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PrimeFaces. OpenFaces. Installation and Configuration — OpenFaces documentation. Installation Provided that you already have a JSF application, the following steps will allow you to use OpenFaces components in your application: Add openfaces.jar to the application libraries. Add the following libraries found in the distribution under the lib folder to the application: (Optional) If you want to turn on automatic client-side validation for all pages, add the following lines to the WEB-INF/web.xml file (see Validation Framework documentation for more information): <context-param><param-name>org.openfaces.validation.clientValidation</param-name><param-value>onSubmit</param-value></context-param> Using with Maven The following repositories should be added to the <repositories> tag in your pom.xml file to make OpenFaces itself and its dependencies (such as JFreeChart) to be available: <repository><id>org.openfaces</id><url>http:</repository><repository><id>jfree</id><url>http:</repository> Here's a dependency for the OpenFaces library itself: Third-Party Libraries.

OpenFaces 2.0 Release Note. OpenFaces 3.0 Release Notes. The main focus in this release is OpenFaces' compatibility with JSF 2.0 specification. No new features except JSF 2.0 compatibility are introduced in this release. The OpenFaces 3.x becomes the recommended version family for new development, however we will continue to evolve the JSF 1.2-based OpenFaces 2.x version family in parallel with OpenFaces 3.x family to support developers who cannot migrate to JSF 2.0 yet.

All new features and components of the subsequent OpenFaces 3.x releases will also be included into the appropriate OpenFaces 2.x releases as well. Installing OpenFaces into your application is as simple as follwing these two steps: Make sure that your application uses the latest Mojarra 2.0.3, which is required for OpenFaces Ajax components to work properly.

Once you've done this, you can use OpenFaces in your application. Here's a code of a simplest page, which can be used to test that OpenFaces works properly in your application: RichFaces. Richfaces-pdf.pdf. Chapter 3. Getting Started with RichFaces. RichFaces - Open Source Rich JSF Components - jQuery Extension. MyFaces - Tag library. MyFaces Tutorial. MyFaces - Irian. First free JSF implementation Is an oustanding environment for development of web-applications. As co-founders of the MyFaces project we are a key player in developing user interfaces for web-applications. MyFaces is a project of the Apache Software Foundation, and hosts several sub-projects relating to the JavaServer™ technology. The Apache MyFaces project provides: Complete JavaServer™ Faces implementation Several component libraries containing UI widgets Extension packages to JSF Integration modules to other technologies and standards MyFaces Support We provide professional support for the usage of MyFaces in your company.

MyFaces Courses We are offering trainings for JSF and Apache MyFaces. Consulting We are supporting our customers in using Apache MyFaces. Development We are developing web-applications for you or help you with the development of individual components for your web-applications. Apache MyFaces Examples.