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All Books: Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) 8 Release 8. Javafxports / android / wiki / Building and deploying JavaFX Applications. Prerequisites What do you need in order to build and deploy JavaFX Applications on Android? You need the Android SDK. You can download this here. The SDK is sufficient if you only want to develop applications (in the .apk format). If you want to install the applications on devices, or run emulators, you need to download the ADT bundle. Make sure to remember where you download it into. Also, make sure to download at least version 19.0.0 of the platform tools. Android application development using the The downloadable version of the Runtime has been reported to be successful on Linux, MacOS and Windows.

On Windows, make sure you have include gradle\bin, adt\sdk\tools, jdk7\bin on your path Create an Android project The JavaFX-Android-Runtime has a directory "android-tools". NAME is the name you choose for your Android project. Also, the android command, which can be found in the Android SDK must be on your path. Run gradle createProject with the specified parameters, e.g. ant debug adb logcat. DataFX 8.0 Tutorials. The best documentation source for Java developers is probably JavaDoc.

Hence, we tried to include as much documentation in our Java code as possible, for making it clear how to use the DataFX classes. You can find the JavaDoc here: You can also have a look at the datafx-samples project, as it contains a growing number of use cases for DataFX. On this page, we will also link to blog entries, articles, etc. on DataFX that contain useful information: articles WriteBack support in DataFX: link DataFX Controller API: link DataFX overview (German article): link DataFX concurreny: link.