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Android. From Processing The primary goal of this project is to make it foolishly easy to create Android apps using the Processing API. Once you have Processing on your machine (and the Android developer tools), you can simply write a line of code, hit Run (Ctrl-R or Cmd-R), and have your sketch show up in the emulator as a working Android app. Select Run on Device (Ctrl-Shift-R or Cmd-Shift-R) to have it run on an Android device that you have plugged into your machine.

That's good stuff! Note that this code is incomplete and contains bugs. It should be considered "beta" quality. We currently have no plans to make a version of the development environment (the PDE) that runs on the phone, but that might be fun for you internetpeople to hack together on your own, and amaze us all.

Download and install the Android SDK from here. After downloading, follow Google's instructions here and then for the Adding Platforms and Packages section, do the following: Then restart the Finder to see hidden files: Jdf/ Pyprocessing - A Processing-like environment for doing graphics with Python. This project provides a Python package that creates an environment for graphics applications that closely resembles that of the Processing system. Usage is mostly restricted to importing the package and calling run(). For instance, this simple example taken from a Processing tutorial can be ported to pyprocessing as follows: The project mission is to implement Processing's friendly graphics functions and interaction model in Python.

Not all of Processing is to be ported, though, since Python itself already provides alternatives for many features of Processing, such as XML parsing. The pyprocessing backend is built upon OpenGL and Pyglet, which provide the actual graphics rendering. We hope that, much in the same spirit of the Processing project, pyprocessing will appeal to people who want to easily program and interact with computer generated imagery.

Processing in ActionScript

Java Processing. Processing js. OpenProcessing - Share your sketches! Quarks Place. This library provides a rich collection of 2D GUI controls for your sketch. It also supports multiple windows and a simple but customizable event handling system. G4P now uses double buffering for all visible controls and although it reduces the workload on the processor it requires more memory. When creating a control it is now necessary to specify a rectangular area of the display for the control, and the control must fit inside this area. So all visible controls (apart from GWindow) requires a minimum of 5 parameters. GButton button = new GButton(this, p0, p1, p2, p3); where the parameters are the applet responsible for drawing this component (unless you have multiple windows the value will be this) the x/y coordinates of the top-left corner the width and height of the control area Note: THis is the default order and is the same as the CORNER constant used by Processing for drawing rectangles and ellipses.

GButton button = new GButton(this, p0, p1, p2, p3, "Click Me! "