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Pulp-Based Computing — Marcelo Coelho. Description We have developed a series of techniques for building sensors, actuators and circuit boards that behave, look, and feel like paper.

Pulp-Based Computing — Marcelo Coelho

By embedding electro-active inks, conductive threads and smart materials directly into paper during the papermaking process, we have created seamless composites that are capable of supporting new and unexpected application domains in ubiquitous and pervasive computing at affordable costs. Award CHI 2009 Video Showcase – Best Video Golden Mouse Award Publications Coelho, M., Hall, L., Berzowska, J. and Maes, P.


PIR Sensor Arduino Alarm. Step #1: Gather your parts.

PIR Sensor Arduino Alarm

PrevNext This project requires just a few parts, and because you\'re using a solderless breadboard and pre-cut jumper wires, you won\'t need any tools at all — except your computer and USB cable to connect the Arduino. Step #2: Wire the Arduino to the breadboard. Connect digital input/output (I/O) pin 2 on the Arduino to row 1 on the breadboard.Connect the 5V pin on the Arduino to row 2 on the breadboard, and connect a nearby ground (Gnd) pin to row 3.

Step 3: Building - MEGA Tech. PIR Motion Sensor Tutorial. Pyroelectric ("Passive") InfraRed sensors: '''What is a PIR sensor?

PIR Motion Sensor Tutorial

''' PIR sensors allow you to sense motion, almost always used to detect whether a human has moved in or out of the sensors range. They are small, inexpensive, low-power, easy to use and don't wear out. For that reason they are commonly found in appliances and gadgets used in homes or businesses. They are often referred to as PIR, "Passive Infrared", "Pyroelectric", or "IR motion" sensors. PIRs are basically made of a pyroelectric sensor (which you can see above as the round metal can with a rectangular crystal in the center), which can detect levels of infrared radiation. Along with the pyroelectic sensor is a bunch of supporting circuitry, resistors and capacitors.

For many basic projects or products that need to detect when a person has left or entered the area, or has approached, PIR sensors are great. Some basic stats. Magic Light (Capacitance Sensor, first ardino project) Set up a breadboard according the semantic.

Magic Light (Capacitance Sensor, first ardino project)

Download the attached code. Update: added Fritzing diagram and schematic (Its a great program, check it out /*this code is a cap. sensor that fades between 2 leds * set up: pin 8 > high resistor > one wire to foil, one to pin 9 *Led set up pin 2>resistor>led>grnd *based on * ajust if statment to fit resistor, currently using a 10Mohm */ Once it is set up, run the code and open the serial monitor.

Move the set up away from your computer to help diminish interference Note what numbers are being out put when nothing is near the foil sensor, also note what it is when your open palm is extremely close to the sensor. Motion and Light Sensors with Arduino (and Without) - Tinker Hobby. I have recently received the following question from a reader: I’m looking for a circuit board design that will need to turn on an array of LEDs when motion is detected during the day time, and also stay on continuously during the night time; using the Arduino would be nice.

Motion and Light Sensors with Arduino (and Without) - Tinker Hobby

The project that I am working on is just a picture frame with my artwork in it. The art is actually an embossed piece. The light that I am placing within the frame will shine across the embossed art, and reflect off the raised areas of paper and make the picture appear more three-dimensional. So, the picture acts as a night light when it’s dark, and then turns on for a moment during the day time when some approaches the picture. Creation & Computation (2011) A playful interactive musical experience for children We adopted the idea from Andre Michelle’s Tone Matrix and adapted it to a physical form.

Creation & Computation (2011)

We both wanted to make something big, soft and physical for children to interact with and the Tone Matrix seemed to be a perfect fit for what we could start approaching. Software and Hardware At first we tried to find a library that will allow us to play notes on keyboard. Jie Qi – Animated Vines. A Living Architecture» Blog Archive » Muscle Wire Experiment1. This is my first experiment with muscle wire, a shape memory alloy (SMA).

A Living Architecture» Blog Archive » Muscle Wire Experiment1

In this application I am using the muscle wire as a linear actuator that contracts 3-5% when heated. I am using 6 inches of Flexinol 100 LT, a simple lever mechanism that I lasercut from plexiglass, an LM555 timer, some resistors and an Arduino microcontroller to power the circuit. I am using the muscle wire to move a stretchy latex skin that also acts as the deformation weight that stretches the muscle wire back to its original shape when cool.

Below is the circuit diagram showing the setup. For more detailed info on LM555 timers, see this great resource. Testing the Arduino IR remote library. I wrote an IR remote library for the Arduino (details) that has turned out to be popular.

Testing the Arduino IR remote library

I want to make sure I don't break things as I improve the library, so I've created a test suite that uses a pair of Arduinos: one sends data and the other receives data. The receiver verifies the data, providing an end-to-end test that the library is working properly. 555 Timer Circuits. LED Matrix as light, touch sensor. Below are the collection of links and videos about LED-based multi-touch sensing, which was popularized by Jeff Han.

LED Matrix as light, touch sensor

LED Matrix as Touch Sensor LED as a Light Sensor and more.... LEDs as light sensors, Instructables Updated Feb. 28, 2010 Commercial LED Multi-Touch Sensor Module Providers Fishtisch and Sensacell provide LED touch sensor modules. Sensacell Interactive LED. Microcontroller circuit with copper tape. Making a circuit with a microcontroller, battery, and LEDs connected by copper tape.

Microcontroller circuit with copper tape

Components (for more, see our electronic components page): Tools: Hot glue gunSoldering iron Programming the Microcontroller. Kukkia and Vilkas: Kinetic Electronic Garments. Nitinol prototype for "shape memory architecture" Nitinol, Flexinol, Muscle Wire, Shape Memory Alloy. Sam Jacoby.