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Adobe user guide. Illustrator: Tracing full-color artwork. 設計家 Searchome - 華文最大室內設計社群平台. 陳鶴元不僅是一名廣告創意人/空間設計者,也曾是一位插畫家及專欄作家,這樣多元的背景,也是為什麼在他的設計作品總能看見他天馬行空的創意。

設計家 Searchome - 華文最大室內設計社群平台

對他來說櫃子不僅是用來收納,更可以將其中的機能藝術化。 一起和小編瞧瞧他是如何打造美型收納吧! 樓梯不只是樓梯,既是收納也是擺設在夾層屋的設計中,樓梯的規劃時常是最棘手的一部分,不僅要選對位子,設計的尺寸與載重都是不可不考量的因素。 陳鶴元將收納結合樓梯設計,解決了小坪數的困擾,你相信嗎,這個案例只有5坪大! 白色樓梯不斷的往上伸展,配上巴黎鐵塔,更能拉高空間的視覺高度。 隨著樓梯不同高低的階距,可以規畫成各個size的收納櫃,擺放不同大小的物品。 軌道滑輪的收納設計,是辦公桌也是餐桌這個案例僅有12坪,但屋主希望有餐桌椅及工作桌,但卻又希望避免空間雜亂。 軌道滑輪的收納設計,讓拿取變得更方便,不僅靈活運用空間,也可強化設計風格。 從星際大戰變成變形金剛─收納櫃體的進階版這兩個案例十分有趣,第一個案例的白色櫃體的大小正好與第二個案例相似,不同的是一個是固定大小的設計,一個則是可調整高度的櫃體設計。 (案例1)帶有一些太空艙門設計感的味道,充滿未來感,書櫃的造型上則設計出倒角,線條十分有特色。 (案例2)利用可活動的固定式螺絲拴頭,層板之間的間距可以隨時做調整,是不是很有創意呢! 我家貓咪也瘋狂,可移動的吧檯櫃設計師在電視櫃旁的吧檯加入了滑動式的桌面設計,使用完畢後再將桌面滑回原位,一樣能當一般桌面使用。 打開後別有洞天,是收納又是門片、也是儲藏室不同深度的櫃體是不是很有特色,且具設計感呢! 設計師充分利用順著樑柱下來的畸零空間,收納藏於無形。 【小編採訪後記】隱藏版的收納空間 你是不是也有想要藏起來的東西,但卻不知道該藏去哪裡呢? 看更多天空元素室內設計作品. Vinyl Cutting Software. NexusFont: Font Viewer/Manager for Windows.

The 11 best places to find free vector art online. You know that feeling when you're busy in the office or working from home but that piece of work just isn't coming together?

The 11 best places to find free vector art online

You don't have the time to sort something from scratch so you decide to search for some free vector art online – but it's not always easy to find what you're looking for. A good selection of free resources – including free fonts and free vector art – can be a lifesaver for any designer. But more often than not, the process of finding what you need amidst cluttered, confusing pages just adds to the mounting deadline stress. To help you avoid that experience, we've put together a hand-picked guide to the best free vector art resources, including various useful designs you can download in preparation for future projects.

Please note and respect the Creative Commons licence if there is one. 01. Previously known as VectorOpenStock, Vexels still features thousands of free vector graphics and designs, organised into easy-to-browse categories. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 20 Best Websites For Finding Free Vector Art. Free postmarks vector art - Download Airmail vectors. Artful Home: Art Glass, Modern Furniture, Art Jewelry, & Fine Gifts. Watch Online. Please sign in using one of our supported services to begin saving your favorite programs and videos.

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Arts in Context. Please sign in using one of our supported services to begin saving your favorite programs and videos.

Arts in Context

We have updated our registration process. Please sign in using one of our supported services to bookmark your favorite programs and videos. If you have a PBS account, your stored favorites and viewing history will be safely migrated. By signing in, you are authorizing PBS to share your email address with your local PBS station to send you periodic communications about station events, services and support. Any other uses of your information by PBS are governed by PBS’s Privacy Policy Warning: Data migration for current PBS account holders is a one time only event. Arts In Context.

Arts In Context connects artists with arts enthusiasts to explore creative communities and conversations associated with Austin.

Arts In Context

By spotlighting visual arts, dance, music and culture, we hope to pique curiosity and inspire people to learn more about a subject, visit an exhibition, attend a performance or create and share something beautiful of their own. Visit the Website: Thursday, April 24th at 7:30 PM on KLRUSunday, April 27th at 1:00 PM on KLRUThursday, May 22nd at 7:30 PM on KLRUSunday, May 25th at 1:00 PM on KLRU. Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers.