonaire, elles ont choisi de devenir des communes néerlandaises à statut particulier. Il n'est pas pour autant question d'indépendance. . « Une construction administrative qui ne fonctionne plus » La réforme devrait entrer en vigueur à l'automne 2010, après l'aval des parlements néerlandais et antillais. The island of Curacao - A real, different Caribbean vacation. Quot; First 100% Sustainable Island in the Caribbean.

We eco-enthusiasts will soon have a new eco-paradise island to escape to! Bonaire, a part of the Netherlands Antilles, will be the first island in the Caribbean with a 100% sustainable energy supply. In 2007 the local government of Bonaire, who prides on its island’s beauty and natural preservation, agreed to this ambitious project of trashing its fossil fuel energy dependence and developing an energy system comprised of an 11MW wind farm, 14MW biodiesel plant, and a 3.5MW backup battery.

Quot; First 100% Sustainable Island in the Caribbean. We eco-enthusiasts will soon have a new eco-paradise island to escape to! Bonaire, a part of the Netherlands Antilles, will be the first island in the Caribbean with a 100% sustainable energy supply. In 2007 the local government of Bonaire, who prides on its island’s beauty and natural preservation, agreed to this ambitious project of trashing its fossil fuel energy dependence and developing an energy system comprised of an 11MW wind farm, 14MW biodiesel plant, and a 3.5MW backup battery.

Ecopower Bonaire BV, a consortium of Dutch-German companies, Evelop, Enercon, and local Bonaire Water and Energy Company, is spearheading this project that is expected to finish at the end of 2009. Photo by Kevin King.


Haïti. Articles on haiti. Large Grenada map by World Atlas. Letters from Grenada. Dominica. Joseph Jones Photography: Antiguan photographer/Caribbean photog. Caribbean Volcanoes. Montserrat Volcano Observatory. Teaching about Montserrat. L.A.V.E.: Bulletins d'informations Info-LAVE sur les volcans. Antilles. Spirituality. Various stuff. Blogs. Musique 2. Musique 1. Podcasts.

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