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Amber Smalltalk. Learning JavaScript Design Patterns. I would like to thank Rebecca Murphey for inspiring me to open-source this mini-book and release it for free download and distribution - making knowledge both open and easily available is something we should all strive for where possible. I would also like to extend my thanks to the very talented Alex Sexton who was kind enough to be the technical reviewer for this publication. I hope that it helps you learn more about design patterns and the usefulness of their application to JavaScript. Volume 2 of Essential JavaScript Design Patterns is currently being written and will be more detailed than this first edition. The ETA for it's online release is late Q4, 2011. For more detailed coverage of specific patterns, you may be interested in my posts on the Pub/Sub (Observer) or Decorator patterns. At the beginning of this book I will be focusing on a discussion about the importance and history of design patterns in any programming language.

Patterns are not an exact solution. Processing.js. 15 Javascript Web UI Libraries, Frameworks and Toolkits. Almost all of the rich web applications that we currently see on the web today rely on a subtle set of UI controls, libraries or frameworks (or toolkits) that not only greatly simplify application development, they also provide a consistent, reliable, and highly interactive User Interface. What more could you ask for? Currently, there are a wide varied range of Web UI frameworks covering varied languages – for today we will focus on Javascript Web UI libraries. Not all libraries are suited for every project, but most developers will still rely on a single UI framework, a faithful friend they will always turn to in times of need… …so, if you are looking for a fresh UI outlook, below you will find the best 15 Javascript Web UIs, all offering, to different degrees, solutions.

LivePipe: UI Components for Prototype LivePipe UI is a suite of widgets and controls for applications that has been built using the Prototype Javascript Framework. UKI – Simple UI Kit for Complex Web Apps jQuery UI Yahoo! CanvasMark 2013 - HTML5 Canvas 2D Rendering and JavaScript Benchmark. CanvasMark 2013 - HTML5 Canvas 2D Rendering and JavaScript Benchmark Tests the HTML5 <canvas> rendering performance for commonly used operations in HTML5 games: bitmaps, canvas drawing, alpha blending, polygon fills, shadows and text functions.

Important notes for Windows + Chrome users! [+] To get the best benchmark score for your machine, it is advisable to Disable VSync. Go to "about:flags" and toggle: Disable GPU VSync "Disables synchronisation with the display's vertical refresh rate when GPU rendering. " This will resolve the issue with the Chrome implementation of "requestAnimationFrame()" that tries to maintain a steady 60 frames-per-second (FPS) but on Windows with accelerated 2D canvas support, it will drop immediately down to 30 FPS when 60 FPS is not achievable with no gradual degredation. On Mac/Linux the drop in FPS is gradual and therefore does not affect the benchmark. So if you see the FPS counter drop directly from around 60 FPS to 30 FPS then you should do this.