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Ainsworth Lord Estates

award winning Estate Agents and Letting Agents in Darwen, Blackburn and East Lancashire.

The Stamp Duty Cliff Edge.. - Ainsworth Lord Estates Blog. The Busiest December for the Darwen Housing Market Since 2006 Over the last six months, the Darwen Property Market has been flourishing.

The Stamp Duty Cliff Edge.. - Ainsworth Lord Estates Blog

As soon as an estate agent’s ‘For Sale’ flag went up, neighbours would be checking out Rightmove to see the internal pictures and compare the asking price to their own home (go on … admit you do that too – every Darwen homeowner does). Flabbergasted by optimistic asking price tags, those same Darwen homeowners stand open-mouthed to see a sold slip added to the board a few weeks later. Property values in Darwen are 4.3 per cent higher than a year ago. Paul Ainsworth Lord asks How in Many Darwen Paid Their Mortgage Off? Paul Ainsworth Lord from Ainsworth Lord Estates asks How Many Darwen Homeowners Have Paid Their Mortgage Off?

Paul Ainsworth Lord asks How in Many Darwen Paid Their Mortgage Off?

The Government’s Annual Housing Survey is 50 years old this year. It has taken a snap shot of the UK’s property market every year since 1969 and in the recently published report for 2018, it wasn’t a surprise that owner occupation is still the most predominant tenure, yet now more people own their home without a mortgage rather than having a mortgage as the number people buying their first home (obviously with a mortgage) has declined since the Millennium. The report also shows homeowners (mortgaged and owned outright) are, on average, older than renters and between the homeowners themselves, those who are mortgage free are older than those with a mortgage. A look back at the Darwen housing market over the last decade. - Ainsworth Lord Estates Blog. Darwen Property Market: 2011-2021 A look back at the Darwen housing market over the last decade With all of us completing the Census, a couple of weeks ago, it made me realise profoundly that mine and my family’s life, which from our own point of view seems unique and delightful, makes us all into a series of statistics for the Census gatherers to pore over.

A look back at the Darwen housing market over the last decade. - Ainsworth Lord Estates Blog

To digest and regurgitate facts, figures and trends for those who are interested in the ever-changing social circumstances of these islands. Darwen Pensioner Homeowners Are Now Worth £544,506,700 - Ainsworth Lord Estates Blog. Darwen Pensioner Homeowners Are Now Worth £544,506,700 How wealth is distributed will always be a contentious issue, especially as the Baby Boomers (those aged between their late 50’s and late 70’s) wealth has grown exponentially over the last 20 years, compared to the wealth of the younger generation.

Darwen Pensioner Homeowners Are Now Worth £544,506,700 - Ainsworth Lord Estates Blog

With most UK property in the hands of the older generation, with its total value about to smash through the £8 trillion barrier (up from £3 trillion at the start of the Millennium), is it right that so much wealth is concentrated in the hands of the older generations? As national house prices have continued to grow unabated (for example in the last eight years by 49.9%, whilst real take home pay has only increased by 11.8%), this has meant younger people are finding it even harder to get onto the property ladder and those already on it to move up it.

Looking at the older end of the age range for home ownership … (mostly without a mortgage) Darwen Home Buyers £518,193 Windfall as Stamp Duty Holiday Stretched to September… - Ainsworth Lord Estates Blog. Darwen Home Buyers £518,193 Windfall as Stamp Duty Holiday Stretched to September… …and new 5% deposit mortgages for Darwen first-time buyers The Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced two initiatives to keep the Darwen property market firing on all cylinders into 2021.

Darwen Home Buyers £518,193 Windfall as Stamp Duty Holiday Stretched to September… - Ainsworth Lord Estates Blog

Firstly, the £500,000 zero-rate Stamp Duty band has been extended to the 30th June 2021. After then it will phase down to £250,000 for an additional three months, returning to the pre-pandemic levels on the 1st October 2021. Paul Ainsworth Lord asks "How will the Brexit deal affect Darwen house prices and your mortgage payments - Ainsworth Lord Estates Blog. How Will the Brexit Deal Affect Darwen House Prices and Your Mortgage Payments?

Paul Ainsworth Lord asks "How will the Brexit deal affect Darwen house prices and your mortgage payments - Ainsworth Lord Estates Blog

Christmas Eve brought the news that Boris Johnson had conclusively agreed on a Brexit deal for the UK with the European Union. This gave optimism that the economic turmoil of leaving the EU would be radically reduced, yet what will this ‘trade deal’ do to the value of your Darwen home and the mortgage payments you will have to make? About us we are an award winning Estate Agents and Letting Agents in Darwen, Blackburn and East Lancashire.