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Infographic: Get More Out Of Google. Gamify Your Life: A Guide to Incentivizing Everything. There's few things you enjoy doing for it's own sake, there's eating, having sex, socializing maybe. Everything else is enjoyable because it has been previously or currently reinforced either by positive or negative reinforcement, like playing games, eating spicy food, doing sports, watching tv, doing art, science, studying, competing, etc.

The rewards you get for doing stuff you like doesn't have to be something primary like food, can be something associated to something primary, like food, and it still works. Like someone said, this is basic behavioral psychology and learning theory stuff and i wish the article would elaborate it like that. I don't have the reference handy right now, but I know that rewarding behavior that has it's own built-in pleasurable component tends to decrease the behavior.

That's the thing, "built-in pleasurable component" of things is called intrinsic motivation to do something, behavioral science challenges this notion. I think we are arguing semantics here. The Science of Productivity Breaks Down the Facts Behind the Best Ways to Get Things Done. Create Your Own Fast Charging, Cable Managed, Seven Port USB Travel Charger.

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better Than You Normally Do. Writing is a muscle. Smaller than a hamstring and slightly bigger than a bicep, and it needs to be exercised to get stronger. Think of your words as reps, your paragraphs as sets, your pages as daily workouts. Think of your laptop as a machine like the one at the gym where you open and close your inner thighs in front of everyone, exposing both your insecurities and your genitals. Because that is what writing is all about. Procrastination is an alluring siren taunting you to google the country where Balki from Perfect Strangers was from, and to arrange sticky notes on your dog in the shape of hilarious dog shorts. A wicked temptress beckoning you to watch your children, and take showers. The blank white page. Mark Twain once said, “Show, don’t tell.” Finding a really good muse these days isn’t easy, so plan on going through quite a few before landing on a winner.

There are two things more difficult than writing. Part of finding your own voice as a writer is finding your own grammar. Top 10 Ways to Disregard Authority and Stick It to the Man. It's not a misguided notion. While watching porn in public may seem distasteful, censoring it is a slippery slope, and probably illegal. Obviously the problem with a "porn filter" is the filter doesn't know what is porn and what isn't. You may have a pretty good idea of what is porn yourself, but your idea might differ from that of someone else. The filter just works on some fairly arbitrary rules, and will always fail to block all pornography as well as block content that is not pornographic. The ACLU has sued public libraries for this behavior in the past, and doubtlessly they will again. In Multnomah County ( Portland Oregon and environs) the porn watching happens as well, to the point where young girls (and boys) where literally being targeted by nasty idiots who would wait for a computer station, and then make sure they would sit down next some 14 or 15 year old looking up math answers or Pokemon or what ever the hell else.

It's not merely distasteful. Silence Noisy Neighbors by Transmitting Your Music to Their Speakers. Operators and more search help - Web Search Help. You can use symbols or words in your search to make your search results more precise. Google Search usually ignores punctuation that isn’t part of a search operator. Don’t put spaces between the symbol or word and your search term. A search for will work, but site: won’t. Refine image searches Overall Advanced Search Go to Advanced Image Search. Search for an exact image size Right after the word you're looking for, add the text imagesize:widthxheight.

Example: imagesize:500x400 Common search techniques Search social media Put @ in front of a word to search social media. Search for a price Put $ in front of a number. Search hashtags Put # in front of a word. Exclude words from your search Put - in front of a word you want to leave out. Search for an exact match Put a word or phrase inside quotes. Search within a range of numbers Put .. between two numbers. Combine searches Put "OR" between each search query. Search for a specific site Search for related sites. Beeminder Tracks Your Goals, Motivates You by Charging You Money When Your Fall Behind. Because nothing motivates me more than depriving charities of my hard-earned money!

Seriously, Beeminder sounds like a brilliant racket. No one ever went broke underestimating the laziness of the American public. On top of just pocketing the money, the only options are to keep the 'pledge' the same or set the penalty to triple each time you go off track. (this is their advised plan) You can quit at any time, as long as you give a week's notice. From their site: "If you do [triple your pledge] then the amounts you'll pledge will be $0, $5, $10, $30, $90, $270, $810, etc. " (I'm not so sure about the $5 * 3 = $10 math, but whatever) I would also prefer a charity getting a decent cut or maybe some kind of savings vehicle you can't touch (without hassle) for an extended period of time. Add the above options and a social aspect, and I might consider this.

There was a thing on QI a few years ago, about all sorts of nifty alarm clocks. That's pretty much what [] does. How to Get Student Discounts Forever. The Best Time to Buy Anything in 2012. NOW HIRING: Aggressive Go-Getters Willing To Steal From Vets And Widows. Apply At Local Chase Bank. The Technique that Silicon Valley Geeks are Using to Hack the Voices Inside Their Heads. This site is having ("something went wrong, please refresh the page and try again") problems today with the commenting and editing features. My comment did not take without several page refreshes; and, even though I edited the comment, none of the edits actually stuck. So, here is the edited comment as a new comment: I would be cautious about employing such a methodology. Family therapy involves real existing things — individual persons. Freud similarly engaged in potentially dangerous fallacious constructions of a partitioned psychology — the superego, ego, and id; also, the conscious and the subconscious.

While these constructed homunculi do not have any demonstrable innate reality, constructing them can have pragmatic utility. So, when it comes to IFS, I ask myself do the system's elements (i.e. managers, exiles, and firefighters) seem to be an accurate Periodic Table of psychic components, or not? How To Type Symbols, Accents, and Special Characters. Hipster Habit App. How Seinfeld's Productivity Secret Fixed My Procrastination Problem.

Five Handy Things You Can Do with Google's New Knowledge Graph Search. I'm actually finding it pretty handy. I was worried about the condensed search results, but it's okay. I still wish they would let it spread out more on a widescreen monitor. At any rate, for the obvious searches at least, it's nice to have that material right there. One immediate benefit (at least, I think it's a benefit): When I do a quick search on something, I can get the gist about the subject from Wikipedia without actually having to go to Wikipedia and risk getting stuck on one of my hours-long jags.

I swear, last week I went to look up something quick about London. 3 hours later, I'd read all about London, ancient London, Westminster, The East End, Eastenders (the people and the entire history of the show), the Kray brothers, and heraldry. 15 Automator and AppleScripts You Can’t Live Without. In-depth Apple advice for all your devices Our team of writers has been using Apple products for years, and knows them inside and out, as well as the ecosystem around them. We know these products are the center of modern life, and we make the magazine to match. We'll give you advice on using the tools that come with your Mac, as well as apps for your iPhone and iPad, and much more.

Most importantly, we tell you everything you need to know, from start to finish. Honest reviews and recommendations In every issue of Mac|Life, we go hunting through the world of iOS and Mac apps to find the hidden gems that help make your devices better. Easy to follow guides and original insight We make Mac|Life for people at all experience levels, whether you're just getting to grips with how Macs work, or whether you've been a power-user for years! The Services menu explained. (It’s quite brilliant, really!) This is probably the least used feature of Mac OS X, and yet it’s present in almost every application you might use. I’m talking about the Services menu of course, tucked in under the application name in your menubar.

I must admit, for the longest time, I never really paid much attention to it. At the surface, it seems like something useless (most of the options are greyed out anyway), so why bother? Well, it turns out that the Services menu is so awesome, that you would be a fool not to use it. Square One You see that application name right there in the menubar?

A Multitude of Usage Scenarios Compose emails with files attached by selecting a bunch of files in Finder, and then going to Services » Mail » Sent FileNeed to go through a long article quickly? Customizing Shortcuts Why go through all that trouble you must be thinking? Extending Services The beauty of the services menu is that it’s highly extensible by third party plugins. Adeu Okay I admit it. Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts. By pressing certain key combinations, you can do things that normally need a mouse, trackpad, or other input device. To use a keyboard shortcut, press and hold one or more modifier keys and then press the last key of the shortcut. For example, to use Command-C (copy), press and hold the Command key, then the C key, then release both keys.

Mac menus and keyboards often use symbols for certain keys, including modifier keys: Command (or Cmd) ⌘Shift ⇧ Option (or Alt) ⌥Control (or Ctrl) ⌃ On keyboards made for Windows PCs, use the Alt key instead of Option, and the Windows logo key instead of Command. Some keys on some Apple keyboards have special symbols and functions, such as for display brightness , keyboard brightness , Mission Control, and more. Cut, copy, paste, and other common shortcuts Command-X: Cut the selected item and copy it to the Clipboard.Command-C: Copy the selected item to the Clipboard. Sleep, log out, and shut down shortcuts * Does not apply to the Touch ID sensor.

Shortcuts News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Lifehacker.