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Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2012. 20 September 2012Last updated at 05:59 ET Fireflies dancing beneath the stars, the last transit of Venus for 105 years and giant swirling galaxies deep in space.

Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2012

The 2012 Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition has produced some awe-inspiring images. Take a journey through the night sky with two of the nine judges - Chris Lintott who is best known as co-presenter of the BBC's The Sky at Night, and Olivia Johnson from the Royal Observatory Greenwich. 50 years of X-ray astronomy. 23 August 2012Last updated at 02:27 GMT Could jets of X-rays from black holes hold the key to the Earth's energy demands?

50 years of X-ray astronomy

Maybe not in the short term, but as scientists begin a sixth decade of studying stellar X-ray sources - the prospect of harnessing them may well be edging closer. How the SKA telescope could change our view of the Universe. Four telescope link-up creates world's largest mirror.