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Aim Farmlands

Aim Farmlands is the agricultural professional consultancy that provides their agricultural farm for cultivations in Turkey or nearby areas. With our dedicated team’s assistance, investors can enter the world of highly profitable USD indexed agricultural investment opportunities in Turkey.

Land Purchase - What Do You Need To Pay Attention To? Knowing the characteristics of individual types of plots, you can start searching for land.

Land Purchase - What Do You Need To Pay Attention To?

One of the most important elements when investing in any real estate is location. However, in order to properly estimate the plot's potential, it is first necessary to verify its purpose in the local spatial development plan. You should also check the area carefully. It happens that the owner sells land occasionally because a farm or warehouse halls are to be built in the vicinity. Make the Best Deals in Agricultural Farming with AIM Farmlands. Do you have plans for the development of your farm?

Make the Best Deals in Agricultural Farming with AIM Farmlands

Perfect! We invite you to discuss them and find the most effective financing solutions. We have a solution and advice for any type of development: purchase of farms or land, purchase of new or used machinery and equipment, renovations or modernizations of work points, etc. The Walnut – Hard Shell, Tasty Core – Aim Farmlands. Very popular in winter – contains a lot of fat, but is still healthy.

The Walnut – Hard Shell, Tasty Core – Aim Farmlands

In winter, the nutcracker is one of the most important household helpers in many families. Because walnuts, hazelnuts nuts first have to get out of the hard shell before they can be enjoyed. Although the oval walnuts contain a lot of fat, they are said to have health-promoting properties. In Turkey, walnut trees are often found as single trees with mighty crowns in gardens or homesteads.

Demands: Warm Locations Preferred. Aim Farmlands. Investing in arable land and agricultural land is becoming increasingly popular.

Aim Farmlands

There are many different possibilities where and how money can be invested. Turkey offers opportunities for capital investment, alternatively an investment in agricultural funds is also possible. Agriculture – Investments that Strengthen Local Communities – Aim Farmlands. The “Agriculture” financing area is one of three main focuses of our work.

Agriculture – Investments that Strengthen Local Communities – Aim Farmlands

With our investments, we focus on small-scale production and processing. And there is a reason for this: According to the World Agricultural Report, these investments are the most effective means of reducing unemployment and poverty. Agriculture Investment Farmlands – Be the Smart Investor. In areas subject to land deals, insufficient consultation with affected communities is common, and respect for the principles of responsible business conduct is rare.

Agriculture Investment Farmlands – Be the Smart Investor

The non-consensual and uncompensated loss of land suffered by local communities often comes with little socio-economic benefits - be it jobs, technology or infrastructure. On average, less than 0.5% of the national workforce is employed on acquired land in most countries. In addition to the economic problems they cause, large-scale land acquisitions continue to destroy tropical forests, natural habitats and biodiversity at the agricultural borders. Water resources are also threatened: 54% of recorded land transactions are intended to produce crops with high water consumption, including in arid zones. An Upcoming Acceleration of Land Investments to be Feared. Walnut Planting in Autumn – Everything you need to know – Aim Farmlands.

Autumn came and with it the ideal time for planting walnuts.

Walnut Planting in Autumn – Everything you need to know – Aim Farmlands

Whether you want to plant a single walnut or you want to make an orchard, we have prepared below a list of things you need to know about this. General Characteristics Before we talk about planting itself, it is important to understand a few essential things about nuts. Thus, you should know that the mass of roots is formed at a depth between 20 and 60 m, while the air mass can reach up to 30 m, with the mention that in the first 2-3 years it develops very hard. Also, an important thing to know is that the walnut bears fruit after 5-8 years from planting, and the maximum yields are obtained only after 10 years from planting.

How to Invest in Agriculture Wisely? The direction and goal of pro-investment activities determine the possibilities of obtaining funds for development.

How to Invest in Agriculture Wisely?

Currently, investment in agriculture is a necessity to stay in the market. The prices of agricultural commodities are still fluctuating, and one has to produce, preferably large and cheap. The question is what to do to get out of your way in agriculture? Do you invest? Invest in Fields, Forests, or Meadows? – Aim Farmlands. In their search for alternative agricultural investment opportunities, many people are now discovering arable land, forests, and meadows.

Invest in Fields, Forests, or Meadows? – Aim Farmlands

What to consider when buying: Potatoes from their fields, eggs from happy chickens, and lots of fresh air: many people dream of living in the country or even being a farmer. However, entering this special property class as an investor requires capital and patience as well as a plan for managing the space. Agricultural and forestry areas in Turkey are expensive – also as an investment. But there are many farm management, and investment companies in Turkey that provide a good scope of investing opportunities in farmlands. Farms Investment – Things You Should Be Aware Of! Invest in Farmland - Is it a Smart Decision? Faced with a scary financial market crisis, tangible assets like farmland are attracting.

Invest in Farmland - Is it a Smart Decision?

We are looking for safe havens. Pinned down as the new investment, the farmland market is appealing to big investors.

Why is Buying Real Estate in Agriculture Right?

Why is Buying Real Estate in Agriculture Right? Why is Buying Real Estate in Agriculture Right? Buying Agricultural Land - Important Preliminary Considerations. Field, meadow, or maybe a vineyard after all? Depending on the intended use, one type of landscape is not only more suitable than the other; they also differ greatly in price. For example, as the quality of the arable land increases, so does the probable crop yield and thus ultimately the value of the field itself. A good field is valuable for farmers and much more expensive than grassland.

AIM Farmlands – The Most Reliable Farm Management Company in Turkey – Aim Farmlands. A farm management company can take many forms. A farmer who manages 20 hectares with his neighbors is an agricultural management company. It is very common! Often, farmers manage other people’s land with a commitment to leave the land free from occupation. It is a service to farmers (directly or indirectly) and non-farmer owners. Why do Clients Turn to a Management Company? The Evolution of Farmland Investment in Turkey. Situated at the crossroads of the Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East, and the eastern Mediterranean; Turkey is the 7th largest agricultural producer in the world. Agriculture historically being the largest employer and contributor to the country’s economy and GDP, with it still being the occupation of many Turkish nationals. To this day, it employs almost 20 percent of the country’s working population and accounts for nearly 5.8 percent of the country’s GDP according to statistics from 2018.

How to Grow Walnuts in a Biological Way? – Aim Farmlands. Gardeners know that any fruiting plant requires careful and timely care, and walnut cultivation is no exception. These healthy nuts can be found in the southern regions of the country even in ordinary forests, but it is not a fact that garden walnut trees will bear fruit better or the fruits themselves will be tastier.

As an addition to the country garden, the thick-leaved tall walnut looks great, and it gives a magnificent shade. Choosing a Landing Site Carefully Choose a place for planting, since the tree does not like tightness, the proximity of other plantings does not perceive well. Swampy soil is categorically unsuitable for walnuts, as well as too dense, sandy. Agriculture Opportunities - Aim Farmlands. Today Walnut farmlands in Turkey have been constantly increasing in numbers as more people and cultures start to utilize this nut in their cuisine. Turkey along with China, Ukraine, and Iran are some of the largest Walnut producers in the world. The benefits of Walnut consumption include preventing cancer, controlling diabetes, improving brain health, and boosting the immune system. Walnuts require a specific climate for it to grow properly. Typically Walnuts grow well in cooler climate environments, hotter climates especially over 38 degrees Celsius will result in burning the hulls and kernels of the nut, ruining the product and impacting the productivity.

Farmlands for Sales Turkey – Features of Buying a Land Plot – Aim Farmlands. Investing in Agriculture - Growing Population - Increasing Demand. TECHNOLOGY FOR GROWING WALNUTS FROM SEEDS IN THE TURKEY REGION – Aim Farmlands. Selling Agricultural Land - This must be taken into Account. Walnut Planting in Autumn- Everything you need to know – Aim Farmlands. Walnut Farming in Turkey - Everything You Need to Know in Advance. Risk Management in Agriculture – What are the options? – Aim Farmlands. Invest in Agricultural Land Brings You Superior Returns. Investing in Farmlands – The Impetus for Growth and Profitability – Aim Farmlands. Walnut Harvesting - How And When To Do It? Investing in Agriculture – What To Focus On? – Aim Farmlands. Real Estate Investment - How to Invest in the Real Estate Market?

Walnut – The Tree and How to grow it? – Aim Farmlands. Planting Walnuts in Manisa- Tips and Tricks to Follow. A Complete Guide to Buying Agricultural Land – Aim Farmlands. Invest in Turkey Property to Get Maximum Lucre. The Most Profitable Investments in Agriculture – Aim Farmlands. Why is Agriculture Important? Not everyone knows the correct answers. Farmland – A Good Investment, but only under certain conditions – Aim Farmlands.

Walnut Planting in Autumn - Everything you need to know

Agricultural Investment.