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JSF and the "immediate" Attribute - Command Components. The immediate attribute in JSF is commonly misunderstood. If you don’t believe me, check out Stack Overflow. Part of the confusion is likely due to immediate being available on both input (i.e.. <h:inputText />) and command (i.e. <h:commandButton />) components, each of which affects the JSF lifecycle differently. Here is the standard JSF lifecycle: For the purposes of this article, I’ll assume you are familiar with the basics of the JSF lifecycle. Note: the code examples in this article are for JSF 2 (Java EE 6), but the principals are the same for JSF 1.2 (Java EE 5). immediate=true on Command components In the standard JSF lifecycle, the action attribute on an Command component is evaluated in the Invoke Application phase. And a UserManager to serve as our managed bean: And a basic Facelets page, newUser.xhtml, to render the view: Which all combine to produce this lovely form: Now let’s add a “cancel” button to the page, in case the user changes his/her mind.

Looks good, right? 2012-01 : REF 2014. January 2012 This document is for information. This document sets out the assessment criteria and working methods of the main and sub-panels for the 2014 Research Excellence Framework. The deadline for submissions is 29 November 2013. Printed copies have been sent to Higher Education Institutions. A summary of consultation responses will be available here shortly. Part 2B, paragraph 61 of the 'panel criteria' about the use of Google Scholar by Sub-panel 11 no longer applies. Table of contents and executive summary (read online) Contents Executive summary Purpose 1. 2. 3.

Key points 4. 5. 6. Action required 7. Further information 8. 9. 10. Selectmanycheckbox « Control « JSF Q&A. Communication in JSF. Notice This article is targeted on JSF 1.x. For JSF 2.x, please checkout this article. Passing action parameters from JSF to backing beans This can be done in several ways, with f:setPropertyActionListener, f:attribute and f:param. f:setPropertyActionListener: with the h:commandLink and h:commandButton tags you can trigger a method of the backing bean using the action or the actionListener attribute. This require at least a setter for propertyName1 and propertyName2 in the backing bean: Now the properties propertyName1 and propertyName2 should contain the values propertyValue1 and propertyValue2 respectively. f:attribute: with the h:commandLink and h:commandButton tags you can also trigger a method of the backing bean using the actionListener attribute.

Package net.balusc.util; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; public class FacesUtil { public static String getActionAttribute(ActionEvent event, String name) { return (String) event.getComponent().getAttributes().get(name); } } Back to top. NBDemoDynaFaces. Description This demo is part of the NetBeans Day World Tour and is used in the session “Technologies Used in Creating Rich Internet Applications”. The demo shows how to use NetBeans to develop a web application using visual web, JavaServer Faces, and DynaFaces that includes the use of AJAX and a tag cloud. Product Versions Supported NetBeans 6.0.1 with Web support (visual web) You MUST install the Woodstock 4.2 components and theme for this to work. Points to Hit You will be emphasizing the visual web capabilities in this demo as well as DynaFaces. Here are some points to get across to the audience. NetBeans visual web development allows for visual JavaServer Faces development. Demo Prep unzip the attached that contains a sample project, the code snippets and the plugin portal database.

Gotchas Make sure NetBeans is NOT running when you unzip the code clips. Demo 1. 2. 3. 4. enter "jdbc/pluginsystem" for the JNDI Name. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. AJAX JSF Matrix. Eclipse Java Server Faces (JSF) Developer | Visual JSF | JSF Designer. Tools for developers utilizing JSF | Advanced JSF Visual Designer This page covers some of the important features in the Visual JSF Designer available in MyEclipse. While MyEclipse has offered a Visual JSP Designer in the past, the advanced Visual JSF designer now available in MyEclipse offers many new features to JSF developer like dynamic analysis of build path to determine the taglibs available on the palette, and rendering of advanced components, e.g. dataTables and panelGrid. When opening a JSP file, MyEclipse will try to determine if it is a JSF file. If a JSF file is detected, the Visual JSF Designer which has advanced JSF support will be used instead of the default Visual JSP Designer. So for most JSF files, simply double-clicking on the file and it will be opened by the Visual JSF Designer.

All other JSPs will be opened in the standard Visual JSP/HTML Designer. The editor layout of the JSF Designer features a split-page with Design and Source by default. Designing Palette. Using multiple faces-config.xml files in JSF. A client of mine is interested in the segmentation of an ADF Faces application. One file we were particularly interested in segmenting is the faces-config.xml file.

Given that the faces-config.xml file includes all entries for managed beans, navigation and other elements it can quickly become huge and cumbersome in a medium to large application. Given a bit of spare time I decided to research is it possible to split the faces-config.xml file into logical groups? This post shares my experience in researching this issue. The value in this post is 2 fold; firstly from the issue it attempts to solve, but also second, the different avenues of research available when looking at JSF.

In a new standard JDeveloper ADF BC/JSF application workspace, the faces-config.xml file is placed under the ViewController project WEB-INF directory. At a guess I would say the FacesServlet is hardcoded to search and use the faces-config.xml file from the WEB-INF directory. Such a guess requires a little research. JSF 2.0,Spring 3.0.0 and Hibernate 3.3.2GA Putting them all togeather with minimal xml configuration! I spent almost 2 days putting these three together to generate a test application. The beauty about this app is it dose not have any xml configuration file except of course the applicationcontext.xml for spring.

And in that file also there is just the datasource defined. I thought of putting it down here in order to save somebody stumbling with the same some time. What Does the app do? Well its just a test application. It shows how to wire everything together just using the annotations. and it also shows the Ajax functionality and the templating functionality of JSF 2.0. and it also inserts some test entity into the Database Lets get directly dirty with the code Lets start with the applicationContext.xml file .. As you see all you have done is defined your datasource and wired it with entityManagerFactory which will be used by hibernate. As you must have noticed here we only declare the persistence-unit name which is used by spring. So now its all configured. Next is the DAOimpl class. JXXX Compiler Service. This is a remote compiling service for those who would either like to develop applications and/or applets but aren't fortunate enough to have access to one of the platforms to which the JDK has been ported, or who just don't want to go through the hassle of installing the complete JDK.

In addition to compiling you can view any compiled applets directly without having to download them to your site first; this should speed up debugging applets a bit. If you are using this service for the first time or are experiencing problems then please read the instructions. Thanks to Paul Phillips for the suggestion of what to do when the browser can't handle the multipart/form-data encoding type. Thanks to Ben Hyde for the suggestion to display the compiled applets directly. Back. JSF HTML Tag Reference - Data Table. JsfTool Demo download. HTTP-Request-Headers.pdf (application/pdf Object) DocsTutorials - yagle - Docs and Tutorials - Multiplayer board games.