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Rosemary and Lavender Softening Hair Rinse. Ah, summer.

Rosemary and Lavender Softening Hair Rinse

Barbecues and cold beers with friends, butterflies and flowers, long afternoons spent poolside … and oily hair. If you’re like me, your scalp starts working overtime during the summer, and your hair ends up looking a little like chunky strands of muck. Want a super-easy, homemade solution to the oily hair blues? Hair Growth Remedies for Long Natural Hair. Through out time people of various cultures used various natural hair growth remedies.

Hair Growth Remedies for Long Natural Hair

Several herbs and oils are known to stimulate growth, strengthen hair, and prevent breakage. Hair growth remedies alone are NOT enough to grow long hair. You still have to apply proper natural hair care techniques but they can definitely help create an environment in your body and on your scalp to produce maximum growth. I believe that these remedies can be integrated into a hair care routine based on an individuals needs. Homemade Deep Conditioner Recipes. Laura asks: What's your favorite homemade deep conditioner?

Homemade Deep Conditioner Recipes

CN's Response: I don't recall ever making a DT totally from scratch... Homemade Spritz Recipe. I love to sample commercial products, but I really like making my own too.

Homemade Spritz Recipe

I have a lovely wholefoods grocery story in my town that provides me with a lot of natural products both for hair and body. Here is a spritz I like to use on twists or fingercoils to keep them moisturized. I also spray this on my scalp if it’s feeling dry. Kcurly’s homemade spritz: Homemade hot oil treatments. There are lots of pre-made hot oil treatments out there.

Homemade hot oil treatments.

However, I like to make my own because it’s cheaper in the long run, I can control what goes into it and pure/raw ingredients give better results. Hot oil treatments have several benefits to your hair. The most pressing is the restoration of moisture balance. Every day our hair is subjected to lots of external elements such as smog, the headrest in the car, random strangers’ hands…not to mention the styling, dying and other things we do that can dry it out or make it brittle.

In addition to restoring moisture, hot oil treatments help with dry scalp and frizz while adding body and shine. DIY Moisturizing Braid Spray & After Workout Refresher.