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125 {plus} Cheap Stocking Stuffer Ideas. Defrump Me: 50 things to do at Christmas {25 Days of Christmas} The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear. ~Elf Ooohhhhhh my goodness!! I. LOVE. And I love contemplating how all of this peace and goodwill is because of God's amazing love for us in coming to be with us in such a visible and vulnerable way. Because this time of year is so special to me, I love to celebrate for WEEKS. One thing that I learned though is that kind of thing doesn't just happen. After you compile your list of ideas, sit down with your family and rate them on a scale of 1 to 5. Christmas Activities For those of you around Northwest Arkansas, I included some links and dates to local events. Do you have any favorite Christmas traditions or plans? Follow my Christmas board on Pinterest to keep up with everything I'm finding on the internet! Linking up at: New Nostalgia's Anti-Procrastination TuesdayRaising ArrowsHomemaker on a Dime's Blog Hop.

Alaina Cook / Pinterest. “On the First Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me…” Written by contributing writer, Trina Holden. Chances are this week you’re in the thick of making a list and checking it twice and I’m sure you don’t think you need one more thing to think about. But even while encouraging simplicity this Christmas, I’m gonna throw out a unique challenge. I’m gonna suggest you add one more thing to your list. Your husband. Yes, I know you have him on your list already, and maybe you’ve already found just the right gift to bless him on Christmas Day.

There is a way you can add a little holiday spice to your marriage. We call it “Twelve Days” but it has nothing to do with Partridges and Pear Trees. If you’d like to start this tradition in your house, it’s not too late! Day 1: Any single object – this is where I usually spend a little money and give him something I’d otherwise have tucked under the tree.

Day 2: Think pairs! Days 3, 4, 5, and 6: What comes in packs? Day 12: Think ‘by the dozen’ or ’12 months in a year’. More ideas… Get Romantic! My blog: christmas bucket. Are you ready for this... two posts in one day, this must be a record. If you haven't had a chance to read my Christmas advent calendar post yet, don't worry. I'm stuffing you full of Christmas nonsense today and hopefully giving you some great ideas you can do with your children (or husband) in December. This whole idea started out from my sister in law Nikki. She makes a basket full of Christmas goodies for her daughter to help count down the days to Christmas. Anyways, so I decided that I LOVE this idea and wanted to do something similar with my kids, and so the Christmas bucket was created. For each day in December there is a "gift" of some sort to open.

Each package has a tag on it with a corresponding number. I'll give you a break down of what my gifts are. The envelopes have these things on them. I am excited to do the toy thing, and take them to see how blessed they are, and I'm sure the Christmas play will be a hoot!