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SpongeBob Mailbox SURPRISE ❤ Minecraft Season2 Disney Frozen Mickey Fairies BigHero6 Kinder DCtoys. Download. Klynt. Quick Start. DocSHIFT | DOC Toronto. Interactive Documentary. CollabDocs | Where Documentary meets the Social, Semantic & Open Web. Interactive documentary. Interactive documentary and education: a field to explore (IV) In our previous posts regarding the education field (Post I – II – III), we argued that Internet and Web 2.0 offer immense opportunities to enhance some of the classic principles of education and disclosure of knowledge in general. The genres of interactive fiction and interactive nonfiction, applied in the context of information transfer, and characterized in this post by the interactive documentary, are becoming pedagogic tools and teaching materials used by the teacher in different contexts.

The most important advantages of digital teaching and learning systems, ie systems based on the network are: - Interactivity: the communication process becomes close, direct and immediate. - Collaborative learning: to encourage group work and the cultivation of social attitudes, to learn with others, others and for others through the exchange of ideas and tasks. Societat 2.0 (“2.0 Society”) URL: Produced: 2009, Vic (Spain) Concept and description Figure 1.

Audiovisual documentary. Interactive documentary and education: a field to explore (II) Interactive documentary and education: a field to explore (III) In our previous posts of this series (Part I – Part II) we tried to argue that although it is clear that the main scope of interactive documentary focuses on the field of audiovisual and cultural dissemination, we believe that there is another closely related field which soon will begin to emerge and explode giving us all their latent potential: the interactive nonfiction genres related to education, teaching and training.

That’s why we started to produce projects in the Interactive Communication Studies at the University of Vic in that direction. Constructivist and constructionist theories applied to the field of education seem very relevant to our proposal, as they are flexible enough to adapt to the knowledge and multidisciplinary emphasize in the use of information technology and communication as an essential component of learning. The teacher acts as little as possible. “En un xip multicolor” [In a multi-color chip] URL: Produced: 2011, Vic (Spain) Figure 1. Interactive documentary and education: a field to explore (I) One of the essential premises of the traditional documentary is the desire to organise a story that is both informative and entertaining. And, in this sense, the interactive format should continue with the tradition to try to offer similar experiences that mix a recreational (entertainment) proposal with an educational one (knowledge), in the most efficient, original and attractive possible way.

And this is mainly possible thanks to the combination of different navigational and interactive modalities, which enable a multiple exchange between the work and the interactor. Firstly, navigating and visiting different proposals and structuring the content (information and knowledge) means the use of strategies and resources of the games. This way, from the structure of the interactive, and through the navigation modalities, the user, in a certain sense, “plays” with the possibilities offered by the work and can satisfy their first necessity: amusement and entertainment. 1. 2. 3. 4.

. - Etc. 1. 2012.