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Blueprint CSS. Books To Read to Learn UX. Building a Winning UX Strategy Using the Kano Model - Jared Spool, at USI. How to make your own League of Legends site using NodeJS, Riot's API, and Express. Riot API - Explained! [How To Use Riot API] Software Developer. Aprendizado de Máquina para Negociação. Web Crawlers and User-Agents - Top 10 Most Popular. When it comes to the world wide web there are both bad bots and good bots.

Web Crawlers and User-Agents - Top 10 Most Popular

The bad bots you definitely want to avoid as these consume your CDN bandwidth, take up server resources, and steal your content. Good bots (also known as web crawlers) on the other hand, should be handled with care as they are a vital part of getting your content to index with search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Web Crawlers and User-Agents - Top 10 Most Popular. All Openings – trivago – Company Pages. Debug Node.js Apps using VS Code. The Visual Studio Code editor has built-in debugging support for the Node.js runtime and can debug JavaScript, TypeScript, and many other language that gets transpiled to JavaScript.

Debug Node.js Apps using VS Code

This document explains the details of Node.js debugging. The general debugging feature are described in Debugging. Supported Node-like Runtimes# Since the VS Code Node.js debugger communicates to the Node.js runtimes through wire protocols, the set of supported runtimes is determined by all runtimes supporting the wire protocols. .NET and C# - Get Started in 10 Minutes. Add the dotnet product feed To start installing .NET, you'll need to register the Microsoft signature key and add the Microsoft Product feed.

.NET and C# - Get Started in 10 Minutes

This only needs to be done once per machine. .NET Application Architecture Guidance. 12 New Extensions for Visual Studio 2015 and 2017. Visual Studio Toolbox.

12 New Extensions for Visual Studio 2015 and 2017

Deploying SimplCommcere, an ASP.NET Core Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Docker and PostgreSQL – Thien Nguyen – a developer. As a .NET developer, my primary programming language is C# and Azure is the my first choice when thinking of the cloud.

Deploying SimplCommcere, an ASP.NET Core Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Docker and PostgreSQL – Thien Nguyen – a developer

Recently, I have joined an interesting project that the customer requested us to use ASP.NET Core with Aurora database and host in AWS. They prefer AWS because they already have several applications there. IBM SPSS Modeler - O que é - Brasil. Inteligência operacional, Gerenciamento de logs, Gerenciamento de aplicativos, Segurança e Conformidade Corporativas. Appium: Mobile App Automation Made Awesome. Glaucia Lemos. Microsoft MVP Overview. Behavior Driven Design (BDD) – Validando o comportamento de uma aplicação com VS 2015 + SpecFlow + Selenium. Fala Galera, Quando nós construímos uma aplicação temos diversas variáveis para nos preocupar.

Behavior Driven Design (BDD) – Validando o comportamento de uma aplicação com VS 2015 + SpecFlow + Selenium

Essas variáveis geralmente são performance, ser escalável, uma boa usabilidade e atender aos requisitos de negócio. Existe uma outra variável que temos que nos preocupar também a nossa aplicação deve ter qualidade. E por que não coloquei a qualidade nas variáveis acima citadas, por que é implícito que devemos construir algo com qualidade ou alguém já pensou em construir uma aplicação sem qualidade ? Acredito que não. Porém obter qualidade não é tão simples quanto parece. Common ISV application patterns using Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Author: John Hoang Technical Reviewers: Dimitri Furman, Murshed Zaman, Sanjay Mishra Overview This article is one of the several new blogs from the AzureCAT team discussing common customer implementations and proven architecture patterns using SQL DW.

Common ISV application patterns using Azure SQL Data Warehouse

In this blog, I will discuss the patterns use by Independent Software Vendor (ISV) on SQL DW. Although the focus is on the ISV workloads, the majority of these characteristics should be applicable for common workloads using Azure SQL DW. Since its inception, SQL DW has been very popular with ISV. AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2018. Spring Framework DevOps on AWS. Como Google Data Studio pode ajudar o seu e-commerce. Introdução ao MSF – Microsoft Solutions Framework. Understanding Service-Oriented Architecture. David Sprott and Lawrence Wilkes CBDI Forum January 2004 Summary: Gives a concise explanation of service-oriented architecture, what it is, and how it affects what architects, CIOs, project managers, business analysts, and lead developers do. (13 printed pages) Contents.

Understanding Service-Oriented Architecture

Uma introdução ao Software + Serviços, SaaS e SOA. 10 Best IDEs for C and C++ Developers. High level programming languages are still the main stay of computation.

10 Best IDEs for C and C++ Developers

There are many languages which comes with lot of promise but are dead within few years of their launch. However there are some gems which emerged from the first generation of computers but are still very popular and relevant. C and C++ are both very popular and still actively used across applications and systems worldwide. These two languages are still active among programmers because of their powerful set of features and excellent security. C and C++ are those unique languages which every programmer should know, because these languages forms the base for popular programming languages like Python, PHP, Pearl, Java, C# and many others.

Online Certification Exams From NCSA. Introduction to Docker on Windows with Visual Studio 2017. Simple Collaborative Mind Maps - Coggle.


Artigos. Códigos. DevOps. Negócios. Games. IOT. Phyton. Ágil. UX. B.I. PHP. Certificação. ALM. UML. Banco de Dados. Client Script. .NET. Java/Android. A Linguagem de Programação Lua. O que é Lua?

A Linguagem de Programação Lua

Lua é uma linguagem de programação poderosa, eficiente e leve, projetada para estender aplicações. Ela permite programação procedural, programação orientada a objetos, programação funcional, programação orientada a dados e descrição de dados. Criando uma API respeitável - Desenvolvedores PHP estão progressivamente migrando para o desenvolvimento de APIs, já que há muitos desenvolvedores server-side. Tutorial 4: Make a Game in 60 Minutes. This tutorial helps you learn about the process of game construction, while guiding you through writing a relatively complete game. The code in this tutorial illustrates the technique described in the text.

A complete code sample for this tutorial is available for you to download, including full source code and any additional supporting files required by the sample. Understanding the basics of game coding is the single most-difficult step for a beginning game programmer. Build Your Own Portable Retro Game Station With A Raspberry Pi. Como aprender a programar sem pagar por isso - TecMundo. VMware. Download Microsoft® Team Foundation Server® 2010 and Microsoft Project Server® 2010 Integration Hyper-V Virtual Machine from Official Microsoft Download Center. Como o Twitter Answers trata cinco bilhões de sessões por dia? Nonfunctional Requirements as a Driving Force of Software Development. ContentsSo Download the Article (PDF, 82 KB) Patricia Rodríguez-Dapena, Independent Consultant with: T. Vardanega, European Space Agency; J. Trienekens and A. Safety, reliability, reusability, and portability are among the most prominent nonfunctional requirements at the system and software level.

Most practitioners know firsthand that the development of software intensive systems is a particularly complex endeavor, for it involves a variety of tough challenges. Non-functional Requirements in Architectural Decision Making. This article first appeared in IEEE Software magazine and is brought to you by InfoQ & IEEE Computer Society.

In software engineering, a tight relationship exists between nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) and software architectures (SAs). As early as 1994, Rick Kazman and Len Bass asserted that SA is intimately connected to NFR achievement.1 This idea has pervaded software development over the years and explains why development projects invest a lot into fulfilling NFRs.2 This general statement becomes more concrete when we consider how the concept of SA has evolved from a simple structural representation to a decision-centric viewpoint.3 In this perspective, NFRs serve as selection criteria for choosing among myriad designs and implementations.4 For instance, we can justify choosing a layered architectural style in terms of maintainability or portability, or choosing a particular database technology in terms of efficiency.

Software engineering - what is functional and non functional requirement. Treinamento e certificação VMware, e-learning gratuito da VMware. VMware: My favorite Windows 2008R2 template configuration. Virtual Hardware (VMX) template configuration: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 template configuration: Como ficar totalmente ANONIMO [100% Impossível de rastrear o IP] (KaliLinux) 2017 -HD - BR. Fresh Google Dorks 2017 for SQLi. Here is a List of Latest Google Dorks 2017. Google Dorks is mostly used over the Internet to Perform SQL Injection. Before Performing SQL Injection We Need to Find Vulnerable Website So, Google Dorks are the Small Codes that Spot Vulnerable sites Index in Google Search Engine. Many of Hackers & Cracker use Google Dorks to Test Websites Vulnerabilities. On the Other Hand, Google Dorks is also used by Hackers and Crackers to deface Vulnerable Websites. Today, the world of Darknet websites people are usually searching for Google carding dorks or google dorks for carding.

VMware Education. D-Wave Systems. The D-Wave 2000Q system provides a standard Internet API (based on RESTful services), with client libraries available for C/C++, Python, and MATLAB. This interface allows users to access the system either as a cloud resource over a network, or integrated into their high-performance computing (HPC) environments and data centers.

Access is also available through D-Wave’s hosted cloud service. Using D-Wave’s development tools and client libraries, developers can create algorithms and applications within their existing environments using industry-standard tools. While users can submit problems to the system in a number of different ways, ultimately a problem represents a set of values that correspond to the weights of the qubits and the strength of the couplers. The system takes these values along with other user-specified parameters and sends a single quantum machine instruction (QMI) to the QPU. Free Virtual Machines from IE8 to MS Edge - Microsoft Edge Development. Select a download Before installing, please note: These virtual machines expire after 90 days. Search results page. This virtual machine demonstrates the integration of Team Foundation Sever 2010 with Project Server 2010.

Criar uma máquina virtual com o Hyper-V. Crie uma máquina virtual e instale seu sistema operacional. Try VMware Hands-on Labs - VMware. CDATA SOFTWARE - See the World as a Database. ARToolKit: Criando aplicativos de Realidade Aumentada.