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Garlikov. The Burgomeister. FiveBooks | The Browser. Speakeasy. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama attended a performance of “A Raisin in the Sun” starring Denzel Washington on Friday evening and visited the cast backstage during intermission to thank them for the show. The couple, seated on the aisle of an orchestra row, were whisked into the theater in darkness, after the rest of the audience had been seated. Theatergoers stood and cheered wildly for the pair, which was escorted by a football team of Secret Service agents. The Obamas stayed through the entire curtain call — a standing ovation — and Mr. Washington smiled directly at President Obama, made a friendly pointing gesture to him after he bowed the first time, and lifted his hat to him in salute after the second bow.

“This play? That man? Talk about art and life, life and art,” said the play’s producer, Scott Rudin, who was glowing following the show. To Be Or Not To Be : Savage Chickens – Cartoons on Sticky Notes by Doug Savage. 2D Goggles | Dangerous experiments in comics. 262. Contrariwise: Literary Tattoos.