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DIY Bronzer. Makeup Geek - Tips, Video Tutorials, Reviews, & More! This article is especially for those of you who may feel stuck with your everyday makeup look and desire to branch out, but just can’t seem to figure out the best way to do it.

Makeup Geek - Tips, Video Tutorials, Reviews, & More!

Whether you are new to makeup, or a pro, we hope you find these ten eyeshadow shapes useful! Highlights: Makeup is, after all, just a trick of the light. By highlighting certain areas, you can easily create the illusion of a brighter eye. Using lighter shades in areas to help them stand out, and deeper shades to add depth, pushing them back. Homemade Hair Treatments - At Home DIY Hair Treatments - Womans Day.

Eggs, yogurt and honey are, at first glance, all components of a tasty breakfast—but they also happen to be hair treatment ingredients, and affordable, all-natural ones at that.

Homemade Hair Treatments - At Home DIY Hair Treatments - Womans Day

And they're not the only ones. Did you know, for instance, that the oils in avocados more closely resemble our own skin's oils than any product in the beauty aisle does?