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Aida Gadelkarim

Aida Gadelkarim has a Bachelor’s of Science in Business, Business Service Management, and is currently a RMT. Since 2010, Aida has worked for Botanic Mind Body and Soul, where the main focus is holistic medicine such as women’s health, menopause, IvF, inuit, and fertility.

Aida Gadelkarim Discusses Acupuncture Benefits and Covid. Aida Gadelkarim provides high-quality holistic care for a broad range of individuals and many types of health conditions.

Aida Gadelkarim Discusses Acupuncture Benefits and Covid

Currently, the possible benefits of acupuncture for the treatment of long-lasting Covid-19 symptoms are being explored by a broad range of research studies to help those struggling with the lingering effects of the virus. In China, where the first known cases of Covid-19 occurred, many hospitals have prescribed acupuncture as a method of treatment. The basic premise behind acupuncture, as practiced by Aida Gadelkarim and others, is the careful insertion of needles at pressure points in the skin. Typically, this type of treatment method is utilized when conventional methods do not work.

Aida Gadelkarim Explores Vitamin Supplements That May Help With Covid. Aida Gadelkarim has worked to help various clients manage their overall nutritional care to fight Covid-19.

Aida Gadelkarim Explores Vitamin Supplements That May Help With Covid

Many types of vitamins and supplements can give them a better chance of getting the help they need to overcome Covid’s lingering effects. During the early months of the pandemic, experts like Dr. Fauci started to recommend various vitamins that Aida Gadelkarim knows help improve the immune system’s functioning. First, Dr. Fauci suggested Vitamin D as one of the most important vitamins to help fight off Covid. Aida Gadelkarim Offers Four Holistic Medicine Tips Amid Pandemic. Health has come to the forefront of our minds amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aida Gadelkarim Offers Four Holistic Medicine Tips Amid Pandemic

Many people are looking to boost their immune system to ward off COVID-19, the seasonal flu, and other potential illnesses. That’s why Aida Gadelkarim, a nurse and now a holistic healthcare practitioner, is going to share some vital tips for boosting your immune system and ensuring good health this winter. Aida Gadelkarim suggests starting with an inward focus on health.

“Before we even talk about supplements, vitamins, and all the rest, we have to build a healthy foundation, and that starts with you, as a person,” Aida Gadelkarim argues. “Reducing stress and ensuring proper sleep may strengthen your immune system and body as a whole. Aida Gadelkarim Believes Travel Nursing Markets Will Expand in 2021. Aida Gadelkarim Believes Travel Nursing Markets Will Expand in 2021 Aida Gadelkarim has watched the ways that Covid-19 has changed the healthcare market.

Aida Gadelkarim Believes Travel Nursing Markets Will Expand in 2021

An increase in travel nursing careers has been noted during this time. Aida Gadelkarim Offers Six Key Beauty Insights for Women. Aida Gadelkarim Offers Six Key Beauty Insights for Women Paramount, CA - ( NewMediaWire ) - November 30, 2020 - Many people want to look their best every day.

Aida Gadelkarim Offers Six Key Beauty Insights for Women

Yet looking good requires constant diligence and effort. For many women, this often means hours in front of the mirror or at the salon. Even with all that effort, as the years go by, maintaining your looks can get increasingly difficult. Holistic Health Care Allows Growth and Healing in 2020. Aida Gadelkarim is a vocal advocate and coach for holistic health care because much misinformation is hurting those who just want to be well.

Holistic Health Care Allows Growth and Healing in 2020

Aida Gadelkarim spent her early years studying nursing. She learned so much about health care and women’s needs that she knew she had to use her education to grow in a direction that would help people lead lives of vitality and wellness both physically and spiritually. Aida Gadelkarim writes about stress and healthy ways to combat it, vitamins and minerals that post-menopausal woman need, and tips for meditation in her blog and she travels and shares this information with people across the United States. Aida Gadelkarim: Perfect Beauty and Health Gifts for the Holiday Season. ‘Tis the season to be jolly.

Aida Gadelkarim: Perfect Beauty and Health Gifts for the Holiday Season

For many Americans, however, the holiday season can bring about feelings of stress and anxiety. Finding the right gifts for friends and loved ones can be difficult. Aida Gadelkarim's Recommendations For Starting A Meditation Practice. How To Start A Meditation Practice That Sticks With Aida Gadelkarim Most people agree – meditation is tough.

Aida Gadelkarim's Recommendations For Starting A Meditation Practice

It can be hard to spend time sitting quietly, and it can be even harder to get into the habit of meditating regularly. Aida Gadelkarim is sharing her top tips on how to make meditation a regular part of your wellness routine. The Benefits of Vitamin Supplements for Post-menopausal Women. As a woman’s body undergoes the changes associated with menopause, her nutrient needs change as well.

The Benefits of Vitamin Supplements for Post-menopausal Women

Vitamin supplements can help provide the nutrients women need to prevent metabolism decline and maintain good health, says Aida Gadelkarim, women’s holistic health specialist. Estrogen levels dip for post-menopausal women. Among other things, estrogen helps the body absorb calcium, which is essential for bone health. After menopause, women need more calcium — about 1,200 milligrams a day. While women should obtain most of this calcium through food, most women require a supplement to fill the gap, says Aida Gadelkarim.

Post-menopausal women also need more of what some scientists term helper nutrients. Estrogen also helps keep cholesterol down, so the loss of it, during and post-menopause, raises women’s risk of heart disease. A Women’s Health Initiative study found that about 6 percent of post-menopausal women are anemic. Driving Women's Health Support in the Digital Age. Adel Gadelkarim provides a personal concierge service to women for their health interests PARAMOUNT, CA, UNITED STATES, October 2, 2020 / -- When Aida Gadelkarim started her business it wasn’t oriented on making a dollar or finding that particular fashion trend that was going to turn into a multi-city franchise operation.

Driving Women's Health Support in the Digital Age

Instead, Aida Gadelkarim wanted to help women understand their health better, realize additional treatment available versus just standard pharmaceutical approaches from traditional medicine, and to address the holistic make up of a woman’s life, not just particular aspects such as massage or fertility or menopause. In short, Aida Gadelkarim aimed to fill the gap that she has seen over the years in so many different avenues exist, causing women to struggle to find all the parts they need to enjoy proper health and life balance.

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