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Pearltrees for iPad shares collections of web content. Service extends beyond web Fledgling web service Pearltrees has launched its first iPad app.

Pearltrees for iPad shares collections of web content

Both let users build themed collections of web content that can be more easily shared with others. Once multiple "pearls" of content are linked together, they can be shared en masse via methods including Twitter, Facebook and email. The iPad app bears similarities to the original Pearltrees web interface, but should be easier to navigate thanks to the switch to a touch interface. Content Strategy: Content, Context and Curation.

There seems to be some unrest upon the royal throne, as far as content strategy is concerned.

Content Strategy: Content, Context and Curation

Content was crowned King sometime ago, but current rumblings by the context community are calling for its dethroning. Within the blogosphere, content versus context is being highly debated. Also called curation, the idea is that quality content is determined by context. Steve Rosenbaum of, in a column for BusinessInsider says.

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