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ASTROLABE: Astrology Software, Reports, Books and Services. Astrology Software 101: What are the top 5 astrology software programs? - National Holistic Science & Spirit. If you are planning on going the whole nine yards into professional astrology, the following programs are some of the best on the market. These companies offer licenses to print out their reports and sell them separately on your website or to your clients through e-mail or snail mail. A few offer promotional materials to set up shop and note taking, report writing, wheel design and database indexing for thousands of charts. The Top 5 Astrology Software Programs: 1. Astrolabe’s Solar Fire Gold The pioneer in Windows astrology software, Solar Fire has been continually tested, polished, refined and elaborated since its debut in 1992.

Solar Fire Writer Reports Excellent reports by professional astrologers: Birth Chart, Relationship, Forecast and Astro Intelligence Reports Astracadabra v1.8 - for the Pocket PC and Pocket PC phone Import /Export Charts from Solar Fire Create New Charts: You have a choice of 31 house systems and 12 zodiacs. 2. Kepler Reports 3. Midpoint Report Midpoint Keys 4. How to Guess Someones Astrological Sign. Favorite This Article Edit Article Edited by David J, Brett, Vivek Kumar Rohra, Jack Herrick and 76 others Has anyone ever guessed your astrological sign? It's an amazing feat to perform and it requires research and practice. Ad Steps 1Look for people with strong personalities. 9Predict a person's two basic signs: 1) monthly sign such as Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc, and 2) yearly sign such as boar, rat, ox etc. Tips Fire signs are easy to recognize but sometimes difficult to tell apart. Warnings Everyone has different birth charts, so not everyone looks and acts in accordance to their birth signs.

Cafe Astrology  Astrology Signs, Horoscopes, Love. Astrology Software Matrix. Astrological Calculators. Astrology.